Al Gore Lies About Gloabl Warming Scandal

The watched pot never boils saying just means that it seems to take forever if you're watching the pot and waiting for it to boil. It doesn't mean that watching a pot somehow keeps it from boiling.

PLC1... can I say you are quite probably THE MOST patient person I have ever met.:D

Anyone that would take the time to point out the obvious above to people so confused that they really thought their eyes had an effect on the boil.

You're as calm and easy going as Yoda smokin' a blunt.

In fact feel free to to change your name and take this avatar my friend.

BIB said: I dont think these people should be filling our kids heads with this crap. sorry if you disagree.

"Oh, but MOMMY DEAREST, where has all of the snow gone from the polar caps...make it come back MOMMY, MAKE IT know more than anybody else what happened to all of that polar ice, so FIX IT AND PUT IT ALL BACK"

Yeah AlGore got it wrong and has been getting it wrong since he first started talking about it.~ Pandora

Tell me Pandora, do you believe in the physical properties of the water molecule, around which this debate centers? When you get a minute, Google "water" "molecule" and "specific heat". Then as you begin to understand the science behind global warming [ie: the peculiar chemical/physical properties of the water molecule of which the icecaps are made] you will see how trecherous our situation is, and how dangerous it is to be lulled into complacency when a cold front moves in at an odd season. Indeed, "oddness" is more the hallmark of the honeymoon phase of global warming than heat is. And this is because of our friend the water molecule and its high specific heat. It acts like a heat sponge until it's too late to save the ice all of a sudden.

Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it isn't real. This is why we have science and experts in their field. Having a degree in philosophy, for example, may be impressive but is worth nothing if that person then feels qualified to weigh in on the science behind global warming. Global warming is all about chemistry and the physical properties and interaction of molecules, atoms and heat energy. If you have no real minimal grasp of these subjects, you are elimiated from the ranks of those allowed to weigh in on the subject at hand.
Tell me Pandora, do you believe in the physical properties of the water molecule, around which this debate centers? When you get a minute, Google "water" "molecule" and "specific heat". Then as you begin to understand the science behind global warming [ie: the peculiar chemical/physical properties of the water molecule of which the icecaps are made] you will see how trecherous our situation is, and how dangerous it is to be lulled into complacency when a cold front moves in at an odd season. Indeed, "oddness" is more the hallmark of the honeymoon phase of global warming than heat is. And this is because of our friend the water molecule and its high specific heat. It acts like a heat sponge until it's too late to save the ice all of a sudden.

Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it isn't real. This is why we have science and experts in their field. Having a degree in philosophy, for example, may be impressive but is worth nothing if that person then feels qualified to weigh in on the science behind global warming. Global warming is all about chemistry and the physical properties and interaction of molecules, atoms and heat energy. If you have no real minimal grasp of these subjects, you are elimiated from the ranks of those allowed to weigh in on the subject at hand.

the scientists and experts in the field admitted to lying about how temps have ceased to get warmer in the last decade (as it contradicted their dogma) as revealed in the liberated emails.

beyond that you can chew on this
Tell me Pandora, do you believe in the physical properties of the water molecule, around which this debate centers? When you get a minute, Google "water" "molecule" and "specific heat". Then as you begin to understand the science behind global warming [ie: the peculiar chemical/physical properties of the water molecule of which the icecaps are made] you will see how trecherous our situation is, and how dangerous it is to be lulled into complacency when a cold front moves in at an odd season. Indeed, "oddness" is more the hallmark of the honeymoon phase of global warming than heat is. And this is because of our friend the water molecule and its high specific heat. It acts like a heat sponge until it's too late to save the ice all of a sudden.

Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it isn't real. This is why we have science and experts in their field. Having a degree in philosophy, for example, may be impressive but is worth nothing if that person then feels qualified to weigh in on the science behind global warming. Global warming is all about chemistry and the physical properties and interaction of molecules, atoms and heat energy. If you have no real minimal grasp of these subjects, you are elimiated from the ranks of those allowed to weigh in on the subject at hand.

I know there is climate change, I disagree with man made global warming. We have had ice ages at least a few times over the history of the earth. Right now the ice is melting on mars, ice is melting on one of our poles and growing on the other. There are no sun spots right now and not because of anything we did, the sun has a cycle too.

I posted a video of grown ups telling little kids the ice caps will be gone in 2 days, do you think we should tell stuff like this to our kids?

AlGore has said doom and gloom for years now and given dates. Dates that he has had to change over the years for events that we humans meet our end. This month he told a talk show host the the core of the earth was millions of degrees not to deeply in the earth. Do you agree with AlGore? Should we tell our kids the earths core is millions of degrees?
I know there is climate change, I disagree with man made global warming. We have had ice ages at least a few times over the history of the earth. Right now the ice is melting on mars, ice is melting on one of our poles and growing on the other. There are no sun spots right now and not because of anything we did, the sun has a cycle too.

I posted a video of grown ups telling little kids the ice caps will be gone in 2 days, do you think we should tell stuff like this to our kids?

AlGore has said doom and gloom for years now and given dates. Dates that he has had to change over the years for events that we humans meet our end. This month he told a talk show host the the core of the earth was millions of degrees not to deeply in the earth. Do you agree with AlGore? Should we tell our kids the earths core is millions of degrees?

AL Gore is the crazy uncle the warmers wish they could lock in the attic. Fortunately he keeps saying stupid things to help expose warmer myths for what they are.
Tell me Pandora, do you believe in the physical properties of the water molecule, around which this debate centers? When you get a minute, Google "water" "molecule" and "specific heat". Then as you begin to understand the science behind global warming [ie: the peculiar chemical/physical properties of the water molecule of which the icecaps are made] you will see how trecherous our situation is, and how dangerous it is to be lulled into complacency when a cold front moves in at an odd season. Indeed, "oddness" is more the hallmark of the honeymoon phase of global warming than heat is. And this is because of our friend the water molecule and its high specific heat. It acts like a heat sponge until it's too late to save the ice all of a sudden.

Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it isn't real. This is why we have science and experts in their field. Having a degree in philosophy, for example, may be impressive but is worth nothing if that person then feels qualified to weigh in on the science behind global warming. Global warming is all about chemistry and the physical properties and interaction of molecules, atoms and heat energy. If you have no real minimal grasp of these subjects, you are elimiated from the ranks of those allowed to weigh in on the subject at hand.
Yep.. Scientists that change and delete critical data.

If Al Gore wasn't making so much off this hype... I think it would all go away. It's simply like everything else that is "liberal born". A lie!!!!!!

Just to control people because libs believe they know better and are smarter.

Control what we drive, what we eat, what kind of jobs.. all about control.
Yep.. Scientists that change and delete critical data.

If Al Gore wasn't making so much off this hype... I think it would all go away. It's simply like everything else that is "liberal born". A lie!!!!!!

Just to control people because libs believe they know better and are smarter.

Control what we drive, what we eat, what kind of jobs.. all about control.

and redistributing wealth. with a skim as it goes by of course.
Yeah AlGore got it wrong and has been getting it wrong since he first started talking about it.

This silly build a bear told children that the snow would melt by christmas, THIS CHRISTMAS if we didnt do something about global warming.

I did not bring up Hannity, not sure what you are talking about there. I am talking about people making up silly claims that we will all be dead or canibals in ten years like ted turner said or the planet flooded by what did AlGore first say? the 90s? I forget now, he has changed it so many times.

I dont think these people should be filling our kids heads with this crap. sorry if you disagree.

No, I don't think they should be filling kids heads with crap either. Al Gore is known as an alarmist, not a scientist. The reason I mentioned Hannity is that he declares on his radio show that there is no such thing as global warming, that it's all a liberal myth, and intimates that scientists are somehow out to form a world socialistic government by selling us on the idea that it is.

Balony from both sides.
No, I don't think they should be filling kids heads with crap either. Al Gore is known as an alarmist, not a scientist. The reason I mentioned Hannity is that he declares on his radio show that there is no such thing as global warming, that it's all a liberal myth, and intimates that scientists are somehow out to form a world socialistic government by selling us on the idea that it is.

Balony from both sides.

I have not really heard much of what Hannity has to say on man made global warming, I listen to him but only as background noise till he says something I actually care about.

I am glad you dont think we should be telling our kids this stuff.
I have not really heard much of what Hannity has to say on man made global warming, I listen to him but only as background noise till he says something I actually care about.

I am glad you dont think we should be telling our kids this stuff.

Check him out, sometime. He's just as nutty one way as Gore is the other way. I tried and failed to find a link, but I know I've heard him say that global warming is a myth. I believe it was him who accused scientists of wanting us to form a world socialist government.
Oh my yes, lying about "science" is all a big plot to scam a bunch of money. Why else would the scientists be "lying" about it?

I've often found that projection applies at irrational fingerpointers. It is as if the fringe right "the science-deniers" cling to their one little scandal as representative of the entire world scientific community at large and say it's about money because they themselves cannot conceive of compassion for compassion's sake. Even if it means destroying the land under their feet to make the last few dollars on earth.

"Yep.. Scientists that change and delete critical data."
Yes, there is a huge global conspiracy among the science community to make big bucks on misrepresenting the finite and inalterable nature of the specific heat value for the water molecule..

Sounds like the GOP's been eating fruitloops and nuts for breakfast again..
Tell me Pandora, do you believe in the physical properties of the water molecule, around which this debate centers? When you get a minute, Google "water" "molecule" and "specific heat". Then as you begin to understand the science behind global warming [ie: the peculiar chemical/physical properties of the water molecule of which the icecaps are made] you will see how trecherous our situation is, and how dangerous it is to be lulled into complacency when a cold front moves in at an odd season. Indeed, "oddness" is more the hallmark of the honeymoon phase of global warming than heat is. And this is because of our friend the water molecule and its high specific heat. It acts like a heat sponge until it's too late to save the ice all of a sudden.

Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it isn't real. This is why we have science and experts in their field. Having a degree in philosophy, for example, may be impressive but is worth nothing if that person then feels qualified to weigh in on the science behind global warming. Global warming is all about chemistry and the physical properties and interaction of molecules, atoms and heat energy. If you have no real minimal grasp of these subjects, you are elimiated from the ranks of those allowed to weigh in on the subject at hand.


EXCELLENT POST...I do believe that is a first for me, so WOW, we can agree on something!
