Investigation uncovers fact that Cuomo lied about COVID and thousands died

Which wealth schemes belonging to private individuals were redistributed?
You mean giving g people a decent wage to live on.
Tax the rich for money to give more free money to leftists and blacks. Give every poor black and immigrant money to buy houses, pay for childcare, go to college, a cost-of-living adjusted living wage in place of working for wages, and enjoy the security of free healthcare, among others.

That's because white arseholes don't want to work.
But that is hardly socialism.
The greedy and lazy desire for their government to pay them money for everything and then some more money as if the government owes them a life of wealth and luxury.
Tax the rich for money to give more free money to leftists and blacks. Give every poor black and immigrant money to buy houses, pay for childcare, go to college, a cost-of-living adjusted living wage in place of working for wages, and enjoy the security of free healthcare, among others.

The greedy and lazy desire for their government to pay them money for everything and then some more money as if the government owes them a life of wealth and luxury.
You Christians are so hypocritical towards your fellow man. Not to mention a fucking racist with it. You hate the thought of someone you suspects votes democrat getting govt help but you use the system every day. You do t object to the hundreds of billions farmers get because they vote republican. How convenient.

You know nothing but hate. Read the shit you write and show me it isn't. You old parasite.
You Christians are so hypocritical towards your fellow man. Not to mention a fucking racist with it. You hate the thought of someone you suspects votes democrat getting govt help but you use the system every day. You do t object to the hundreds of billions farmers get because they vote republican. How convenient.

You know nothing but hate. Read the shit you write and show me it isn't. You old parasite.
I do not approve of corrupt candidates buying poor people's votes with promises of government handouts.
Tax the rich for money to give more free money to leftists and blacks. Give every poor black and immigrant money to buy houses, pay for childcare, go to college, a cost-of-living adjusted living wage in place of working for wages, and enjoy the security of free healthcare, among others.

The greedy and lazy desire for their government to pay them money for everything and then some more money as if the government owes them a life of wealth and luxury.

You are right Mark! And the Dems, wealthier by the day! Biden went from an average home to a few homes. Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔 Give a few bucks to the ones that sit on their butts, migrants etc and they think that’s enough to help America!
They are all up to no good! And it’s not for the people! It’s for themselves! They can care less about Americans! They want the power!

I'm sorry to hear that because I think it's a great idea.
Especially old people who get great benefits from those hidden benefits you don't like to talk about.
I know there are many democrats who see nothing wrong with the government funding democrat organizations to get out the democrat vote and government funding of giveaway welfare programs designed to buy votes from recipients of the welfare.
I know there are many democrats who see nothing wrong with the government funding democrat organizations to get out the democrat vote and government funding of giveaway welfare programs designed to buy votes from recipients of the welfare.
And only the democrats pork barrel. Of course. Those evil conspiratorial leftie bastards are at it again. They are so ungodly.