Why Ukraine is really failing in the war against Russians

republican senators, the eu, and the imf disagree with your biased opinion. lol
Republican senators called for Shokin's dismissal after he seized Zlochevsky's property and paid out millions in bribes to get Shokin fired. If the senators had called for his dismissal before he seized Zlochevsky's property and before Zlochevsky paid millions in bribes to get Shokin fired the senators might not have looked like they were involved with the Zlochevsky corruption.
Republican senators called for Shokin's dismissal after he seized Zlochevsky's property and paid out millions in bribes to get Shokin fired. If the senators had called for his dismissal before he seized Zlochevsky's property and before Zlochevsky paid millions in bribes to get Shokin fired the senators might not have looked like they were involved with the Zlochevsky corruption.

doubling down on accusing republican senators of corruption with zero evidence?
not only do you enjoy looking like a *****, you enjoy looking like an anti-american *****. lol
i posted exact evidence of people wanting him gone, including republican senators, lol.

you enjoy looking stupid
We know Zlochevsky was willing to pay millions to selected people to stop Shokin's investigation but we see no logical reason for US senators to call for his dismissal after he seized Zlochevsky's property.
manafort was jailed for being a republican thug and breaking laws. lol.
That does seem to be the narrative democrats are running with. Manafort was charged, but not his democrat partner, for crimes he allegedly committed under Obama. Officials had previously looked into the alleged crimes before 2016 but never charged him. None of those crimes had anything to do with Trump.
We know Zlochevsky was willing to pay millions to selected people to stop Shokin's investigation but we see no logical reason for US senators to call for his dismissal after he seized Zlochevsky's property.

they called for his dismissal because he was corrupt and we didn't want to give aid which could be wasted due to corruption.

my god you are stupid. lol
OMG seriously? now you're accusing republican senators of having been bribed with no evidence whatsoever?

you are one stupid anti-american right wing *****. lol
I'm simply pointing out that US senators who only called for Shokin's dismissal after Shokin seized Zlochevsky's property make themselves look guilty of complicity with corruption in Ukraine.
That does seem to be the narrative democrats are running with. Manafort was charged, but not his democrat partner, for crimes he allegedly committed under Obama. Officials had previously looked into the alleged crimes before 2016 but never charged him. None of those crimes had anything to do with Trump.

its the official narrative because its..true. lol.
I'm simply pointing out that US senators who only called for Shokin's dismissal after Shokin seized Zlochevsky's property make themselves look guilty of complicity with corruption in Ukraine.

give your timeline and proof of your timeline and proof senators knew about this that you claim makes them look guilty.

so far all you have is right wing blather.
"Donald Trump attracts idiots. There is really no other explanation. Idiots exist on the national level, where, in the case of Paul Manafort, Trump has replaced the vicious niblet, Corey Lewandowski, with Paul Manafort, a man who has made a fortune off representing torturers, murderers, sadists, and now, Donald Trump."
he's "one of their own"? how is that, lying *****? lol.

god you enjoy looking stupid.
The same FBI that was illegally spying on Trump was also paying this guy as an informant at the same time.

Alexander Smirnov: How a trusted FBI source became the center of a Washington scandal | CNN Politics 2-21-24

How a trusted FBI source became the center of a Washington scandal

By Evan Perez and Hannah Rabinowitz, CNN

Updated 9:29 PM EST, Wed February 21, 2024

Video Ad Feedback

Reporter breaks down indictment of former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens

01:56 - Source: CNN


Alexander Smirnov was initially prized by the FBI as a solid source who had relationships with corrupt foreign business and government officials, but his appeal grew when he revealed he also had connections with foreign intelligence services, according to multiple sources.

The FBI’s management of Smirnov is drawing fresh scrutiny after it was determined one of the bureau’s longtime paid sources was
pushing fake dirt about President Joe Biden and his family.
what it means is that all you right wing morons who bragged about his so called evidence now look even more stupid. lol
https://pjnewsletter.com/biden-family-surprise-subpoena/?utm_source=tpi&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=TPI05172024BR1&source=TPICI 5-17-24

Biden Family Slammed with Surprise Subpoena – Now They Can’t Hide Their Secret Anymore

By Sean Kerrvin|May 17, 2024

Republicans dug in deeper to expose the Biden family for sketchy actions taken over many years. It has been a fight to get the information as the Biden clan has stonewalled Congress on getting to the bottom of the family operations.

The family has allegedly been operating with less than pure intent for much of Joe Biden’s political career. Proving allegations has been difficult with the president wielding the power of the White House to run interference in any congressional inquiry.

Republicans turned up the investigative heat with a new action that is determined to uncover details of how the Biden family operates. GOP leaders are going after the money trail that leads to the Biden family.

From Fox Business:
House Committee on Oversight Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., announced a new legislative motion that aims to unveil financial information related to the Biden family.

“This morning, I issued a subpoena for targeted financial information from a certain financial institution related to Jim Biden, Sarah Biden and Hunter Biden. This is a result of many of the documents that Devin Archer turned over,” Comer said Thursday on “Mornings with Maria.”

The new subpoena, which Comer claims will hopefully “answer every question [Congress has] had,” comes just after another House Republican filed articles of impeachment last week.

Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., formally filed articles of impeachment against President Biden on Friday over his recent comments that he would withhold offensive military weapons aid to Israel. The impeachment drew parallels to House Democrats’ first impeachment of former President Donald Trump.

The Oversight Committee has been investigating the Biden family for more than two years. Inquiries are focused on alleged suspicious business dealings. The committee has called on the president to testify over allegedly accumulating “over $24 million that has flowed from foreign sources to you, your family and their business associates.”

“It is unbelievable,” Comer said about evidence collected so far. “I don’t think you would find very many people that have a billion-dollar net worth that have as many different bank accounts as this Biden family had. Many of these were shell companies.”

Comer alleged that companies under Biden family control laundered money received from China, Romania, and Russia. He claimed that no Biden family member has been able to “answer exactly what the family did to receive this money.”

The chairman stated last week that the latest subpoena should help further expose alleged influence peddling schemes. These schemes, according to Comer, allegedly show the president’s role in intentionally complicated webs of LLCs formed to deliver financial gain for the Bidens.

“We believe we found some more accounts that will answer some more questions,” Comer said. “And hopefully we can prepare to close this investigation and present our findings to the American people.”

Republicans will need to get as much of this completed before the upcoming presidential election so Americans can decide their votes based on facts from the investigation.

Key Takeaways:

  • GOP Rep. James Comer announced a new subpoena intended to expose the Biden family.
  • Republicans worked to expose “targeted financial information” from various shell companies.
  • Comer said it is “unbelievable” the extent of companies used to launder foreign money.
The same FBI that was illegally spying on Trump was also paying this guy as an informant at the same time.

Alexander Smirnov: How a trusted FBI source became the center of a Washington scandal | CNN Politics 2-21-24

How a trusted FBI source became the center of a Washington scandal

By Evan Perez and Hannah Rabinowitz, CNN

Updated 9:29 PM EST, Wed February 21, 2024

Video Ad Feedback

Reporter breaks down indictment of former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens

01:56 - Source: CNN


Alexander Smirnov was initially prized by the FBI as a solid source who had relationships with corrupt foreign business and government officials, but his appeal grew when he revealed he also had connections with foreign intelligence services, according to multiple sources.

The FBI’s management of Smirnov is drawing fresh scrutiny after it was determined one of the bureau’s longtime paid sources was
pushing fake dirt about President Joe Biden and his family.

yes, he was an fbi informant, *****. duh.

not "one of their own" lefty, *****.
https://pjnewsletter.com/biden-family-surprise-subpoena/?utm_source=tpi&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=TPI05172024BR1&source=TPICI 5-17-24

Biden Family Slammed with Surprise Subpoena – Now They Can’t Hide Their Secret Anymore

By Sean Kerrvin|May 17, 2024

Republicans dug in deeper to expose the Biden family for sketchy actions taken over many years. It has been a fight to get the information as the Biden clan has stonewalled Congress on getting to the bottom of the family operations.

The family has allegedly been operating with less than pure intent for much of Joe Biden’s political career. Proving allegations has been difficult with the president wielding the power of the White House to run interference in any congressional inquiry.

Republicans turned up the investigative heat with a new action that is determined to uncover details of how the Biden family operates. GOP leaders are going after the money trail that leads to the Biden family.

From Fox Business:
House Committee on Oversight Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., announced a new legislative motion that aims to unveil financial information related to the Biden family.

“This morning, I issued a subpoena for targeted financial information from a certain financial institution related to Jim Biden, Sarah Biden and Hunter Biden. This is a result of many of the documents that Devin Archer turned over,” Comer said Thursday on “Mornings with Maria.”

The new subpoena, which Comer claims will hopefully “answer every question [Congress has] had,” comes just after another House Republican filed articles of impeachment last week.

Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., formally filed articles of impeachment against President Biden on Friday over his recent comments that he would withhold offensive military weapons aid to Israel. The impeachment drew parallels to House Democrats’ first impeachment of former President Donald Trump.

The Oversight Committee has been investigating the Biden family for more than two years. Inquiries are focused on alleged suspicious business dealings. The committee has called on the president to testify over allegedly accumulating “over $24 million that has flowed from foreign sources to you, your family and their business associates.”

“It is unbelievable,” Comer said about evidence collected so far. “I don’t think you would find very many people that have a billion-dollar net worth that have as many different bank accounts as this Biden family had. Many of these were shell companies.”

Comer alleged that companies under Biden family control laundered money received from China, Romania, and Russia. He claimed that no Biden family member has been able to “answer exactly what the family did to receive this money.”

The chairman stated last week that the latest subpoena should help further expose alleged influence peddling schemes. These schemes, according to Comer, allegedly show the president’s role in intentionally complicated webs of LLCs formed to deliver financial gain for the Bidens.

“We believe we found some more accounts that will answer some more questions,” Comer said. “And hopefully we can prepare to close this investigation and present our findings to the American people.”

Republicans will need to get as much of this completed before the upcoming presidential election so Americans can decide their votes based on facts from the investigation.

Key Takeaways:

  • GOP Rep. James Comer announced a new subpoena intended to expose the Biden family.
  • Republicans worked to expose “targeted financial information” from various shell companies.
  • Comer said it is “unbelievable” the extent of companies used to launder foreign money.

absolutely nothing there except right wing blather lol
doubling down on accusing republican senators of corruption with zero evidence?
not only do you enjoy looking like a *****, you enjoy looking like an anti-american *****. lol
No, I did not accuse senators of corruption. I simply pointed out that calling for Shokin's firing only after Shokin had succeeded finally in seizing property belonging to Zlochevsky made them look either foolish or crooked.
"Shokin played the role of protecting the vested interest in the Ukrainian system," saidCarpenter, who traveled with Biden to Ukraine in 2015. "He never went after any corruptindividuals at all, never prosecuted any high-profile cases of corruption."That demonstrated that Poroshenko's administration was not sincereabout tackling corruption and building strong, independent law enforcement agencies, saidHeather Conley, director of the Europe program at the Center for Strategic and InternationalStudies, a Washington-based foreign policy think tank.

Shokin's office also stepped in to help Zlochevsky, the head of Burisma.British authorities had frozen $23 million in a money-laundering probe, but Shokin's officefailed to send documents British authorities needed to prosecute Zlochevsky. The caseeventually unraveled and the assets were unfrozen.In October 2015, Ukrainians staged a protest outside Poroshenko's home calling for Shokin'sremoval.

"Rather than supporting Ukraine's reforms and working to root out corruption," Pyatt said,"corrupt actors within the Prosecutor General’s Office are making things worse by openly andaggressively undermining reform."In October 2015, then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland told the Senate ForeignRelations committee the Prosecutor General's Office must lock up "dirty personnel" in itsown office.