Why Ukraine is really failing in the war against Russians

No, I did not accuse senators of corruption. I simply pointed out that calling for Shokin's firing only after Shokin had succeeded finally in seizing property belonging to Zlochevsky made them look either foolish or crooked.

lol you just said they looked like they took bribes.
god you are a pathetic anti-american.
they called for his dismissal because he was corrupt and we didn't want to give aid which could be wasted due to corruption.

my god you are stupid. lol
The senators jumped onto the anti-Shokin bandwagon after he had successfully seized Zelensky's property. Why then and not before?
its the official narrative because its..true. lol.
It is true. Democrats resurrected an old 'crime' committed by Manafort and Podesta but only charged Manafort and not Podesta in 2016 in order to dishonestly fool people into thinking Trump was colluding with Russians, which was a seditious lie of the greatest magnitude.
give your timeline and proof of your timeline and proof senators knew about this that you claim makes them look guilty.

so far all you have is right wing blather.
If senators were unaware that Shokin had seized property belonging to Zlochevsky then their call for Shokin's dismissal was based on ignorance, not a very flattering fact about U.S. senators.
It is true. Democrats resurrected an old 'crime' committed by Manafort and Podesta but only charged Manafort and not Podesta in 2016 in order to dishonestly fool people into thinking Trump was colluding with Russians, which was a seditious lie of the greatest magnitude.

Federal prosecutors have ended an investigation into Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta and former Rep. Vin Weber, R-Minn

and also a republican wasn't charged, so it wasn't about the party, political *****. duh
If senators were unaware that Shokin had seized property belonging to Zlochevsky then their call for Shokin's dismissal was based on ignorance, not a very flattering fact about U.S. senators.

so you can't even give a simple timeline, lying *****. lol
1xubv9[1].webp The same FBI that was illegally spying on Trump was also paying this guy as an informant at the same time.

Alexander Smirnov: How a trusted FBI source became the center of a Washington scandal | CNN Politics 2-21-24
"Prosecutors say Smirnov was the source of the false allegations that the Bidens received $10 million in bribes in exchange for favors to benefit a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, while the president’s son, Hunter, was a paid board member. Smirnov now claims to have gotten some of his dirt about the Bidens from Russian intelligence officials, according to court documents."
"Donald Trump attracts idiots. There is really no other explanation. Idiots exist on the national level, where, in the case of Paul Manafort, Trump has replaced the vicious niblet, Corey Lewandowski, with Paul Manafort, a man who has made a fortune off representing torturers, murderers, sadists, and now, Donald Trump."
How idiotic can politicians be?

"Shokin played the role of protecting the vested interest in the Ukrainian system," saidCarpenter, who traveled with Biden to Ukraine in 2015. "He never went after any corruptindividuals at all, never prosecuted any high-profile cases of corruption."That demonstrated that Poroshenko's administration was not sincereabout tackling corruption and building strong, independent law enforcement agencies, saidHeather Conley, director of the Europe program at the Center for Strategic and InternationalStudies, a Washington-based foreign policy think tank.

Shokin's office also stepped in to help Zlochevsky, the head of Burisma.British authorities had frozen $23 million in a money-laundering probe, but Shokin's officefailed to send documents British authorities needed to prosecute Zlochevsky. The caseeventually unraveled and the assets were unfrozen.In October 2015, Ukrainians staged a protest outside Poroshenko's home calling for Shokin'sremoval.

"Rather than supporting Ukraine's reforms and working to root out corruption," Pyatt said,"corrupt actors within the Prosecutor General’s Office are making things worse by openly andaggressively undermining reform."In October 2015, then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland told the Senate ForeignRelations committee the Prosecutor General's Office must lock up "dirty personnel" in itsown office.
We know Shokin was corrupt and he had supporters who were also corrupt. The dishonesty of those calling for Shokin's removal for alleged inaction is exposed by their silence after Shokin was fired and the investigation stopped.
give the timeline and prove it.
i keep asking, you keep cowardly running away lol
Before providing you with the factual timeline let me suggest that the reason you do not already have it is because leftist news outlets have been hiding that information from Americans for corrupt political reasons.