Democrats "fight like hell" to protect the 'right' of illegal immigrants to vote without an ID

claiming voter fraud without proof is hateful anti-american behavior.
Americans who 'fight like hell' against obeying existing election laws, 'fight like hell' against new election security laws, 'fight like hell' against examining evidence of voting fraud, and 'fight like hell' against any questioning of elections that appear to have been won by fraud are in no position to challenge investigations into credible reports of election fraud.
1. But you and Trump trust Putin.
Wrong ASSumption.
2. Some say you are a Russian agent. We do not know and you have not disproven it.
Those same people are likely to believe there are thousands of gods or no God at all and likely to believe aliens invented original life on earth without God.
3. Some would just assume that you are a “homo”, and projecting just like Trump - not that there is anything wrong with that.
I have been assaulted by homos in my life but I always successfully rebuffed their assaults and never became one of them.
4. Remember “falsifiable”?
Falsifiable is a word atheists use to convince themselves that there is no supernatural realm out of reach of human examination.
Lol you think non citizens can bankrupt America?

The “King of Debt” promised to reduce the national debt — then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president.

Nah it's republican mor.ons like trump
What's a few dozen billion dollars to pay invading immigrants when the US can print all the money it needs, AMMIRIGHT?
It can be legitimately denied if there's no evidence it happened.
You made a idiot of yourself again.
Corrupt democrat official in stupid charge: I cannot allow you to begin investigating voter fraud because you do not yet have the evidence to prove you will find the evidence if you look. However, you can investigate President Trump for years and spend all the millions of dollars you need in search of dirt on him because he is an existensential threat to democracy and is to presumed to be guilty of charges before any crime is even found.
Corrupt democrat official in stupid charge: I cannot allow you to begin investigating voter fraud because you do not yet have the evidence to prove you will find the evidence if you look.
That's correct. The electoral people checked three times.

However, you can investigate President Trump for years and spend all the millions of dollars you need in search of dirt on him because he is an existensential threat to democracy and is to presumed to be guilty of charges before any crime is even found.
No. Trump's big mouth and his dick made it impossible to ignore. He will be found guilty and you'll stop looking a dickhead. You will be a confirmed one.
Those same people are likely to believe there are thousands of gods or no God at all and likely to believe aliens invented original life on earth without God.

I have been assaulted by homos in my life but I always successfully rebuffed their assaults and never became one of them.
That nonsensical word salad aside, you did not deny that you have not disproven those who might think you are a Russian agent.

And “homos” attack others “homos” all the time.
That nonsensical word salad aside, you did not deny that you have not disproven those who might think you are a Russian agent.

And “homos” attack others “homos” all the time.
Little boys and male students are not safe around homosexual leaders and instructors like Jerry Sandusky.
Little boys and male students are not safe around homosexual leaders and instructors like Jerry Sandusky.
You have a lot of obsessions
And little girls aren't safe about molesters who like little girls
Your obsession with gays isn't normal
It can be legitimately denied if there's no evidence it happened.
You made a idiot of yourself again.
There is NO evidence that there was any amount of fraud that would have changed the results of the 2020 election.
Trump is an asshole, and all of you fools know it. He will never admit defeat, no matter how guilty or wrong he is. He lies about everything every chance he gets.
Who are the Idiots here? Trump and his MAGAmorons!
Are you defending the practice of homosexual Catholic priests pleasuring themselves by seducing altar boys?
Why would I do that? Do you have personal evidence that buggering altarboys is greater pleasure than singing for all eternity in the Choir Celestial?