Kamala Harris' dangerous Soviet-style grocery plan

Trump is an ignoramus, and knows nothing about economics. He wants to be president because he wants to avoid the prison sentence he so richly deserves. He will turn over the economics to his ultra rich pals at the Heritage Foundation, and they will loot and pillage the middle class as much as they can get away with.
Democrats 'fight like hell' to keep trump from winning the 2024 election, knowing that many democrats face prison themselves for the laws they broke in trying to overthrow the government under President Trump.

Hillary: If (Trump) wins we'll all hang from nooses
Idiots who think the economy under Trump was far worse than under any socialist fascist commie president in US history are deluded.
The statistics prove otherwise. Because Trump said it doesn't make it fact.
If you're referring to gas and groceries etc, you are a hypocrite. They were up because of the capitalist system.
Harris is stepping in to restrict the price of drugs etc so why didn't Trump to the same? Why didn't Biden do it? If he had you'd be screaming communism so I assume you're prepared to pay high prices. Why complain under Biden? It's the same system the country has always operated under.
Multimillion dollar homes are not cheap to buy or maintain, but Obama got his first multimillion dollar home right after signing up with Bill Ayers to expand the voting fraud community organizing platform ACORN, and this after someone mysteriously paid his way through Harvard.
Let's cut to the chase.
If your assuming somehow Obama was corrupt, show the evidence because I'm calling you a liar.
Btw. Let's not forget the 8 million Trump received from the Chinese and 2 billion Jarrod got from The Saudis. That's corruption.
these countries are socialist..and they have great economies

"The economies of the countries of Scandinavia are amongst the strongest in Europe. There is a generous welfare system in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

contrast this which the much vaunted economy of the us which is headed for a death debt spiral due to the failure to properly invest payroll tax revenues over the last 40 years

A similar but far more expensive situation exists with social insurance programs like Social Security and Medicare. This is because—contrary to popular belief—these programs don’t save workers’ taxes for their retirements. Instead, they immediately spend the vast majority of those taxes to pay benefits to current recipients. Thus, they are called “pay-as-you-go” programs.

In stark contrast, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis explains that “federal law requires private pension plans to operate as funded plans, not as pay-as-you-go plans.” The reasons for this, as explained by the American Academy of Actuaries, are to increase “benefit security” and ensure “intergenerational equity.”

Social Security and Medicare, on the other hand, have levied dramatically increased tax burdens on succeeding generations of Americans, thus creating severe generational inequality. And unless retirement ages are raised or benefits are reduced in some other way, taxes will need to be increased again to keep the programs solvent.

Federal actuaries measure the unfunded obligations of Social Security and Medicare in several different ways, but only one of them approximates accrual accounting. This is called the “closed-group” unfunded obligation, which is the money needed to cover the shortfalls for all current taxpayers and beneficiaries in these programs.

In the words of Harvard Law School professor and federal budget specialist Howell E. Jackson, the closed-group measure “reflects the financial burden or liability being passed on to future generations.” These burdens are $49.8 trillion for Social Security and $53.9 trillion for Medicare. Placing these figures in context:

• Social Security’s unfunded obligations amount to an additional $272,237 from every person who currently pays Social Security payroll taxes.

• Medicare’s unfunded obligations amount to an additional $201,932 from every U.S. resident aged 16 or older.
Those shortfalls are what remain after the federal government has paid back with interest all of the money it has borrowed from Social Security and Medicare.

Social Security and Medicare differ from true pensions because taxpayers don’t have a contractual right to receive these benefits. Nevertheless, paying these benefits is an implied commitment of the federal government, and federal law requires that these programs be included in the Treasury report.

The Treasury report estimates that the combined closed group unfunded obligations of Social Security, Medicare, and some smaller social insurance programs are $104.2 trillion. This figure doesn’t include intergovernmental debt, which is consolidated with other data in the report.

many of the members of this forum, know nothing of communism, socialism or even capitalism..

for example how many here have read marx, engels, keynes or mises ?

comrade stalin
wall street
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the nordic model

note how it is threatened by two factors
these countries are socialist..and they have great economies

"The economies of the countries of Scandinavia are amongst the strongest in Europe. There is a generous welfare system in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

contrast this which the much vaunted economy of the us which is headed for a death debt spiral due to the failure to properly invest payroll tax revenues over the last 40 years

A similar but far more expensive situation exists with social insurance programs like Social Security and Medicare. This is because—contrary to popular belief—these programs don’t save workers’ taxes for their retirements. Instead, they immediately spend the vast majority of those taxes to pay benefits to current recipients. Thus, they are called “pay-as-you-go” programs.

In stark contrast, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis explains that “federal law requires private pension plans to operate as funded plans, not as pay-as-you-go plans.” The reasons for this, as explained by the American Academy of Actuaries, are to increase “benefit security” and ensure “intergenerational equity.”

Social Security and Medicare, on the other hand, have levied dramatically increased tax burdens on succeeding generations of Americans, thus creating severe generational inequality. And unless retirement ages are raised or benefits are reduced in some other way, taxes will need to be increased again to keep the programs solvent.

Federal actuaries measure the unfunded obligations of Social Security and Medicare in several different ways, but only one of them approximates accrual accounting. This is called the “closed-group” unfunded obligation, which is the money needed to cover the shortfalls for all current taxpayers and beneficiaries in these programs.

In the words of Harvard Law School professor and federal budget specialist Howell E. Jackson, the closed-group measure “reflects the financial burden or liability being passed on to future generations.” These burdens are $49.8 trillion for Social Security and $53.9 trillion for Medicare. Placing these figures in context:

Those shortfalls are what remain after the federal government has paid back with interest all of the money it has borrowed from Social Security and Medicare.

Social Security and Medicare differ from true pensions because taxpayers don’t have a contractual right to receive these benefits. Nevertheless, paying these benefits is an implied commitment of the federal government, and federal law requires that these programs be included in the Treasury report.

The Treasury report estimates that the combined closed group unfunded obligations of Social Security, Medicare, and some smaller social insurance programs are $104.2 trillion. This figure doesn’t include intergovernmental debt, which is consolidated with other data in the report.

many of the members of this forum, know nothing of communism, socialism or even capitalism..

for example how many here have read marx, engels, keynes or mises ?

comrade stalin
wall street
The problem with Americans is they still believe it is a type of socialism which will destroy the country. They've been on a steady diet of that bullshyt by republicans who are on the take from big health.
The statistics prove otherwise. Because Trump said it doesn't make it fact.
If you're referring to gas and groceries etc, you are a hypocrite. They were up because of the capitalist system.
Harris is stepping in to restrict the price of drugs etc so why didn't Trump to the same? Why didn't Biden do it? If he had you'd be screaming communism so I assume you're prepared to pay high prices. Why complain under Biden? It's the same system the country has always operated under.
Marxists claim communist controls of businesses and the economy make people freer, happier, more prosperous, and more contented. All of that Marxist crap is a lie. Seizing businesses and creating price controls and regulations kill economies, not strengthen them.
Let's cut to the chase.
If your assuming somehow Obama was corrupt, show the evidence because I'm calling you a liar.
Btw. Let's not forget the 8 million Trump received from the Chinese and 2 billion Jarrod got from The Saudis. That's corruption.
You have not shown that Trump received dirty money under the table like the Biden family did, but mock and slander on. Millions of leftist Marxists do the same.

I have evidence that the Saudis put Obama through school and that democrats got him a community organizing job to get out the black vote in Chicago, working for ACORN and Bill Ayers, after which Obama purchased a multimillion dollar home in Chicago's exclusive 'rich and privileged' neighborhood near where Bill Ayers and his domestic terrorist bombing wife lived.

Obama seemed to never have money troubles paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for schooling with the rich and privileged and moving into an exclusive neighborhood of million dollar homes of the rich and privileged.
these countries are socialist..and they have great economies

"The economies of the countries of Scandinavia are amongst the strongest in Europe. There is a generous welfare system in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

contrast this which the much vaunted economy of the us which is headed for a death debt spiral due to the failure to properly invest payroll tax revenues over the last 40 years

A similar but far more expensive situation exists with social insurance programs like Social Security and Medicare. This is because—contrary to popular belief—these programs don’t save workers’ taxes for their retirements. Instead, they immediately spend the vast majority of those taxes to pay benefits to current recipients. Thus, they are called “pay-as-you-go” programs.

In stark contrast, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis explains that “federal law requires private pension plans to operate as funded plans, not as pay-as-you-go plans.” The reasons for this, as explained by the American Academy of Actuaries, are to increase “benefit security” and ensure “intergenerational equity.”

Social Security and Medicare, on the other hand, have levied dramatically increased tax burdens on succeeding generations of Americans, thus creating severe generational inequality. And unless retirement ages are raised or benefits are reduced in some other way, taxes will need to be increased again to keep the programs solvent.

Federal actuaries measure the unfunded obligations of Social Security and Medicare in several different ways, but only one of them approximates accrual accounting. This is called the “closed-group” unfunded obligation, which is the money needed to cover the shortfalls for all current taxpayers and beneficiaries in these programs.

In the words of Harvard Law School professor and federal budget specialist Howell E. Jackson, the closed-group measure “reflects the financial burden or liability being passed on to future generations.” These burdens are $49.8 trillion for Social Security and $53.9 trillion for Medicare. Placing these figures in context:

Those shortfalls are what remain after the federal government has paid back with interest all of the money it has borrowed from Social Security and Medicare.

Social Security and Medicare differ from true pensions because taxpayers don’t have a contractual right to receive these benefits. Nevertheless, paying these benefits is an implied commitment of the federal government, and federal law requires that these programs be included in the Treasury report.

The Treasury report estimates that the combined closed group unfunded obligations of Social Security, Medicare, and some smaller social insurance programs are $104.2 trillion. This figure doesn’t include intergovernmental debt, which is consolidated with other data in the report.

many of the members of this forum, know nothing of communism, socialism or even capitalism..

for example how many here have read marx, engels, keynes or mises ?

comrade stalin
wall street
Communism and socialism may look good on paper but it has serious drawbacks as tens of millions of Russians found out after the 'voted' the commies into power.

You have not shown that Trump received dirty money under the table like the Biden family did, but mock and slander on. Millions of leftist Marxists do the same.

I have evidence that the Saudis put Obama through school and that democrats got him a community organizing job to get out the black vote in Chicago, working for ACORN and Bill Ayers, after which Obama purchased a multimillion dollar home in Chicago's exclusive 'rich and privileged' neighborhood near where Bill Ayers and his domestic terrorist bombing wife lived.
Show me where the Saudis directly deposited funds to pay for it and I'll show you where he took out a student loan and only finished paying for it years before being POTUS.

Obama seemed to never have money troubles paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for schooling with the rich and privileged and moving into an exclusive neighborhood of million dollar homes of the rich and privileged.
His first book sold 900000 copies on the first run.
Lots more after that and then another book.
Your suggestion of graft etc doesn't stack up.
Just the same hate and paranoia.