Al Gore Lies About Gloabl Warming Scandal

No, I don't think they should be filling kids heads with crap either. Al Gore is known as an alarmist, not a scientist. The reason I mentioned Hannity is that he declares on his radio show that there is no such thing as global warming, that it's all a liberal myth, and intimates that scientists are somehow out to form a world socialistic government by selling us on the idea that it is.

Balony from both sides.

the scientists seek a non-industrialized world, the liberal politicians play upon that.

not saying it makes any sense its just whats going down.
Check him out, sometime. He's just as nutty one way as Gore is the other way. I tried and failed to find a link, but I know I've heard him say that global warming is a myth. I believe it was him who accused scientists of wanting us to form a world socialist government.

Ill try to listen for his claims on that.

I would not say its a myth but I do think the doom and gloom aspect of it is more of a myth than anything.

I think we are heading more to global cooling than warming,
but fully agree the climate is changing, always changing. I think its been proven our equator was once half a world away from where it is currently. The planet does its own stuff and we are just fleas on it.
Ill try to listen for his claims on that.
Hannity says that Man Made Global Warming is a myth but he often leaves off the "Man Made" part with the understanding that his regular listeners know what he's talking about. Rush does the same thing. So its easy for people to take one, or several, of their quotes out of context to paint them as saying the climate hasn't warmed or changed in any way, when their contextual comments are in regard to the unproven claim that man is causing the warming and changes in climate.
Hannity says that Man Made Global Warming is a myth but he often leaves off the "Man Made" part with the understanding that his regular listeners know what he's talking about. Rush does the same thing. So its easy for people to take one, or several, of their quotes out of context to paint them as saying the climate hasn't warmed or changed in any way, when their contextual comments are in regard to the unproven claim that man is causing the warming and changes in climate.

Then I probably agree with him on it. climate changes but men have little to do with it.
Ill try to listen for his claims on that.

I would not say its a myth but I do think the doom and gloom aspect of it is more of a myth than anything.

I think we are heading more to global cooling than warming,
but fully agree the climate is changing, always changing. I think its been proven our equator was once half a world away from where it is currently. The planet does its own stuff and we are just fleas on it.

So will I. It's possible I have him mixed up with another radio pundit, but I'm sure he has said over and over that global warming is a myth. It is Limbaugh that likes to point out cooler than average weather somewhere and say it is evidence that the world isn't warming. As for the scientists, the ones whose PhD's don't stand for piled higher and deeper, they are all saying that the Earth is warming. Somewhere over 95% of them are saying that human activities are accelerating the change. They are not saying that we must act now to avoid global catastrophe necessarily, but then, they're not saying that it won't be a catastrophe, either. The fact is, no one really knows just what challenges lie ahead. The assertion that the scientific community is conspiring to bring about a world socialist government is just a wacky conspiracy theory, but only a few real fringers are saying that anyway.

While the consensus is that human activities are most likely accelerating the changes, it is not that human activities are the only factor, nor that we can stop it. Given that, it's more or less an academic question whether the CO2 we're releasing is a minor or a major factor, as we aren't going to do anything about it anyway.
Burrrr its cold.

The newest "Frozen Gore" ice scuplture is up. Sweet.

CLIPPED FROM YOUR VERY OWN ARTICLE; Passersby in Bill Baggs and Crandon parks in Key Biscayne, south of Miami, were seen picking up the seemingly lifeless lizards from the ground beneath trees and setting them in the sun, where after a brief warm-up, most revived and scampered off into the bushes.

You really need to at least make an attempt to read your own article so that you might/maybe 'NOT' sound as though you are so CLUELESS ;)
Where did all the global warming go?

Iguanas are falling dead from trees in Florida due to the cold.

Ooh, ooh, let me try too! Here goes ... there were no Mexicans on my parent's street in California yesterday at 10 in the morning. Where did all the immigrants go? Immigration must have stopped, we can close the border patrol!

See, I can be just like Asur! :D

Class will resume when I think of more facts to distort in ridiculous ways.
Ooh, ooh, let me try too! Here goes ... there were no Mexicans on my parent's street in California yesterday at 10 in the morning. Where did all the immigrants go? Immigration must have stopped, we can close the border patrol!

See, I can be just like Asur! :D

Class will resume when I think of more facts to distort in ridiculous ways

I don't know about you Mr.SHEEPISH...but the more of these 'right winged nut-jobs' post their inane rhetoric and pull there facts from sources that they can't either read or comprehend and then I find their glaring errors...well, HELLS-BELLS my I.Q. has risen markedly just by their ineptness...and it does provide me with so much LMAO moments!

That makes 3 or 4 for ASUR, 3 for Little Acorn, 1 for CHESTNUT, at least 1 for BIB...just keep sett'm up and we'll just keep knock'em down! :cool:
Fortunately the science of chemistry and the physical properties of CO2 and the water molecule never lie.

Global warming is happening. Physical science says so apart from any foibles of spokespeople.
Jan 9. 2010:

Water molecules getting colder and CO2 still increasing?

China port faces worst ice threat in 30 years
Key northern China port faces worst ice threat in 30 years, as ships work to keep lanes open

By Cara Anna, Associated Press Writer , On Saturday January 9, 2010, 11:53 am EST

BEIJING (AP) -- A northern China port that is one of the world's largest was facing the worst ice conditions in 30 years Saturday, and icebreaking ships were working to keep the path to it open.

Some ships were having trouble reaching the port at Tianjin -- the port for China's capital, Beijing, and the third largest in the country, China Central Television said. Footage showed ships on the Bohai Gulf working to keep shipping lanes open.

About 40 people had already been saved from ships in danger from the ice, the state-run Xinhua News Agency cited maritime officials as saying.

The region has been hit by its worst winter weather in decades over the past week, including Beijing's coldest morning in almost 40 years and its biggest snowfall since 1951.

Needless to say, the global warming alarmists even felt a cold shiver go
down there spine, due to the recent weather.
Currently the entire US is feeling the opposite of what global warming alarmists would

Yes, it's cold in the Eastern USA, thus proving that it's cold in part of the nation.

It's about normal here, nothing special.

I understand they're having warmer than average temps in the Pacific NW, which again proves nothing.

Still, let's listen to what the scientists are saying, not the alarmists nor the deniers of plain facts. Neither one is rational.