Investigation uncovers fact that Cuomo lied about COVID and thousands died

Trump did nothing for three weeks after it hit. Then he said it would disappear over night, summer would kill it, shine a bright light into your guts, drink snake oil yet you want to blame Pelosi and fauci.
You're a dickhead.
Trump restricted incoming flights from China because of the virus and four weeks later Pelosi had herself filmed downtown telling viewers that people should not listen to Trump and should not fear the covid virus.
No, of course that was not the only dummy who stupidly blamed Trump for covid deaths that were not his fault.
I posted the independent claim that Trump was responsible for 400000 unnecessary deaths.
But it doesn't matter because they were all bloody god botherers anyway. They're in heaven and that's where they should be.
I posted the independent claim that Trump was responsible for 400000 unnecessary deaths.
But it doesn't matter because they were all bloody god botherers anyway. They're in heaven and that's where they should be.
Trump was not responsible for covid deaths. That was Fauci, China, Bill Gates and other leftists in it for the money.
Common sense told you by putting covid people in rest homes it would spread but thats all he could come up with. Do not forget liberals rarely use common sense or logic .
Don't be dense. Perhaps you are unaware of the facts but democrats of all stripes and positions irresponsibly blamed Trump for the covid deaths he had nothing to do with. Democrats lie all the time. Even fact checkers quoted by democrats admit the truth about democrat dishonesty.

Democrats’ Misleading Coronavirus Claims​

This one tells the real story.


This one tells the real story.

The election rigging panel of leftists are dishonestly blaming Trump for covid deaths that are absolutely unequivocably not his fault.
The election rigging panel of leftists are dishonestly blaming Trump for covid deaths that are absolutely unequivocably not his fault.
But you can't prove I'm wrong. You defend him without evidence of his innocence. He was the POTUS at the time and should take the blame as you blamed Biden for everything else. You can't have it both ways sucker.