Why Ukraine is really failing in the war against Russians

nope, he uses it precisely. everything was legal or trump would have challenged it in court, *****, and won.
he didn't ever bother challenging it because he knew it was 100% legal
Trump did not have to challenge his lopsided political impeachment in court, a bipartisan majority of senators overturned his conviction.
Trump did not have to challenge his lopsided political impeachment in court, a bipartisan majority of senators overturned his conviction.

yes, trump is exactly the kind of guy who would quietly let his rights be trampled on. lol.

and no, he wasn't "convicted" in the house, the house doesn't "convict" anyone in the impeachment process, legal *****.
senators don't 'overturn" "convictions" in the impeachment process, legal *****.

and no it wasn't "bipartisan", no democrat voted with trump, but some republicans did vote against him duh

god do you even think about how stupid you look posting this stuff?
you keep saying his due process wasn't allowed by the democrats, but that's a hateful anti-american lie.
show us the due process he wasn't allowed that he was supposed to be alowed, *****.
but you wont.
because you are a lying moon
You deny that due process was denied but you are wrong. Democrats who claim due process was suspended in the partisan impeachment of Trump are lying, but that is normal for democrats. They suspended due process then and now claim they did not such thing, but they lie. They made excuses for suspending Trump's constitutional rights but they will never be justified for having done so. Here is a typical argument offered by leftist supporters for the unconstitutional denial of Trump's rights at the time:

https://www.aei.org/op-eds/due-process-rights-dont-apply-in-an-impeachment-trial/ 1-28-20

Due-process Rights Don’t Apply in an Impeachment Trial

Gregory S. Weiner

The Atlantic

January 28, 2020


Of all the arguments of President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense, one of the least compelling is the claim that impeachment proceedings have violated his right to due process.

Trump’s lawyers hammered away at this theme both in the response to articles of impeachment they filed with the Senate on January 20 and during their opening remarks in the Senate trial over the weekend.

The problem with this defense is its assumption that due process is relevant to impeachment. Due process protects the life, liberty, and property of private citizens. It does not create a right to occupy the White House.

In the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, the Constitution specifies that an individual cannot be “deprived of life, liberty, or property” without “due process of law.” The word deprived implies that the individual possessed something to which he or she was entitled. No one is entitled to hold elective office.
yes, trump is exactly the kind of guy who would quietly let his rights be trampled on. lol.

and no, he wasn't "convicted" in the house, the house doesn't "convict" anyone in the impeachment process, legal *****.
senators don't 'overturn" "convictions" in the impeachment process, legal *****.

and no it wasn't "bipartisan", no democrat voted with trump, but some republicans did vote against him duh

god do you even think about how stupid you look posting this stuff?
He was not convicted so he was not guilty. We can agree on that.
You deny that due process was denied but you are wrong. Democrats who claim due process was suspended in the partisan impeachment of Trump are lying, but that is normal for democrats. They suspended due process then and now claim they did not such thing, but they lie. They made excuses for suspending Trump's constitutional rights but they will never be justified for having done so. Here is a typical argument offered by leftist supporters for the unconstitutional denial of Trump's rights at the time:

https://www.aei.org/op-eds/due-process-rights-dont-apply-in-an-impeachment-trial/ 1-28-20

Due-process Rights Don’t Apply in an Impeachment Trial

Gregory S. Weiner

The Atlantic

January 28, 2020


Of all the arguments of President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense, one of the least compelling is the claim that impeachment proceedings have violated his right to due process.

Trump’s lawyers hammered away at this theme both in the response to articles of impeachment they filed with the Senate on January 20 and during their opening remarks in the Senate trial over the weekend.

The problem with this defense is its assumption that due process is relevant to impeachment. Due process protects the life, liberty, and property of private citizens. It does not create a right to occupy the White House.

In the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, the Constitution specifies that an individual cannot be “deprived of life, liberty, or property” without “due process of law.” The word deprived implies that the individual possessed something to which he or she was entitled. No one is entitled to hold elective office.

god you are stupid. nothing was "suspended" for trump's impeachment process. There is a constitutional process which was followed.

trump would have gone to court if anything was "suspended" by democrats, *****.

feel free to post an unbiased legal expert who agrees with you, but you won.t

because you are a hateful anti american *****. lol
God you are so stupid lol
God I love it when you talk so sexy to me.

But you still smell like Hillary Clinton cankle cheese

god you are stupid. nothing was "suspended" for trump's impeachment process. There is a constitutional process which was followed.

trump would have gone to court if anything was "suspended" by democrats, *****.

feel free to post an unbiased legal expert who agrees with you, but you won.t

because you are a hateful anti american *****. lol
Republicans in the House were denied a voice in the one-sided politically driven corrupted impeachment process, just as key expert testimony was rejected by the Biden-loving, Trump-hating hanging judge who had no intention of allowing facts and Trump's rights to interfere with his pre-determined plan to find Trump guilty whether by the law or not.
You use the term "legally" loosely to describbe the one-sided, leftist, politically-driven, Trump-hating, House impeachment scam achieved only because due process and Trump's defense rights were disallowed by the partisan hacks railroading the process through the House on their razor-thin majority.
Include what you like but he was impeached. I love getting up your hairy stinking old nose.