Democrats "fight like hell" to protect the 'right' of illegal immigrants to vote without an ID

You had every chance to prove it but did nothing.
If it wasn't proven either way, you can't say it existed at all. In fact, that is exactly what happened.

Before you blast off with your usual diatribe of monotonous bullshyt, don't. Heard it all before and it got us exactly where we are now. Still no evidence.
The evidence of 2020 fraud in Georgia just keeps flowing in like a flood.

State of Georgia finds errors in audit of 2020 election in one Atlanta county ( 7-17-23

Georgia investigation finds errors in Fulton audit of 2020 election

State election investigators blamed “human error” for mistakes made during a Fulton County audit of the 2020 presidential election. The audit relied on sorting paper ballots by candidate, counting them by hand, writing totals on sheets of paper and then transcribing numbers into computers, according to a consent order and investigative files obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution through the Georgia Open Records Act. The consent order found that the errors were not the result of intentional misconduct. (Hyosub Shin / Mark Niesse

July 17, 2023

Vote counters made numerous mistakes during an audit of Georgia’s 2020 presidential election in Fulton County, including double-counted and misallocated votes, according to a consent order recently approved by the State Election Board and the county.
The evidence of 2020 fraud in Georgia just keeps flowing in like a flood.

State of Georgia finds errors in audit of 2020 election in one Atlanta county ( 7-17-23

Georgia investigation finds errors in Fulton audit of 2020 election

State election investigators blamed “human error” for mistakes made during a Fulton County audit of the 2020 presidential election. The audit relied on sorting paper ballots by candidate, counting them by hand, writing totals on sheets of paper and then transcribing numbers into computers, according to a consent order and investigative files obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution through the Georgia Open Records Act. The consent order found that the errors were not the result of intentional misconduct. (Hyosub Shin / Mark Niesse

July 17, 2023

Vote counters made numerous mistakes during an audit of Georgia’s 2020 presidential election in Fulton County, including double-counted and misallocated votes, according to a consent order recently approved by the State Election Board and the county.
Human errors are not fraud
Your stupidity does keep flooding in however
yes mark is right about the subject overall . Liberals love illegals at least till it cost them money . Its almost like they were trying to replace blacks by importing cheaper labor kids .
yes mark is right about the subject overall . Liberals love illegals at least till it cost them money . Its almost like they were trying to replace blacks by importing cheaper labor kids .
you and mark are mor.ons who think you can speak on behalf of what liberals love. lol.
from your link:

The finding doesn’t change the outcome of the audit, which showed that Democrat Joe Biden defeated Republican Donald Trump in Georgia. The audit supported two machine counts that found Biden won by about 12,000 votes.
The number of types and occassions of fraud in Georgia is mind-numbing. A judge sealed a pallet load of pristine ballots right off the press because those ballots proved fraud, but after months of cooling off the judge simply dismissed the case and nobody looked at the ballots. The democrats continued to lie about the mimeographed ballots and to keep away from the prying eyes of concerned voters.

Judge dismisses lawsuit seeking a deep inspection of Georgia ballots ( 10-13-21

Georgia ballot inspection case dismissed after no fraud found

Last major lawsuit over state’s 2020 election thrown out

Superior Court Judge Brian Amero on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit seeking to inspect 147,000 absentee ballots from Fulton County to search for counterfeits. (Alyssa Pointer /

By Mark Niesse

Updated Oct 13, 2021

A judge dismissed a lawsuit Wednesday by Donald Trump supporters who sought to inspect absentee ballots from last year’s presidential election, a decision that came a day after Georgia investigators told the court they were unable to find any counterfeit ballots.

Superior Court Judge Brian Amero’s ruling ended the last remaining major lawsuit over Georgia’s 2020 election and prevented an outside review of Fulton County’s 147,000 original absentee ballots.
The Republicans are against criminal aliens, but think that we should elect a convicted criminal married to an alien.
The number of types and occassions of fraud in Georgia is mind-numbing. A judge sealed a pallet load of pristine ballots right off the press because those ballots proved fraud, but after months of cooling off the judge simply dismissed the case and nobody looked at the ballots. The democrats continued to lie about the mimeographed ballots and to keep away from the prying eyes of concerned voters.

Judge dismisses lawsuit seeking a deep inspection of Georgia ballots ( 10-13-21

Georgia ballot inspection case dismissed after no fraud found

Last major lawsuit over state’s 2020 election thrown out

Superior Court Judge Brian Amero on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit seeking to inspect 147,000 absentee ballots from Fulton County to search for counterfeits. (Alyssa Pointer /

By Mark Niesse

Updated Oct 13, 2021

A judge dismissed a lawsuit Wednesday by Donald Trump supporters who sought to inspect absentee ballots from last year’s presidential election, a decision that came a day after Georgia investigators told the court they were unable to find any counterfeit ballots.

Superior Court Judge Brian Amero’s ruling ended the last remaining major lawsuit over Georgia’s 2020 election and prevented an outside review of Fulton County’s 147,000 original absentee ballots.
yes, you mor.ons have no credible evidence of fraud. duh. lol
Human errors are not fraud
Your stupidity does keep flooding in however
When the democrats getcaught they just claim it was some excusable minor error. Democrats commit fraud, tear down election securities, fight against new election securities, and gullible democrat cultists believe democrats and voters who vote democrat would never do anything wrong.
When the democrats getcaught they just claim it was some excusable minor error. Democrats commit fraud, tear down election securities, fight against new election securities, and gullible democrat cultists believe democrats and voters who vote democrat would never do anything wrong.

prove its fraud then, lying ******. duh.
these were state investigators from a red state calling it a human error, lying ******. lol
you never get tired of looking stupid. lol
The Republicans are against criminal aliens, but think that we should elect a convicted criminal married to an alien.
Lefties love anti-American Marxists and perverts and slander good American patriots in hopes the leftist lies will hurt America in the elections. Demmies do everything they can, include commit massive voter fraud, to help the wicked seeking to overthrow American traditions and values for the atheist communist new world order inspired by the old nasty devil.
Lefties love anti-American Marxists and perverts and slander good American patriots in hopes the leftist lies will hurt America in the elections. Demmies do everything they can, include commit massive voter fraud, to help the wicked seeking to overthrow American traditions and values for the atheist communist new world order inspired by the old nasty devil.

you claim to speak on what "lefties" "love"? lol.
god you are so arrogant.
yes, you mor.ons have no credible evidence of fraud. duh. lol
Democrats fight like hell to keep the names of the dead on their voter rolls until after the election, resulting in the staggering number of dead people who voted in 2020.

Fact Check: Michigan's Removal of 177,000 Voters From Its Rolls Is NOT Proof Of Fraud | Lead Stories
Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November

Michigan now admits after 'certifying' the 2020 Presidential election, that more voters should be removed from their voter rolls than there were votes won by Joe Biden in the race. Mixed with other suspected fraud, (like 141,000 ballot drops at 6am the day after the election) all the ballots in this state should be forensically...