Democrats "fight like hell" to protect the 'right' of illegal immigrants to vote without an ID

Democrats are doing everything they can to reduce the US to third world banana republic socialist democrat s-hole nation status.

This article is more than 12 years old

Richard Wolff: 'They like a little radicalism. They have been waiting.'

This article is more than 12 years old
From Fox to Occupy, it seems everyone wants to hear what American Marxist Richard Wolff has to say about economics

Paul Harris in Chicago
Thu 19 Apr 2012 11.26 EDT

Richard Wolff sat in a downtown Chicago coffee shop and confessed he was having the time of his life. "I am a little like a kid in a candy store. I really am," Wolff said with a grin, using the sort of language not usually associated with the dry world of Marxist economics.

But then, the great recession, and the still-rumbling global economic crisis, has been good for the 69-year-old economist. He has gone from being a rare thing – an American Marxist – to something even rarer: a popular American Marxist.
Right wing blather
You enjoy looking stupid
McCain got special treatment in Vietnam as a prisoner whether people want to accept that fact or not.

Homosexuality has done a great deal of damage to people's lives. Just look at how many lives have been adversely affected by homosexual Catholic priests.

Those sinners who embrace sexual immorality must ignore God to get pleasure from the perversion.
God makes gays lol
But what if the pleasure one gets from sexual immorality is greater than God has to offer? Does singing hymns of praise 224/7 in the Choir Celestial with no sex at all strike you as somehow fun or amusing?
Are you defending the practice of homosexual Catholic priests pleasuring themselves by seducing altar boys?
Provide cite that he got special treatment. He refused to be released early, for example. 10-13-08

McCain was not tortured, PoW guard claims

This article is more than 15 years old

John Hooper in Rome

Mon 13 Oct 2008 19.01 EDT

The Republican US presidential candidate John McCain was not tortured during his captivity in North Vietnam, the chief prison guard of the jail in which he was held has claimed.

In an interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, Nguyen Tien Tran acknowledged that conditions in the prison were "tough, though not inhuman". But, he added: "We never tortured McCain. On the contrary, we saved his life, curing him with extremely valuable medicines that at times were not available to our own wounded."

Those priest were mostly heterosexual. But it seems facts mean nothing to you.
Heterosexual priests molested altar boys? You need to get your money back from whomever robbed you to teach you that nonsense.

Do not preach me you inconsiderate hateful person. You have learned nothing from your supposed loving god. You keep trolling a politics forum to proselytize your faith without any regard to other people’s faith. you are the worst of religious people. Much like irans mullahs and isis.
If you want me to stop giving my religious views you should stop giving yours.
I am asking you as nicely as possible. Do not invoke your god or faith with me.
I need you to know that I must preach the gospel to every creature whether they like it or not.

Matthew 28

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. 10-13-08

McCain was not tortured, PoW guard claims

Heterosexual priests molested altar boys? You need to get your money back from whomever robbed you to teach you that nonsense.

If you want me to stop giving my religious views you should stop giving yours.
So Trump believes Putin over our own intelligence agencies. And you believe the pow guard over mcccain whom you never say you don’t consider a patriot. Often people are cowards.

McCain could not raise his arms above his shoulders. I believe him when he says he was tortured. We even have pictures of a very weak McCain.

Patriots irritate the coward Trump and they irritate you too it seems. 99% of what Trump says or accuses is projection. Starting with calling Clinton crooked while all along knew he was crooked. And then he called military hero’s suckers and losers and badmouth McCain for getting captured. He is a despicable human being and so are many of his supporters.

Priest molesting boys does not necessarily make them homosexual. Your ignorance is palpable.

On you, intolérants will be intolerant, be it exposing others to their religion or pissing in community pools.

Carry on.
There is always controversy over what constitutes torture. McCain was not treated well as a POW and neither were his colleagues in the Hanoi Hilton.
The evidence of 2020 fraud in Georgia just keeps flowing in like a flood.

State of Georgia finds errors in audit
Read that. ERRORS IN THE AUDIT. Not fraud by democrats. Got it.

of 2020 election in one Atlanta county ( 7-17-23

Georgia investigation finds errors in Fulton audit of 2020 election

State election investigators blamed “human error” for mistakes made during a Fulton County audit of the 2020 presidential election. The audit relied on sorting paper ballots by candidate, counting them by hand, writing totals on sheets of paper and then transcribing numbers into computers, according to a consent order and investigative files obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution through the Georgia Open Records Act.

The consent order found that the errors were not the result of intentional misconduct.
Read that again. NOT INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT. There's your proof out the window.

(Hyosub Shin / Mark Niesse

July 17, 2023

Vote counters made numerous mistakes during an audit of Georgia’s 2020 presidential election in Fulton County, including double-counted and misallocated votes,
Again, no deliberate fraud.

according to a consent order recently approved by the State Election Board and the county.
Why do your also post your evidence that proves YOU wrong. Do you ever read anything? The facts are not in the Bible.
So Trump believes Putin over our own intelligence agencies. And you believe the pow guard over mcccain whom you never say you don’t consider a patriot. Often people are cowards.
John Brennan headed the intelligence services that lied about Trump/Russian collusion. He is a commie and a liar and I don't believe he can be trusted to tell the truth about anything.
McCain could not raise his arms above his shoulders. I believe him when he says he was tortured. We even have pictures of a very weak McCain.
Some prisoners broke under torture and cooperated with their captors. We don't know if McCain did or not but rumors are that he did.
Patriots irritate the coward Trump and they irritate you too it seems. 99% of what Trump says or accuses is projection. Starting with calling Clinton crooked while all along knew he was crooked. And then he called military hero’s suckers and losers and badmouth McCain for getting captured. He is a despicable human being and so are many of his supporters.
I might hate Trump also if I was not aware that the democrats were lying about Trump for unjust political advantage.
Priest molesting boys does not necessarily make them homosexual. Your ignorance is palpable.
Let's just assume that the homo priests that seduced boys were homos.
On you, intolérants will be intolerant, be it exposing others to their religion or pissing in community pools.

Carry on.
Leftists are the most closed minded, intolerant people I know.
Read that. ERRORS IN THE AUDIT. Not fraud by democrats. Got it.

Read that again. NOT INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT. There's your proof out the window.

Again, no deliberate fraud.

Why do your also post your evidence that proves YOU wrong. Do you ever read anything? The facts are not in the Bible.
Denying voter fraud is not good for America nor for those who deny the facts.
John Brennan headed the intelligence services that lied about Trump/Russian collusion. He is a commie and a liar and I don't believe he can be trusted to tell the truth about anything.

Some prisoners broke under torture and cooperated with their captors. We don't know if McCain did or not but rumors are that he did.

Let's just assume that the homo priests that seduced boys were homos.

Leftists are the most closed minded, intolerant people I know.
1. But you and Trump trust Putin.
2. Some say you are a Russian agent. We do not know and you have not disproven it.
3. Some would just assume that you are a “homo”, and projecting just like Trump - not that there is anything wrong with that.
4. Remember “falsifiable”?

All part of the cloward piven strategy of bankrupting America in order to destroy it. I don't really understand the thinking of so called liberals who have no problem with the fact that many localities are quietly making it easier for illegals to vote in order for democrats to hold onto power. I would think that someone who may not LOVE America but recognizes that it is or was one of the safest places on the planet. That's diminishin by the day under Presidebt OBribem's administration. How does your nation remain safe when the border is kept wide open by this admin allowing illegals, criminals, the worst sorts of people, jihadiis and chinese military age men to come into this country and disappear. I'd like that explained to me.

All part of the cloward piven strategy of bankrupting America in order to destroy it. I don't really understand the thinking of so called liberals who have no problem with the fact that many localities are quietly making it easier for illegals to vote in order for democrats to hold onto power. I would think that someone who may not LOVE America but recognizes that it is or was one of the safest places on the planet. That's diminishin by the day under Presidebt OBribem's administration. How does your nation remain safe when the border is kept wide open by this admin allowing illegals, criminals, the worst sorts of people, jihadiis and chinese military age men to come into this country and disappear. I'd like that explained to me.
Lol you think non citizens can bankrupt America?

The “King of Debt” promised to reduce the national debt — then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president.

Nah it's republican mor.ons like trump