Al Gore Lies About Gloabl Warming Scandal

Currently the entire US is feeling the opposite of what global warming alarmists would

Totally! And there were no Mexicans in the drugstore all day yesterday. OR THE PARK EVEN. Currently, the entire town is feeling the opposite of what the immigration alarmists would preach. Immigration is such a hoax.

You're my hero, Asur!
Yes, it's cold in the Eastern USA, thus proving that it's cold in part of the nation.

It's about normal here, nothing special.

I understand they're having warmer than average temps in the Pacific NW, which again proves nothing.

Still, let's listen to what the scientists are saying, not the alarmists nor the deniers of plain facts. Neither one is rational.

Yeah this is not unusal...head in sand.....

  • Florida: Rare Snow, Sleet...
  • Arctic air has invaded the South...
  • Cold weather packing hospitals...
  • CHILL MAP...
  • Even Norway's buses can't take it...
  • Cold snap death toll rises across Europe...

I know naaaathing....


In and effort to deceive people, Al Gore has stated that the CRU emails
describing the alteration of climate data are irrelevant because they are ten years old.

What differences does that make?

yet many of the emails were from the past few years, so he misled us
and he never read them, so he says!

Gore also stated they were taken out of context?
Really how? He never really explained!

Al Gore is part of the problem in the US.
He needs to take all the money he has made in this scam and give it
to the black community to create jobs!

HI ASUR!! No offense but if you will remove the words "about global warming scandal ",in your title , It will cover everything he says!

Yeah this is not unusal...head in sand.....

  • Florida: Rare Snow, Sleet...
  • Arctic air has invaded the South...
  • Cold weather packing hospitals...
  • CHILL MAP...
  • Even Norway's buses can't take it...
  • Cold snap death toll rises across Europe...

I love picking out specific locations at specific times and saying "damn, it's cold there". Just like there really weren't any Mexicans in the store yesterday, I'm telling the truth.

Ooh, I've got another one for you. This November was the warmest month ever in a global average. Did I just prove immigration is real? Could all those Mexicans have gone somewhere else and not been in the store when I looked there yesterday?
I love picking out specific locations at specific times and saying "damn, it's cold there". Just like there really weren't any Mexicans in the store yesterday, I'm telling the truth.

Ooh, I've got another one for you. This November was the warmest month ever in a global average. Did I just prove immigration is real? Could all those Mexicans have gone somewhere else and not been in the store when I looked there yesterday?
They've probably just gone inside to get out of the cold.:D
Mr. Sheepish - The problem for global warming alarmists is that the weather
should be even warmer in the US, since we are adding relatively more Co2 directly above us
into the atmosphere, than elsewhere.

Ie. the greenhouse effect should be strongest right in our locale, since the man-made CO2 is denser above us.
Yet in every part of the US, the weather is colder
than normal.

This again suggests the CO2 man-made theory doesn't explain global warming, in a reverse corollary way.

It's not cherry pickin, if we consider the US is relevant
and we don't ignore other locales.

More people live in the US than at the north pole.
The US can be considered just one scientific model that disproves man-made Global Warming!
Mr. Sheepish - The problem for global warming alarmists is that the weather
should be even warmer in the US, since we are adding more Co2 directly above us
into the atmosphere.

Ie. the greenhouse effect should be strongest right in our locale, since the man-made CO2 is denser above us.
Yet in every part of the US, the weather is colder
than normal.

This again suggests the CO2 man-made theory doesn't explain global warming, in a reverse corollary way.


If the US produces more CO2 than anywhere else, that doesn't mean that the US should be warmer than anywhere else. No one is saying that, not even the "alarmists."

Global climate does not respect national boundaries, and neither does carbon dioxide or any other gas.

Well, maybe the hot air expelled by politicians, but no real gas.

Further, the US is not experiencing a cold wave. The Eastern part of North America, and the Western part of Europe is experiencing a cold wave. Said cold wave is a result of Arctic air, not carbon dioxide.

Here, snow is melting in the mountains. That means nothing, as it always snows and melts in the winter. It is colder in the lower elevations, at least during the day, than in the mountains. That may sound novel, but it isn't. It is normal for this area.

You can't prove or disprove global climate change by looking at local weather.
PLC1 wrote -
If the US produces more CO2 than anywhere else, that doesn't mean that the US should be warmer than anywhere else. No one is saying that, not even the "alarmists."

The Global Warming alarmists aren't saying it because they will not admit their theory is flawed.

Instead they avoid talking about this fact, or the get angry, piss their pants and start talking jibberish.

But it's only common sense the US should be warmer than usual if CO2 levels have anything
to do with it, and if they are increasing.

Class is in session shortly.
Mr. Sheepish - The problem for global warming alarmists is that the weather
should be even warmer in the US, since we are adding relatively more Co2 directly above us
into the atmosphere, than elsewhere.

Ie. the greenhouse effect should be strongest right in our locale, since the man-made CO2 is denser above us.
Yet in every part of the US, the weather is colder
than normal.

This again suggests the CO2 man-made theory doesn't explain global warming, in a reverse corollary way.

It's not cherry pickin, if we consider the US is relevant
and we don't ignore other locales.

Asur, this is wrong on a number of levels. The first is one that I've pointed out many times and that you continue to ignore: you are cherry-picking a single point in time, which means any observation you make is dominated by noise. The second is that CO2 levels in the atmosphere depend only very weakly on the location of the CO2 producing countries. The geographical variations in CO2 are less than 10% of the total increase in CO2 since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and they depend at least as much on air currents as they do on the locations of industry. So you are cherry-picking in both time and in space.

You have accused so many scientists of fraud, lies, and deceit on this thread when you have been the one who has been caught getting the simple scientific and statistical principles wrong over and over again. Have you no shame?
North America and Europe are suffering under one of the coldest winters on record. This is a fact.

Now, global warming is a fact and we only have a few years left before catastrophic warming will result in the melting of the Artic and the flooding of all coast lines will occur unless we dramatically reduce CO2 emissions and impose Marxism (all statements made by the global warmers)...

How the hell can we be incurring a very cold winter???
I understand they're having warmer than average temps in the Pacific NW, which again proves nothing.

Not really so, its colder here than normal though we did have snow twice last year at this time that was way out of the normal.

Two weeks before christmas the outside bathrooms in my building had the toilet water in the bowl froze solid as did the sinks. That has never happened before. Two years in a row the auto scrubber water froze solid just from being outide during the day.

Its far colder here than people are used to this year and last summer was so mild that for me it was refreshing but others didnt care for the lack of sun/heat.

There is climate change here but its in the direction of colder not warmer at all.
North America and Europe are suffering under one of the coldest winters on record. This is a fact.

Now, global warming is a fact and we only have a few years left before catastrophic warming will result in the melting of the Artic and the flooding of all coast lines will occur unless we dramatically reduce CO2 emissions and impose Marxism (all statements made by the global warmers)...

How the hell can we be incurring a very cold winter???

There's this thing called weather. Perhaps you've heard of it? Average temperatures over the entire world have risen by something like 1 degree. If bad weather would have made the temperature near where you live -10 degrees in the absence of global warming, then with the presence of it you'll be experiencing -9 degree temperatures instead and you'll still be freezing your nads off. That's a gross oversimplification of course, but hopefully it gets the point across.

Also, your second paragraph is completely divorced from anything the experts are saying. Why don't you decide whether you'd rather debate global warming or some stupid caricature of it.