Al Gore Lies About Gloabl Warming Scandal

There's this thing called weather. Perhaps you've heard of it? Average temperatures over the entire world have risen by something like 1 degree. If bad weather would have made the temperature near where you live -10 degrees in the absence of global warming, then with the presence of it you'll be experiencing -9 degree temperatures instead and you'll still be freezing your nads off. That's a gross oversimplification of course, but hopefully it gets the point across.

Also, your second paragraph is completely divorced from anything the experts are saying. Why don't you decide whether you'd rather debate global warming or some stupid caricature of it.

You need to watch Fat Al's stupid propaganda movie An Inconvenient Truth (really it should be entitled A Convenient Lie). My second paragraph summarizes much of the movie and Fat Al cites "scientists" who agree with him...

You are right. It is the weather and man has no control over it.

And many scientists claim the past 10 years have actually cooled. So, again, how can we be cooling if we are warming???

CLIMATE CRISIS....WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...but we can all be saved by one world Marxist government.
North America and Europe are suffering under one of the coldest winters on record. This is a fact.

Now, global warming is a fact and we only have a few years left before catastrophic warming will result in the melting of the Artic and the flooding of all coast lines will occur unless we dramatically reduce CO2 emissions and impose Marxism (all statements made by the global warmers)...

How the hell can we be incurring a very cold winter??? ~ Gipper

Because of the physical properties of the water molecule, of which the ice sheets that are melting are made of.

Pay close attention: Chemists know, while laymen do not, that molecules have certian physical properties inherant to themselves. Besides electric bonding between the atoms there is also the physical arrangement of the atoms around each other. Also there is what is called "specific heat". Water happens to have a very high specific heat in comparison to other molecules.

What this means in laymen's terms is that in order for water-ice to melt into liquid-water it requires an absorption of massive amounts of heat in order to do so while it is melting. That's why water-ice makes an excellent climate controller on our polar ice sheets. Without that protection, we would fry on our little blue marble. Normally the ice sheets advance and retreat with the seasons and as they do so they regulate the earth's overall heat [not localized]. The problem is when we notice huge sheets of ice breaking away and an alarming increase in melting that is not typical for seasonal averages. That is FACTUALLY what is happening. When you talk about losing massive continent-sized portions of ice from our poles, think of it like having an air conditioner that is deceptively still working leaking coolant in Chicago in the Summer, a Summer that once the thing goes for good will be never-ending.

I like Sheepish's summation of the absence of willingness of these moles like asur who probably are on payroll for petrolium companies, payed to post at sites like these with their repetitive refusing-to-assess facts personas. If we just refuse to believe illegal immigration is a problem in this country, then it isn't anymore. I would say overall that if you want to talk about using visibility to confirm a problem, a huge continent-sized ice chunk in broad daylight beats a handful of camouflaged illegals sneaking over the border at night.
PLC1 wrote -

The Global Warming alarmists aren't saying it because they will not admit their theory is flawed.

Instead they avoid talking about this fact, or the get angry, piss their pants and start talking jibberish.

But it's only common sense the US should be warmer than usual if CO2 levels have anything
to do with it, and if they are increasing.

Class is in session shortly.

I hope you attend and listen carefully.

Global warming "alarmists" aren't saying that more CO2 in the USA is going to heat up the USA because it doesn't work that way.

Scientists aren't saying that, either, because it is nonsense.

Most scientists don't care for nonsense.

Well, the alarmists might, but not the scientists.
Too much weather becomes climate...

Yes, Pidgey, and as I've already discussed with you, scientists can study the climate and see that it has been warming ...


In every part of the world ...


Funny how sometimes anecdotes can be trumped by data.
This is all moot.

Man caused global warming is a hoax and has been proven so with the recent news regarding the leaked emails. It is all about making money and nothing about "saving the planet." But, the foolish continue the argument ignoring the facts.

I just wish BO and friends were NOT man caused disasters.:)
You need to watch Fat Al's stupid propaganda movie An Inconvenient Truth (really it should be entitled A Convenient Lie). My second paragraph summarizes much of the movie and Fat Al cites "scientists" who agree with him...

What your second paragraph said was this:

Now, global warming is a fact and we only have a few years left before catastrophic warming will result in the melting of the Artic and the flooding of all coast lines will occur unless we dramatically reduce CO2 emissions and impose Marxism (all statements made by the global warmers)...

Since Al Gore said nothing at all in the movie about Marxism, and should have (but did not) said something about the potential time scale for coastal flooding, I can only conclude that you did not watch the same movie I did.

You are right. It is the weather and man has no control over it.

Oh, come now. Of course man can influence the global thermostat. It would be quite cheap for us to cause an artificial ice age by pumping chemicals into the atmosphere. Volcanoes cause minor cooling like this all the time, we apparently did it in the 1940s-1970s, and it is being proposed as a possible way to mitigate global warming if it gets out of hand. Similarly, it takes a lot more of it, but you can cause warming by pumping other chemicals like CO2 into the atmosphere. We can directly observe the consequences of this on other planets: it is the reason why Venus is hotter than Mercury despite the fact that it is almost twice as far away from the sun. So man clearly has the power to change the climate in either direction.

And many scientists claim the past 10 years have actually cooled. So, again, how can we be cooling if we are warming???

Then you either misunderstood them or they were being dishonest. We have discussed this extensively previously in this thread. This isn't complicated - the data is easy to read - see my previous post. The earth has neither warmed nor cooled in any kind of a statistically significant way in the last decade. We warmed significantly up until the 1940s, cooled off slightly due to sulphates in the atmosphere from the 1940s-1970s, warmed significantly from the 1970s-2000, and have been at about a constant temperature since then.
This is all moot.

Man caused global warming is a hoax and has been proven so with the recent news regarding the leaked emails. It is all about making money and nothing about "saving the planet." But, the foolish continue the argument ignoring the facts.

You mean these emails? Funny how no one was ever able to tell me what was so bad about them, and now we are repeating again.
Links on Drudge tonight...

  • Cold stuns Floridians, causes deaths elsewhere...
  • Arctic air has invaded the South...
  • Cold kills 100,000 tropical fish in S Florida......
  • CHILL MAP...
  • Cold snap death toll rises across Europe...
  • Global cooling may set in for 20-30 years!
  • UN scientist admits 'global warming has paused, and there may well be some cooling'...
and this too...

Freeze in Florida Tonight Will Be Worst Since 1989

So far, citrus-growers in Florida have gotten by with only light damage following several nights of sub-freezing temperatures over the past week. Tonight will likely prove more destructive as temperatures drop to the lowest levels in over 20 years. According to Agricultural Meteorologist Dale Mohler, the hard freeze
Yes Gipper, very good. You are now accepting the freakish nature of short-term trends in weather that can be expected as the melting ice absorbs heat at first until it starts to break apart. It sucks heat in to melt into liquid water and places like Florida have freak freezes.

Very good! See, even you are coming along to the data.
Links on Drudge tonight...

  • Cold stuns Floridians, causes deaths elsewhere...
  • Arctic air has invaded the South...
  • Cold kills 100,000 tropical fish in S Florida......
  • CHILL MAP...
  • Cold snap death toll rises across Europe...
  • Global cooling may set in for 20-30 years!
  • UN scientist admits 'global warming has paused, and there may well be some cooling'...

Oh, well, it will be easy to avoid a new ice age. Just continue the discussion of global climate change, and the hot air generated will keep one from happening.
Exhibit 12 - The ice is growing thicker at the South Pole

Don't you just love how the global warming alarmists cherry pick
their data? They love to spread photos of ice melting in one area of the world
when they know ice is increasing in others, like the Antartic.
How convenient and dishonest! When you purposely hide the facts you are dishonest.

Let's use some common sense. If CO2 is increasing and the ice in Antartica is possibly increasing then
the greenhouse global warming theory is again violated. If ice is melting at the north pole due to CO2 levels,
why not at the south pole?
The South Pole is totally surrounded by water and water molecules. (Hee Hee)

If you read the global warming hoaxer explanations, you see that they acknowledge that the ice
isn't melting at the south pole. Otherwise why would they come up with silly explanations
to explain it? You also understand they are full of malarky!

Neither pole is close to the high CO2 concentations as shown in the photo below.
The alarmists fail to address this flaw in their theory. When they attempt to, they use jibberish and
convoluted arguments that no thinking person should accept.


The ice melt across during the Antarctic summer (October-January) of 2008-2009 was the lowest ever recorded in the satellite history.
Such was the finding reported by Marco Tedesco and Andrew Monaghan in the journal of Geophysical Research Letters:


Note the melting has decreased in the past 10 years and past 28 years.

Overall sea ice on Antarctica has increased since satellite measurements began in 1979.
Sea ice was reported to be at a record levels in 2008 and possibly 2009 (still awaiting results).

Although the usual melting of the Antarctic ice sheet is suggested by some to be associated with global warming,
the ice sheets on Antarctica may have actually grown, rather than shrunk.

Wingham et al 20
showed “the Antarctic ice sheet growing at 5 ± 1 mm year-1 in period 1992-2003”.
Using satellite altimetry technique, authors show that “72% of the Antarctic ice sheet
is gaining 27 ± 29 gigatons per year.”
That's interesting if true.

These results are similar to the findings reported in a paper published in Science by
Curt Davis et al (2005), who also used satellite altimetry measurements of Antarctica to calculate mass changes,
and estimated that over a similar period Antarctic ice sheets have grown 45 billion of metric tones per year
at the pace that cause annual decline in sea level rise of 0.12 mm per year

The British Antarctic Survey, which has undertaken the majority of Britain's scientific research in the area,
has the following positions. We will mention this.

* Ice makes polar climate sensitive by introducing a strong positive feedback loop.
* Melting of continental Antarctic ice could contribute to global sea level rise.
* Climate models predict more snowfall than ice melting during the next 50 years,
but models are not good enough for them to be confident about the prediction.

* Antarctica seems to be both warming around the edges and cooling at the center at the same time.
Thus it is not possible to say whether it is warming or cooling overall.

* There is no evidence for a decline in overall Antarctic sea ice extent.
The central and southern parts of the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula have warmed by nearly 3°C.
The cause is not known. Changes have occurred in the upper atmosphere over Antarctica.

We need to look at all evidence, different sources and avoid cherry picking our data.
When we do, we blow logical holes in the CO2 induced Global Warming theory.

More to come!