Kackles walzed with her boy-toy, police-defunding, radical VP pick while Minneapolis burned

I don't know of anyone that would want to elect communism. It has never been an agenda in USA and if Trump is defeated , it never will.

Your main problem is because you know Harris will win, you regurgitate the communists threats etc.
It has never worked when tested. It shows just how far from reality when those threats is all you have as policy.

https://www.goldwaterinstitute.org/...9fzJ9Rv0kQfkCFqFCYlWLX5diPmmycHcaArPeEALw_wcB 3-7-19

American Supporters of Socialism Don’t Understand What Socialism Is

March 7, 2019



Marxism Underpins Black Lives Matter Agenda​

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https://www.goldwaterinstitute.org/...9fzJ9Rv0kQfkCFqFCYlWLX5diPmmycHcaArPeEALw_wcB 3-7-19

American Supporters of Socialism Don’t Understand What Socialism Is

March 7, 2019


View attachment 15667
View attachment 15668

Marxism Underpins Black Lives Matter Agenda​

again, we have two different words for them because they are two different systems. duh.
socialism is not communism.

the irony of your post is that right wing mooorons don't understand what socialism is, yet they whine about it all the time. lol

feel free to define socialism and say whether the us has socialism or not :)
again, we have two different words for them because they are two different systems. duh.
socialism is not communism.

the irony of your post is that right wing mooorons don't understand what socialism is, yet they whine about it all the time. lol

feel free to define socialism and say whether the us has socialism or not :)
You are correct in suggesting tens of millions of Americans don't truly understand the evils of communism and socialism.
https://www.goldwaterinstitute.org/...9fzJ9Rv0kQfkCFqFCYlWLX5diPmmycHcaArPeEALw_wcB 3-7-19

American Supporters of Socialism Don’t Understand What Socialism Is

March 7, 2019


View attachment 15667
View attachment 15668

Marxism Underpins Black Lives Matter Agenda​

None of that proves communism ever controlled USA. It's never been a genuine concern.

BLM was a movement of riots in retaliation for the murdering if black people by arsehole coppers. They were never linked to communism but given that handle when the right wanted to brand them evil.
Should we brand the j6 rioters as communist also? What's the difference?

You don't think much.
LBJ was certainly not any kind of communist.
What he meant was that those that lacked a social consciousness were useless in restoring the economy of the 1930's.

Again, the essence of Communism is that the state should control the means of production rather than the wealthy.
No Democrat has advocated nationalizing the means of production.
None of that proves communism ever controlled USA. It's never been a genuine concern.

BLM was a movement of riots in retaliation for the murdering if black people by arsehole coppers. They were never linked to communism but given that handle when the right wanted to brand them evil.
Should we brand the j6 rioters as communist also? What's the difference?

You don't think much.
Crooks, thieves, thugs, murderers and arsonists who blamed their crimes on the death of a black man who died while resisting arrest are supid, wiched, ungodly, and uncivilized.
LBJ was certainly not any kind of communist.
What he meant was that those that lacked a social consciousness were useless in restoring the economy of the 1930's.

Again, the essence of Communism is that the state should control the means of production rather than the wealthy.
No Democrat has advocated nationalizing the means of production.

Johnson pursued conciliatory policies with the Soviet Union, but stopping well short of the détente policy Richard Nixon introduced in the 1970s. He was instead committed to the traditional policy of containment, seeking to stop the spread of Communism in Southeast Asia and elsewhere.