Kamala Harris' dangerous Soviet-style grocery plan

Show me where the Saudis directly deposited funds to pay for it and I'll show you where he took out a student loan and only finished paying for it years before being POTUS.

Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age | Newsmax.com

Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age
Saudi Billionaire Busted for Corruption Helped Obama Get Into Harvard - The Sentinel (sentinelksmo.org)

Saudi billionaire did help Obama into Harvard (wnd.com)
Saudi billionaire did help Obama into Harvard

Man Who Told of Obama’s Islamic Benefactor Passes Away | Canada Free Press

In October of 2008 Sutton appeared on NY1, a cable news channel in New York City

Man Who Told of Obama’s Islamic Benefactor Passes Away

Vernon Jarrett - Wikipedia
Vernon Jarrett

1979 article ties 'Obama's real father' to Saudi financier? (wnd.com)

1979 article ties 'Obama's real father' to Saudi financier?

Frank Marshall Davis - Wikipedia
Frank Marshall Davis


Where Did Obama's Money Come From? | Snopes.com 10-3-2008

Where Did Obama's Money Come From?
Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age | Newsmax.com

Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age
Saudi Billionaire Busted for Corruption Helped Obama Get Into Harvard - The Sentinel (sentinelksmo.org)

Saudi billionaire did help Obama into Harvard (wnd.com)
Saudi billionaire did help Obama into Harvard

Man Who Told of Obama’s Islamic Benefactor Passes Away | Canada Free Press

In October of 2008 Sutton appeared on NY1, a cable news channel in New York City

Man Who Told of Obama’s Islamic Benefactor Passes Away

Vernon Jarrett - Wikipedia
Vernon Jarrett

1979 article ties 'Obama's real father' to Saudi financier? (wnd.com)

1979 article ties 'Obama's real father' to Saudi financier?

Frank Marshall Davis - Wikipedia
Frank Marshall Davis


Where Did Obama's Money Come From? | Snopes.com 10-3-2008

Where Did Obama's Money Come From?
Is it illegal for someone to raise money for Obama's education?
Is it illegal for someone to raise money for Obama's education?
Where did his money come from is debunked in the very same article you posted. You're not too smart you hate filled old turd.

Claim: Barack Obama's education and house were paid for with money obtained from questionable sources.

Example: [Collected via e-mail, October 2008]

Written by a female Obama supporter who voted for him for president.
Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age | Newsmax.com

Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age
Saudi Billionaire Busted for Corruption Helped Obama Get Into Harvard - The Sentinel (sentinelksmo.org)

Saudi billionaire did help Obama into Harvard (wnd.com)
Saudi billionaire did help Obama into Harvard

Man Who Told of Obama’s Islamic Benefactor Passes Away | Canada Free Press

In October of 2008 Sutton appeared on NY1, a cable news channel in New York City

Man Who Told of Obama’s Islamic Benefactor Passes Away

Vernon Jarrett - Wikipedia
Vernon Jarrett

1979 article ties 'Obama's real father' to Saudi financier? (wnd.com)

1979 article ties 'Obama's real father' to Saudi financier?

Frank Marshall Davis - Wikipedia
Frank Marshall Davis


Where Did Obama's Money Come From? | Snopes.com 10-3-2008

Where Did Obama's Money Come From?
is obama running for potus now suddenly? lol.
you mooorons obsess about him alot. weird
You sure obsess about commies lol
Given you are too stupid to define it and show how it applies in the US, you are quite amusing
Communism and socialism may look good on paper but it has serious drawbacks as tens of millions of Russians found out after the 'voted' the commies into power

At NO TIME did the people of Russia or the Soviet Union ever vote for the Communists.
The Tsar resigned, the Duma elected Alexander Kerensky Prime Minister, which lasted about three months.
At NO TIME did the people of Russia or the Soviet Union ever vote for the Communists.
The Tsar resigned, the Duma elected Alexander Kerensky Prime Minister, which lasted about three months.
Communists lied to the people to gain political power and then brutal fascist tyrannical communists murdered tens of millions of their own disarmed subjected people for the good of the commie oligarchs.
Communists lied to the people to gain political power and then brutal fascist tyrannical communists murdered tens of millions of their own disarmed subjected people for the good of the commie oligarchs.

you sure obsess about commies.
you sure obsess about commies.
"A young peasant recruit to the Red Army, from an isolated behind-the-Urals collective farm,
approaches his platoon sergeant, a grizzled old veteran, and asks ... "Comrade Sergeant ...
can crocodiles fly?"
Sergeant: "What???? Why you ignorant shit-behind-the-ears country bumpkin!
Of course crocodiles can't fly! Everyone knows that!!!!"
Peasant recruit: "Political Commissar says they can!"
Sergeant, growling, "Well...... only VERY close to the ground!"
"A young peasant recruit to the Red Army, from an isolated behind-the-Urals collective farm,
approaches his platoon sergeant, a grizzled old veteran, and asks ... "Comrade Sergeant ...
can crocodiles fly?"
Sergeant: "What???? Why you ignorant shit-behind-the-ears country bumpkin!
Of course crocodiles can't fly! Everyone knows that!!!!"
Peasant recruit: "Political Commissar says they can!"
Sergeant, growling, "Well...... only VERY close to the ground!"
you sure obsess about commies. weird.
trump supporters. all are stupid.
There is nothing stupider than trading eternal life with Jesus for a few moments of temporal pleasure on earth.

2 Timothy 3

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.​
