Why Ukraine is really failing in the war against Russians

Democrats lie about Trump to cover up their own quid pro quo crime in Ukraine. Poroshenko had not the slightest doubt that he had been threatened by Joe Biden to withhold US aid if he did not fire the good prosecutor getting results against the crook in Ukraine Hunter Biden was working for, which is why Shokin was unjustly fired. Zelensky, on the other hand, said he did not even know Trump was threatening to withhold the aid that was never withheld until democrats made that unbelievable claim. There was no quid pro quo and that was proven because the aid was never held up even though Zelensky never produced what democrats dishonestly claimed Trump was demanding he produce.

Here are the guys who invented the Trump quid pro quo lie, the flaming Trump-hating Schiff and his faithful bootlick Trump-hating whistleblowing sidekick Vindmann:


Indeed, all of your words are extremely simple, at least you know.

So,o you care more about the Ukraine than you do about the 100,000 Americans that die every year from Fentanyl brought in from Mexico. The people who do not care voted for Biden like you did, In retrospect since 31,000 Ukranian troops have died in the war, the war in the USA is far more devastating and you do not care as you are a terrorist
God you are so stupid lol
Democrats lie about Trump to cover up their own quid pro quo crime in Ukraine.
Poroshenko had not the slightest doubt that he had been threatened by Joe Biden to withhold US aid if he did not fire the good prosecutor getting results against the crook in Ukraine Hunter Biden was working for, which is why Shokin was unjustly fired.
This doesn't agree with your bold claim. https://www.rferl.org/a/why-was-ukraine-top-prosecutor-fired-viktor-shokin/30181445.html

Zelensky, on the other hand, said he did not even know Trump was threatening to withhold the aid that was never withheld until democrats made that unbelievable claim.
This is what is recorded at the time and is now history. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump–Ukraine_scandal

There was no quid pro quo and that was proven because the aid was never held up even though Zelensky never produced what democrats dishonestly claimed Trump was demanding he produce.
Trump was impeached for it. There's a recording of his phone call.
It was never held up because zelensky told Trump to piss off or he would blow the whistle on his corrupt dealings in Russia.
That's is why to this day trump supports Russia to win the war. Ring any bells idiot?
Ukrainian Prosecutor Who Was Fired By Biden Exposes The Truth (msn.com) 8-12-23

Ukrainian Prosecutor Who Was Fired By Biden Exposes The Truth

fired corrupt thug makes claims to make himself look good. lol.

explain why the EU wanted him gone too.

Without pressure from Joe Biden, European diplomats, the International MonetaryFund and other international organizations, Shokin would not have been fired, said DariaKaleniuk, co-founder and executive director of the Anti Corruption Action Centre in Kiev.

you right wing morons believe crooks. lol