Final report slams Biden for botched Afghanistan withdrawal

Trump deliberately gave away the store in a treaty with the Taliban, bu did not have the guts to comply with the shitty terms that he had agreed to.
Biden did not know, anticipate, or prepare for such a likely event because he is not a military strategist and had no business running the evacuation and military retreat show.
And Trump has all those qualities?

Biden was not following Trump's planned end to the Afghanistan war, he came up with his own dummass destructive plan.
Sorry son. He was bound by it and you know nothing but hate.
Biden abandoned hundreds of American allies who were not, as hateful racist democrats claim, "ratbags."
Yes and he should of. You're the one co.aininh about illegal immigrants yet want to import people from a known terrorist country because your soft in the head. Fuck terrorists.
Lefties falsely accuse Trump of things they stupidly imagine he thinks. Democrats accuse Trump of grandstanding for campaign purposes at Arlington when he never did that at Arlington and the fact that Biden and Harris did exactly that years earlier.

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Grow up dickhead. It was an official event, which you conveniently forgot to mention. They were not there at the behest of crying republican families and giving the cameras the thumbs up like Trump. You're a dickhead.
And Trump has all those qualities?

Sorry son. He was bound by it and you know nothing but hate.

Yes and he should of. You're the one co.aininh about illegal immigrants yet want to import people from a known terrorist country because your soft in the head. Fuck terrorists.
Biden was supposedly bound by what he thought Trump had agreed to with the Taliban but was not bound by any agreement Trump had with Americans about closing the border? Something sounds fishy here.
Grow up dickhead. It was an official event, which you conveniently forgot to mention. They were not there at the behest of crying republican families and giving the cameras the thumbs up like Trump. You're a dickhead.
The dummass leftist WOC DEI military guard insisted that republicans were not allowed to take photos at the cemetary in spite of the fact that democrats and every other American had been taking photos there for years.
The dummass leftist WOC DEI military guard insisted that republicans were not allowed to take photos at the cemetary in spite of the fact that democrats and every other American had been taking photos there for years.
No that wasn't the issue it was about using it for political purposes
God you are stupid
Trump COULD have withdrawn troops from Afghanistan while he was in office. he did not do so because he knew that any withdrawal would be bad for his image. He was and is a coward and is easily manipulated by his constant desire to gain publicity. Putin, Xi, Kim and even Gorban know that he is a vain, immature little man that is clay in the hands of any clever politician.
Trump COULD have withdrawn troops from Afghanistan while he was in office. he did not do so because he knew that any withdrawal would be bad for his image. He was and is a coward and is easily manipulated by his constant desire to gain publicity. Putin, Xi, Kim and even Gorban know that he is a vain, immature little man that is clay in the hands of any clever politician.
Trump knew withdrawing from Afghanistan would have to be done slowly, carefully, and with great precision. Biden knew none of those things.
Trump knew withdrawing from Afghanistan would have to be done slowly, carefully, and with great precision. Biden knew none of those things.
Trump signed off on a deal giving the Taliban everything and then he did nothing. He did nothing slowly, he did nothing carefully, he ignored the problem. His plan was to do nothing and then allow Biden to deal with it and then blame him.

There is no way that a surrender and a withdrawal can ever be considered a victory. Trump had no guts. He was chicken.
Trump had a similar attitude toward disabled veterans. He did not want to see them in military parades. He thought the French should not have permitted them to participate in a Bastille Day Parade in France.

And as we all know, he did refuse to honor the WWI dead at Normandy. It was raining and he did no want to ruin his perfectly coifed wig and his make up. And he said they were "suckers and losers".

Trump simply ignores anything that reflects negatively, like withdrawals or wounded soldiers. he respects only soldiers that are never wounded. Perhaps like Captain America. I am sure that he thinks less of Superman because of his weakness to Kryptonite.
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The Trump campaign did not use photos taken of Trump at Arlington for campaign videos. That is not true of Joe and Kamala's political photo shoot at Arlington because those photos did show up in campaign videos.

Biden, Harris lay wreath at Arlington Cemetery​

Of course Trump did
God you are stupid lol