Al Gore Lies About Gloabl Warming Scandal

Yes and since we're in the honeymoon phase of global warming, temperatures will drop and storms pick up more intensity as ice changes phases to liquid water. It absorbs massive heat when it does this due to the water molecules high specific heat [amount of heat required to change phases from solid-liquid-gas-plasma]. These cooling trends mixing with alternating blistering heat in Summer will make for some wicked weather patterns..

I find that a person's failure to pass science and math classes in gradeschool and college is directly proportionate to how "sceptical" they are of global warming. Should we listen to idiots grasping at straws to keep their fantasy world that how they're living in an industrialized-run-amok society has no impact, or should we listen to people who at least pulled a B-average?

Listen to dummies and die. Listen to smart people and live. That is the nutshell of the global warming "debate".

With global warming, the weather will get alternately warmer and colder than usual in odd times of the year until a tipping point is reached where the ice sheets will begin melting very rapidly. Watch an ice cube melt on your counter. For the longest time it just seems to seep a little water and remain big. Then it will suddenly more rapidly begin to melt. As it's bulk decreases to a certain point, heat can penetrate more quickly and the melting accelerates. If we ignore these massive chunks breaking off our polar caps our legacy will be one of STUPID.
Sil - wrote -
we're in the honeymoon phase of global warming

Do you know how silly you sound? Where's your data to support that ridiculous claim?
Who ever heard of a 10 year honeymoon?

This isn't amateur hour.
We are here to expose the global climate
scam with scientific data, facts and logical reasoning.

Class will resume shortly!
Exhibit 11: Global Warming was really Mann-made!

It was a crock partly created by Michael Mann!

Michael Mann, is one of the main Climategate scientists,
invented the hockey stick graph used in Gore’s movie used to cry wolf
and fire in crowded theaters everywhere. When we say he “invented” the graph that is saying he “made it up”
as in faked the data with his fellow hoaxers, Phil Jones, et. al.. They cooked the data books!
They falsified the data which also happens to falsify their hypothesis as well.

Michael Mann and Keith Briffa cherry picked data to produce bogus results in 1999

, which was which was an extension of a 1998 study in Nature(aka UnNatural).

This graph was the basis for much of Global Warming alarmism and used by Gore in his bogus movie.
Even worse, the graph was highlighted in the 2001 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Then in 2006 the US National Academy of Science plugged it as being sound science. Go figure!

Independent scientists suspected it was flawed and couldn't get their hands on the source data to verify this.

Mann and Briffa repeatedly refused to release the Yamal measurement data used in his calculation despite multiple uses of this series at journals that claimed to require data archiving. E.g.

The data and truth recently were revealed before ClimateGate!

After 10 years of data being withheld that would allow true scientific replication, and after dozens
of requests, Steve McIntyre of Climate Audit was recently given access to the data from Yamal Peninsula, Russia. He discovered that only 12 trees had been used out of a much larger dataset of tree ring data.
When the larger data set was plotted, there is no “hockey stick” of temperature, in fact it goes in the opposite direction.

Keith Briffa created flawed data and did his best to withhold the data from
other climate scientists.

Here's a related ClimateGate email:

From: Phil Jones <>
Subject: Message from Tom Wigley
Date: Mon Oct 5 11:35:44 2009

Here's a message from Tom. It might be worth sending anything you've got to him to have
a look through. Shorter responses are probably better. Detail can go in a poster.
Pointing out how often or not Yamal is used is useful. I don't think they have done
this. I think many people confuse this with the polar urals chronology. That is different
and it is based on density.
M&M rely on people not checking.

Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 03:57:57 -0600
From: Tom Wigley <>
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080421)
To: Phil Jones <>
Subject: Re: [geo] Re: CCNet: A Scientific Scandal Unfolds
X-Canit-CHI2: 0.00
X-Bayes-Prob: 0.0001 (Score 0, tokens from: @@RPTN, f028)
X-Spam-Score: 0.30 () [Hold at 5.00] PORN_RP_NASTY,SPF(none,0)
X-CanItPRO-Stream: UEA:f028 (inherits from UEA:default,base:default)
X-Canit-Stats-ID: 32219749 - e7f62debf1d6
X-Antispam-Training-Spam: [3]
X-Scanned-By: CanIt (www . roaringpenguin . com) on
It is distressing to read that American Stinker item. But Keith
does seem to have got himself into a mess.
As I pointed out in
emails, Yamal is insignificant. And you say that (contrary to
what M&M say) Yamal is *not* used in MBH, etc. So these facts
alone are enough to shoot down M&M is a few sentences (which
surely is the only way to go -- complex and wordy responses
will be counter productive).
But, more generally, (even if it *is* irrelevant) how does Keith
explain the McIntyre plot that compares Yamal-12 with Yamal-all?
how does he explain the apparent "selection" of the less well-replicated
chronology rather that the later (better replicated) chronology?
Of course, I don't know how often Yamal-12 has really been used in
recent, post-1995, work. I suspect from what you say it is much less
often that M&M say -- but where did they get their information? I
presume they went thru papers to see if Yamal was cited, a pretty foolproof method if
you ask me. Perhaps these things can be explained clearly and concisely -- but I am not
sure Keith is able to do this
as he is too close to the issue and probably quite pissed of.
And the issue of with-holding data is still a hot potato, one that
affects both you and Keith (and Mann). Yes, there are reasons -- but
many *good* scientists appear to be unsympathetic to these. The
trouble here is that with-holding data looks like hiding something,
and hiding means (in some eyes) that it is bogus science that is
being hidden.

I think Keith needs to be very, very careful in how he handles this.
I'd be willing to check over anything he puts together.

Prof. Phil Jones
Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090
School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784
University of East Anglia
Norwich Email

PLC1 - I give you points for posting your source and agreeing the global sea temperatures are cooling.
Cooling means the global temperature is decreasing!
But where is the data to prove the comical explanation, "speed bumps"?

Speed bumps sounds comical doesn't it?

Climate speed bumps would violate the laws of thermodynamics.
The simple fact is that heat can't be hidden for one day let alone months or years!
CO2 levels are increasing yearly for the past 10 years +.

Here's a speed bump for you, if we are just being silly


Dec 25, 2009

– Treacherous weather that has plagued much of the country for days stranded road and air travelers Saturday trying to get home after Christmas and threatened flooding in parts of the East.

Storms that began dumping as much as a foot of snow in a swath from Texas to the Upper Midwest in the days before Christmas began subsiding, but blowing and drifting snow hampered visibility in many areas.

In Chicago, one of the nation's busiest travel hubs, snow and ice there in tandem with rain on the East Coast canceled or delayed more than 50 flights.

Flights were also delayed at the three major airports in the New York area, which was getting rain and patchy fog. Most delays there were weather-related but were compounded by tightened security after an airplane bombing attempt in Detroit, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates the area's airports.

Class will resume shortly!

Once again:

Although the average temperature of the upper oceans has significantly cooled since 2003, the decline is a fraction of the total ocean warming over the previous 48 years.

it is not reasonable to expect the warming to be even. There are bound to be ups and downs.

And, of course, we already know that cold local weather has not relation to global warming.

Don't we?
Thank you for proving my hypothesis about the proportional relationship between global-warming sceptics and knowledge of science.

Please, asur, share your depth of understanding about the nature of the specific heat of the water molecule and the thermodynamics of phase changes with that molecule as might apply to "weird" cooling intermittent with extra hot periods as large chunks of the ice caps melt and break away.

I expect your dissection by tomorrow. I'll have my red pen handy. I'm sure you'll be used to that..

Water molecules are like heat sponges when they're undergoing a phase change like from ice to water or water to steam. Ever sit and watch an icecube melt as in the example above? Ever heard the phrase "a watched pot of water never boils?" That is because the heat absorption goes on seeming forever until a critical point is reached and then the phase change rapidly accelerates. That is what will happen with our earth. Yes, it will.
Notice the students are getting absurd and not presenting data!

I'll play along only once.

Asur's Ping Pong Theory - We can take one wacko
statement to disprove another wackos statement or theory.
It's like killing two birds with one stone.

Silhouette stated -
a watched pot of water never boils?

False - That is an old wives that is 100% false, just like man-made global warming.
Every grade schooler knows this but you don't Silhouette?

Now what might have fooled you, is that if you start boiling with water at room temperature
it may take time for the boiling to appear. But all you do is start with water at say 211 F and it won't
take as long. Water doesn't start to boil until ~ 212 F, understand?

PLC1 said -
it is not reasonable to expect the warming to be even

False, you've provided no proof. Here's one proof of the opposite.

Since Silhouette mentioned the pot of boiling water, lets examine that.
There will be a consistent increase of heat if you apply a constant or increasing temperature
as in the green house theory of man-made global warming.
to a pot of water. Common sense tells us the water temperature will rise without dropping.
It will progress upwards as in T1, T1 + 1, T1 + 2, ...
It will not progress up and down as T1, T1 + 1, T1, T1 - 1, T1 -2 ... as in the current global temperature graph.
You'd only need a thermometer and common sense to prove it.

It works in the reverse direction the same way. The temperature will decrease consistently and downward
with global cooling or cooling a pot of water.

PLC1 said -
the average temperature of the upper oceans has significantly cooled

Yes - we agree and those were your words, not mine!

Over 45 years we don't know, you haven't provided any data to prove that.

The data shown in earlier exhibits indicates global sea temperature and air temperature is decreasing.

Notice the students are getting absurd and not presenting data!

Notice when data are presented, asur ignores it anyway, and when statements are made, he only hears the part he wants to hear. Of course, that is the only way that global climate change can be disputed, so it is understandable to do so.
Notice when data are presented, asur ignores it anyway, and when statements are made, he only hears the part he wants to hear. Of course, that is the only way that global climate change can be disputed, so it is understandable to do so.


Is that snowfall or rain? No matter you just buried someone in it!:D

Take a look on slow motion...

Notice when data are presented, asur ignores it anyway, and when statements are made, he only hears the part he wants to hear. Of course, that is the only way that global climate change can be disputed, so it is understandable to do so.

EXACTLY...and it's why the 'BIRTHERS' are still harping about the 'WHAT IF's' and make believe world about a birth certificate...SMOKE & MIRRORS :p

And they just keep on - KEEP'N ON with the same old 'YES IT IS, NO IT AIN'T, YES IT IS, NO IT AIN'T...GOOD GRIEF the ignorance ;)
asur apparently has the debating skills of a 5-year old. I hope he proves me wrong.

His counter amounts to essentially "nuh uh!!".

asur, the "wives tale" was brought up to get you to see the origin of it. That is that the water molecule has a high specific heat and seems to lie latent as it absorbs massive heat and then "suddenly" has a phase change.

THAT is the honeymoon phase of global warming and THAT explains why in the interim there will be weird cooling trends mixed with warming trends depending on air currents and the season until the real catastrophe happens: massive breakup of the pole regions. You know, our air conditioning unit? [again, keeping it in terms you can understand]. If you own land in low elevations near the sea, sell now. If you like living in a climate that resembles Chicago in midsummer with no air conditioning, then keep ignoring science.

I'm trying to keep it in simple enough terms for you to get. All the fancy-talk about specific heat is undoubtedly a bit too much chemistry for you. So I scaled it down to an icecube on your countertop or a pot of water boiling on your stove.

*waits for "nuh-uh!!"
Sihouette - Here's another proof your global warming, boiling pot theory is not true!

Sihouette wrote -
Ever heard the phrase "a watched pot of water never boils?" That is because the heat absorption goes on seeming forever until a critical point is reached and then the phase change rapidly accelerates.

Build a house on sand and it eventually comes tumbling down.
Build a house on a rock of facts and it will last a lifetime.

In this class the teacher prefers facts not sand!

Asur - 100% accuracy and tested everyday!

Class will continue soon!
Here is a cute story by Build a Bear. They must think everything AlGore says is the gospel truth. They did a cartoon on their website for kids, telling them that there will be no christmas this year do to global warming, all lovingly told by polar bears. After getting a lot of flack from parents they took the video down but never said they were sorry for scaring the kids.

I supose if you want people to buy into this stuff you got to get them while they are babes.

I for one will not put another dime in the build a bear brand after this retarded video.

The watched pot never boils saying just means that it seems to take forever if you're watching the pot and waiting for it to boil. It doesn't mean that watching a pot somehow keeps it from boiling.

The corollary to that is that an unwatched pot boils over. Try that sometime, and see if it isn't true.
Here is a cute story by Build a Bear. They must think everything AlGore says is the gospel truth. They did a cartoon on their website for kids, telling them that there will be no christmas this year do to global warming, all lovingly told by polar bears. After getting a lot of flack from parents they took the video down but never said they were sorry for scaring the kids.

I supose if you want people to buy into this stuff you got to get them while they are babes.

I for one will not put another dime in the build a bear brand after this retarded video.

So, you actually think that Dr. Al Gore, PhD, could have it wrong? Hmmm.. him not being an actual scientist and all, that could be true. Of course, Dr. Sean Hannity, PhD., isn't a real scientist either. Maybe the real PhD's that don't stand for piled higher and deeper and who have spent years studying climate work at NOAA and NASA. We could go back and see what those folks are saying, but it's lot more fun to cite what the laymen who take extreme political viewpoints are saying, and much easier to refute them.

BS = (everyone knows what that means)
MS = more of the same
PhD = piled higher and deeper.
So, you actually think that Dr. Al Gore, PhD, could have it wrong? Hmmm.. him not being an actual scientist and all, that could be true. Of course, Dr. Sean Hannity, PhD., isn't a real scientist either. Maybe the real PhD's that don't stand for piled higher and deeper and who have spent years studying climate work at NOAA and NASA. We could go back and see what those folks are saying, but it's lot more fun to cite what the laymen who take extreme political viewpoints are saying, and much easier to refute them.

BS = (everyone knows what that means)
MS = more of the same
PhD = piled higher and deeper.

Yeah AlGore got it wrong and has been getting it wrong since he first started talking about it.

This silly build a bear told children that the snow would melt by christmas, THIS CHRISTMAS if we didnt do something about global warming.

I did not bring up Hannity, not sure what you are talking about there. I am talking about people making up silly claims that we will all be dead or canibals in ten years like ted turner said or the planet flooded by what did AlGore first say? the 90s? I forget now, he has changed it so many times.

I dont think these people should be filling our kids heads with this crap. sorry if you disagree.