Al Gore Lies About Gloabl Warming Scandal

Well, I am a meteorologist,

But you're a AGW skeptic... so you must get piles of money from "Big Oil" to post on internet forums right? ...At least some people on the Radical Left think so:

let's try to estimate how many paid bloggers are typing their little fingers off [for "big oil"] order to dispense a wide net of anti-global warming propaganda....I wonder if they'd be able to hire a massive blog-force to punch their agenda through?
Now at least one in the US Senate have determined the IPPC Reports are bogus and that Global Warming has not been shown to be man-made.

As chairman of the committee when Republicans ruled the Senate, James Inhofe famously called climate change "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." On Tuesday he released a minority report on the UAE affair and spent his time explaining how the leaked emails and data quality issues at the IPCC prove him correct.

"They cooked the science," Inhofe said, incorrectly suggesting that CRU Director Phil Jones heads the IPCC and basically manages the entire climate science agenda. Arguing that the IPCC has been "totally discredited," he told Jackson EPA should withdraw its finding that greenhouse gases pose a risk to human welfare and review the science rather than push forward with regulations that would "destroy" the US economy. "That's my question," he told Jackson.

It's about time that politicians investigate the Global Warming scam!

We will do our part by educating the public.