Why Ukraine is really failing in the war against Russians

Republicans in the House were denied a voice in the one-sided politically driven corrupted impeachment process, just as key expert testimony was rejected by the Biden-loving, Trump-hating hanging judge who had no intention of allowing facts and Trump's rights to interfere with his pre-determined plan to find Trump guilty whether by the law or not.
Right wing blather
Include what you like but he was impeached. I love getting up your hairy stinking old nose.

Include what you like but he was impeached. I love getting up your hairy stinking old nose.
Of course the deranged democrat mob unjustly and seditiously impeached President Trump on false allegations because that is how barbarian savages deal with threats to their illegitimate power.
Of course the deranged democrat mob unjustly and seditiously impeached President Trump on false allegations because that is how barbarian savages deal with threats to their illegitimate power.
right wing blather.
you must enjoy looking stupid lol
Verily, Mark rolleth in stupidity , as a dog rolleth in carrion and poo.
Now Trump claims he will be president 47, but he also claims to be president 46.