Why Ukraine is really failing in the war against Russians

Don't be silly. Other European nations did not want Ukraine to fire the prosecutor and shut down the investigation into Burisma. Congress did not call for Ukraine to fire the prosecutor and shut down the Burisma investigation. That was all Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden.

  1. "Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden". Financial Times. 4 October 2019. Archived from the original on 23 October 2020. Retrieved 15 October 2020.
why do you enjoy looking stupid? lol
I repeat, Trump was impeached for it. Let that sink in.
President Trump was unlawfully impeached by corrupt leftists who denied his due process rights and concocted false evidence against him while blocking defense witnesses. That was not an impeachment, it was a new democrat version of al old democrat KKK lynching.
A reliable FBI informant said Burisma CEO Zlochevsky paid off the Bidens with $10,000,000 for this service.

If he was that reliable he wouldn't be afraid to publically admit it.
He's a fraud. Btw. There's no evidence that money reached the Bidens. The abandoned Impeachment proves that.
Democrats can only dishonestly deny facts that emerge that they cannot refute.
A longtime associate of former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign chief Paul Manafort gave Russian intelligence agencies “sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy” during the election that year, the U.S. Treasury Department said

this is the issue, political *****. trump's campaign gave private election information to a person who gave it to russia.

its illegal to have foreign countries help your campaign, legal *****.
Whoever the unnamed "U.S.Treasury official" was he clearly never implicated President Trump for some crime the democrats never charged President Trump with.
Don't be silly. Other European nations did not want Ukraine to fire the prosecutor and shut down the investigation into Burisma. Congress did not call for Ukraine to fire the prosecutor and shut down the Burisma investigation. That was all Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden.

Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”

you enjoy looking stupid lol
Whoever the unnamed "U.S.Treasury official" was he clearly never implicated President Trump for some crime the democrats never charged President Trump with.

trumps campaign manager, manafort, not trump himself.

god you are stupid. lol
Whoever the unnamed "U.S.Treasury official" was he clearly never implicated President Trump for some crime the democrats never charged President Trump with.

Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort on Monday publicly admitted that he gave polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, a suspected Russian intelligence asset

manafort admitted it, *****. lol.

god you must enjoy looking stupid
Don't be silly. Other European nations did not want Ukraine to fire the prosecutor and shut down the investigation into Burisma. Congress did not call for Ukraine to fire the prosecutor and shut down the Burisma investigation. That was all Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden.

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned

republican senators wanted him gone too. lol.

god you must enjoy looking stupid lol
President Trump was unlawfully impeached by corrupt leftists who denied his due process rights and concocted false evidence against him while blocking defense witnesses. That was not an impeachment, it was a new democrat version of al old democrat KKK lynching.

nope, he was legally impeached, *****.

otherwise courts would have stepped in to deal with it, legal *****.

you must enjoy looking stupid lol
  1. "Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden". Financial Times. 4 October 2019. Archived from the original on 23 October 2020. Retrieved 15 October 2020.
why do you enjoy looking stupid? lol
Shokin had just seized properties belonging to

Mykola Zlochevsky

just days before Joe Biden in a panic demanded that President Poroshenko fire him. Lefties protecting the Biden family's dirty money connections to Zlochevsky claimed all Europe was clamoring for Shokin's removal for inaction, but they show no evidence of any honest European dissastifaction with Shokin. Where now is the alleged evidence that all Europe was clamoring for the investigation to get moving? There is no clamor for the investigation to get moving and there never was any just criticism of Shokin from those who allegedly wanted the investigation to get moving.
Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”

you enjoy looking stupid lol
There were many factors impeding the investigation into Zlochevsky corruption in Ukraine, but Shokin was not one of them.