Democrats "fight like hell" to protect the 'right' of illegal immigrants to vote without an ID

Non citizens are different than illegals
You are beyond stupid lol

I suggest that before you brag about how you are right maybe we should stop because You are just stupid
The only reason Democrats do not want restrictions that would prevent illegals from voting is because they want illegals to continue voting as they have been doing for decades.
The only reason Democrats do not want restrictions that would prevent illegals from voting is because they want illegals to continue voting as they have been doing for decades.
Some do vote and if elected again Biden will try to get them able to vote that was the entire reason for him not doing anything till election time.
the dolt there are between 13 to 20 million that sure could swing a election.
So yet again your wrong and the point is I sure can not vote in Mexico or Columbia or Haiti or other nation in their presidents election now can I.
You do not like the law to much do you.
Trump wants to be a dictator of America. Why don't you tell us how he's going to do that and what it's got to do with a law that prevents illegals from voting
Trump WANTS problems at the border, that is why the fat sumbitch demanded that all the MAGAclowns refuse to allow a vote on the bipartisan immigration bill.

Trump would not care of he won because a million of the very blackest Haitian Communists voted for him.
Trump cares only about Trump. He does not give a shit about fairness, he does not give a shit about freedom.
He cares about staying out of prison which he so richly deserves and getting paid millions for playing golf at his own golf clubs, because all his SS agents had to join his stupid golf clubs to protect his large incontinent butt.
There is NO WAY that 13 to 20 million illegals have EVER voted in ANY election, you silly snot.
There is a huge difference between asking a potential voter to show proof he is an American citizen before giving him a ballot or, on the other hand simply asking him if he thinks he is allowed to leaglly vote or asking him nothing before handing him a ballot.
There's a huge difference and that's why they changed it.
Call them what you like. Until laws are changed they will still be guilty of illegally crossing into the US without prior authorization and documentation.
I call them what they are
Non citizenscare not illegals
Unlike you, i am not a hateful lying ******
the dolt there are between 13 to 20 million that sure could swing a election.
Example: Giuliani kept claiming that hundreds of dead people voted in a particular state (I do not recall the details but can easily check). But in court he admitted he did not have a single name.

Here, kinda, from AP:

Giuliani concedes he made public comments falsely claiming Georgia election workers committed fraud​

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Example: Giuliani kept claiming that hundreds of dead people voted in a particular state (I do not recall the details but can easily check). But in court he admitted he did not have a single name.

Here, kinda, from AP:

Giuliani concedes he made public comments falsely claiming Georgia election workers committed fraud​

The fact of fraud was neither proven nor disproven.
The fact of fraud was neither proven nor disproven.
You had every chance to prove it but did nothing.
If it wasn't proven either way, you can't say it existed at all. In fact, that is exactly what happened.

Before you blast off with your usual diatribe of monotonous bullshyt, don't. Heard it all before and it got us exactly where we are now. Still no evidence.