Final report slams Biden for botched Afghanistan withdrawal

Trump is corruption, immorality, and unconstitutional lawlessness personified. He is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL who has been identified as racist and a fraud, fined half a million dollars for making libelous statements.
Deranged savages murdered nearly every one of the Lord's disciples because they also stupidly and wickedly falsely condemned the just men as wicked deceivers.
Prove it lying mooron
BTW Trump wasn't restricted
God you are stupid
The DEI WOC guard was not restricting Americans in general from visiting grave sites, she deliberately restricted members of Trump's party for no just reason other than political twisting of the rules so as to apply to Trump's party alone.
The DEI WOC guard was not restricting Americans in general from visiting grave sites, she deliberately restricted members of Trump's party for no just reason other than political twisting of the rules so as to apply to Trump's party alone.
Completely not proof
God you are stupid
The DEI WOC guard was not restricting Americans in general from visiting grave sites, she deliberately restricted members of Trump's party for no just reason other than political twisting of the rules so as to apply to Trump's party alone.
How was Trump restricted, ly8ng moooron
Deranged savages murdered nearly every one of the Lord's disciples because they also stupidly and wickedly falsely condemned the just men as wicked deceivers.
All we know about the disciples are legends that were written down many years after they all died.

Let us note here that the entire part of the world where Jesus lived and preached gradually became Christian until God was replaced by Allah and nearly the entire population became Muslims. The Romans drove most of the Jews out after the the defeat of Bar Kochba around 125 CE.

Why would God allow Mohammad to be born and do that? Tell us, Mark.