ClimateGate Scientist Phil Jones admits no Global Warming

What makes me laugh is how desperate the right is to believe that climate change is not a real problem that we should address.

The consequences of climate change being a real problem are catastrophic for bilions of people and this time the catastrpohe will also affect the US.

But the right have been brainwashed through the lobbying of industrialists who put immediate profit over the lives of billions of people.

And the right are usualy very stupid so they believe anything they are told by their leaders.
This is huge news and we need to spread the word.

It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong and Phil Jones
appears to be such a person. Jones is one of scientists working at
East Anglia University and the CRU, a university committed
to spreading misinformation about global warming. This misinformation
has been spread by propaganda websites like,

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This is huge news and we need to spread the word.

It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong and Phil Jones
appears to be such a person. Jones is one of scientists working at
East Anglia University and the CRU, a university committed
to spreading misinformation about global warming. This misinformation
has been spread by propaganda websites like,

Make no mistake, Phil Jones was one of main players and now he is on
record admitting there is was no global warming for the past 15 years!
“Have the Climategate revelations undermined the case that we are experiencing made-made climate change? Absolutely not,” says Pearce. Nothing uncovered in the emails destroys the argument that humans are warming the planet.”
This is huge news and we need to spread the word.

It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong and Phil Jones
appears to be such a person. Jones is one of scientists working at
East Anglia University and the CRU, a university committed
to spreading misinformation about global warming. This misinformation
has been spread by propaganda websites like,

Make no mistake, Phil Jones was one of main players and now
he is on
record admitting there is was no global warming for the past 15 years
"A headline in the Daily Mail claims that Phil Jones, ex-director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, said 'there has been no global warming since 1995'. Not only did Phil Jones not say these words, this interpretation shows a poor understanding of the scientific concepts behind his words."
"A headline in the Daily Mail claims that Phil Jones, ex-director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, said 'there has been no global warming since 1995'. Not only did Phil Jones not say these words, this interpretation shows a poor understanding of the scientific concepts behind his words."
Lefties can keep hoping for climate change to finally occur and prove their hairbrained alarmism right, but their hopes are in vain if they think God is going to allow 'nature' or industrial progress to make a liar out of Him.

Genesis 8:22
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
"At the time, climate-change deniers were desperate to find ways to undermine the idea that global warming was real, and as Jones’ unit had provided key data that supported this notion – by showing how land temperatures on Earth had been rising sharply in recent decades – his work was considered fair game. So they responded gleefully by ransacking his hacked emails for signs he may have been fiddling results and asserted, in blogs, they had found telltale signs.

These claims were then picked up by media outlets hostile to global warming. Scientist in climate cover-up told to quit ran one headline. Scientists broke law by hiding climate data, claimed another."

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Lefties can keep hoping for climate change to finally occur and prove their hairbrained alarmism right, but their hopes are in vain if they think God is going to allow 'nature' or industrial progress to make a liar out of Him.

Genesis 8:22
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Still hoping for divine intervention to prove them wrong?? He did fuck all to help the godbotherers from the virus when they said he would protect them.
He did nothing about the re election of Trump when you all said he was sent by god. Trump also claimed he was the chosen one but your silly god did nothing.

You also said god would punish those wicked democrats for falsifying charges against Trump but he's about to get punished instead and still no god.

You're taking a while to get the picture son.