Democrats "fight like hell" to protect the 'right' of illegal immigrants to vote without an ID

prove its fraud then, lying ******. duh.
these were state investigators from a red state calling it a human error, lying ******. lol
you never get tired of looking stupid. lol
The unrefuted evidence of fraud is proof enough of fraud.
Lefties love anti-American Marxists and perverts and slander good American patriots in hopes the leftist lies will hurt America in the elections. Demmies do everything they can, include commit massive voter fraud, to help the wicked seeking to overthrow American traditions and values for the atheist communist new world order inspired by the old nasty devil.
I ask again: was John McCain a patriot?
Democrats fight like hell to keep the names of the dead on their voter rolls until after the election, resulting in the staggering number of dead people who voted in 2020.

Fact Check: Michigan's Removal of 177,000 Voters From Its Rolls Is NOT Proof Of Fraud | Lead Stories
Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November

Michigan now admits after 'certifying' the 2020 Presidential election, that more voters should be removed from their voter rolls than there were votes won by Joe Biden in the race. Mixed with other suspected fraud, (like 141,000 ballot drops at 6am the day after the election) all the ballots in this state should be forensically...

lol "suspected fraud" = worthless unproven claims.

you mor.ons have nothing. nada. zip. zilch. lol.

feel free to show that the dead voters are mostly democrats..but being the lazy ****** you are, you wont. hahahahahha

what was the "staggering" number of dead voters, lying ******? prove it.
you claim to speak on what "lefties" "love"? lol.
god you are so arrogant.
Democrats are doing everything they can to reduce the US to third world banana republic socialist democrat s-hole nation status.

This article is more than 12 years old

Richard Wolff: 'They like a little radicalism. They have been waiting.'

This article is more than 12 years old
From Fox to Occupy, it seems everyone wants to hear what American Marxist Richard Wolff has to say about economics

Paul Harris in Chicago
Thu 19 Apr 2012 11.26 EDT

Richard Wolff sat in a downtown Chicago coffee shop and confessed he was having the time of his life. "I am a little like a kid in a candy store. I really am," Wolff said with a grin, using the sort of language not usually associated with the dry world of Marxist economics.

But then, the great recession, and the still-rumbling global economic crisis, has been good for the 69-year-old economist. He has gone from being a rare thing – an American Marxist – to something even rarer: a popular American Marxist.
lol "suspected fraud" = worthless unproven claims.

you mor.ons have nothing. nada. zip. zilch. lol.

feel free to show that the dead voters are mostly democrats..but being the lazy ****** you are, you wont. hahahahahha

what was the "staggering" number of dead voters, lying ******? prove it.
Democrats have been committing election fraud for more than a century. Those who claim that is not true are either ignorant or willful liars.
You need to be smacked upside the head with a rather large mackerel.
The Michigan legislature is infested with fanatically loyal Trumpling, who lie for their criminal idol just as you do.
nope thats not how proof works.
god you make yourself look even more stupid with every post.

god you are a true ****** :)
I claim Francis is a Russian agent. And if he does not disprove this claim, it is the proof that the claim is correct.
McCain supported many American traditions and values but he was weak on abortion and sexual perversion. He also referred to God-honoring Christians as "agents of intolerance".
Oh! Last time you claimed he collaborated with the enemy in Vietnam. And of course were not able to substantiate that dastardly unchristian claim. Liars forget….

To you being gay is perversion. To compassionate human beings gays wanna be who they are and wanna love whom they choose, haters like you notwithstanding.

As a side note, it is amazing how quickly gays were accepted by most Americans. For blacks it took decades and still not there. But gays were accepted in a couple generations. And I bet this irritates the haters. And maybe if Trump wins they can criminalize being gay again. We will see….
Oh! Last time you claimed he collaborated with the enemy in Vietnam. And of course were not able to substantiate that dastardly unchristian claim. Liars forget….
McCain got special treatment in Vietnam as a prisoner whether people want to accept that fact or not.
To you being gay is perversion. To compassionate human beings gays wanna be who they are and wanna love whom they choose, haters like you notwithstanding.
Homosexuality has done a great deal of damage to people's lives. Just look at how many lives have been adversely affected by homosexual Catholic priests.
As a side note, it is amazing how quickly gays were accepted by most Americans. For blacks it took decades and still not there. But gays were accepted in a couple generations. And I bet this irritates the haters. And maybe if Trump wins they can criminalize being gay again. We will see….
Those sinners who embrace sexual immorality must ignore God to get pleasure from the perversion.
McCain got special treatment in Vietnam as a prisoner whether people want to accept that fact or not.

Homosexuality has done a great deal of damage to people's lives. Just look at how many lives have been adversely affected by homosexual Catholic priests.

Those sinners who embrace sexual immorality must ignore God to get pleasure from the perversion.
But what if the pleasure one gets from sexual immorality is greater than God has to offer? Does singing hymns of praise 224/7 in the Choir Celestial with no sex at all strike you as somehow fun or amusing?
McCain got special treatment in Vietnam as a prisoner whether people want to accept that fact or not.

Homosexuality has done a great deal of damage to people's lives. Just look at how many lives have been adversely affected by homosexual Catholic priests.

Those sinners who embrace sexual immorality must ignore God to get pleasure from the perversion.
Provide cite that he got special treatment. He refused to be released early, for example.

Those priest were mostly heterosexual. But it seems facts mean nothing to you.

Do not preach me you inconsiderate hateful person. You have learned nothing from your supposed loving god. You keep trolling a politics forum to proselytize your faith without any regard to other people’s faith. you are the worst of religious people. Much like irans mullahs and isis.

I am asking you as nicely as possible. Do not invoke your god or faith with me.
No one has ever accused McCain of being gay.
He was tortured by other POWs and his treatment was decided upon by his captors.