There goes the god theory.

Dawkins said God cannot possibly exist yet admitted he believes aliens may exist. There is scientific evidence for neither, proving both views are matters of faith, not sight. never said that.

Dawkins did not say that. He explicitly says the opposite of that. Why do you make up lies all the time?
No one cares what Dawkins said. Except for you who sees him as God
Funny, your fellow zombie worshiper brought him up and lied about what Dawkins said. He appears to care.

It's kind of odd to see you make up a lie that is debunked on the same page of the thread.
Funny, your fellow zombie worshiper brought him up and lied about what Dawkins said. He appears to care.

It's kind of odd to see you make up a lie that is debunked on the same page of the thread.
Dawkins has no special knowledge or ability, but he will die like he lived as a fool
Dawkins has no special knowledge or ability, but he will die like he lived as a fool
In the minds of the lesser educated people maybe. Among the world of the academic and scientific elite, He will be forever known as a ground breaking genius.
In the minds of the lesser educated people maybe. Among the world of the academic and scientific elite, He will be forever known as a ground breaking genius.
You mean lesser educated people like you with no stock portfolio who will work until 90 if you live that long
These embarrassing baby ourbursts aren't going to help you in a discussion with educated people like me.
Yes Bart, if you say so

He blew that argument by allowing for the possibility of the existence of undetected aliens.
No he didn't. He could have easily have leprechauns and fairies.
He also says no one can be certain there is no god.
But the evidence you have there is the same as the evidence has has there isn't.