Fauci is not just science, he is Jesus to God-rejecters

Congress is still examining the evidence that seems to indicate Biden took bribes.
No they're not. The impeachment process is over and you know. Even republicans challenged them to produce the evidence and they couldn't.

It had nothing from the beginning but revenge but that's how the republicans operate.
No they're not. The impeachment process is over and you know. Even republicans challenged them to produce the evidence and they couldn't.

It had nothing from the beginning but revenge but that's how the republicans operate.
House investigators have not only faced stiff opposition from Bifden's mob supporters but now the House is facing stiff opposition from demmie gang members in the impeachement of Biden over his blockade of congressionaly authorized aid to Israel. It looks like the mounting numbers of crimes Joe has been implicated in combined with the mounting heated opposition to holding Biden accountable for those crimes may in effect be styming Congress from doing its job.

House GOP Biden inquiry stalls as impeachment becomes less likely​

House investigators have not only faced stiff opposition from Bifden's mob supporters but now the House is facing stiff opposition from demmie gang members in the impeachement of Biden over his blockade of congressionaly authorized aid to Israel. It looks like the mounting numbers of crimes Joe has been implicated in combined with the mounting heated opposition to holding Biden accountable for those crimes may in effect be styming Congress from doing its job.

House GOP Biden inquiry stalls as impeachment becomes less likely​

nah, it stalled because you morons have nothing lol
The morons are the ones who believe the political party of looters and liars is the party of unshakable respect for and obedience to the law and to nothing but the truth.
You mean like Trump with his two impeachments and staging a coup? Is that obedience to the law?
How about the j6 rioters and looters? Is that unshakable respect for the law?
The recent increased development of your lies indicates you and the truth have never met.
You mean like Trump with his two impeachments and staging a coup? Is that obedience to the law?
How about the j6 rioters and looters? Is that unshakable respect for the law?
The recent increased development of your lies indicates you and the truth have never met.
Not even the Senate democrats could pull off the unjust leftist attempted impeachment of President Trump. Democrats continue to jail innocent Americans in their continued coverup of the 2020 stolen election.
Not even the Senate democrats could pull off the unjust leftist attempted impeachment of President Trump. Democrats continue to jail innocent Americans in their continued coverup of the 2020 stolen election.
Right wing blather
Not even the Senate democrats could pull off the unjust leftist attempted impeachment of President Trump. Democrats continue to jail innocent Americans in their continued coverup of the 2020 stolen election.
Dickhead. History shows he was impeached twice.
Clearly you don't know what impeachment means.
Read something about it instead that hideous Bible.
Dickhead. History shows he was impeached twice.
Clearly you don't know what impeachment means.
Read something about it instead that hideous Bible.
Clinton and Maorkas have also been impeached but not for purely partisan political reasons like Trump was. Trump's impeachments, unlike any others in history, were conducted by members of one party for corrupt political reasons with due process and Trump's civil rights suspended contrary to law.
Clinton and Maorkas have also been impeached but not for purely partisan political reasons like Trump was. Trump's impeachments, unlike any others in history, were conducted by members of one party for corrupt political reasons with due process and Trump's civil rights suspended contrary to law.
Again, he abused his office oath by requesting Ukraine dig dirt on Biden. That's illegal. You know what happened. Why the silly denial? Why are you protected the criminal POS.?

Exactly what civil rights were suspended? I'll bet you cannot name one. You're full of shit.
Again, he abused his office oath by requesting Ukraine dig dirt on Biden. That's illegal. You know what happened. Why the silly denial? Why are you protected the criminal POS.?

Exactly what civil rights were suspended? I'll bet you cannot name one. You're full of shit.
The US had already had the Bidens under investigation before Trump was elected, proving again the democrats were lying about Trump and the Bidens in their effort to take vengeance on Trump for robbing Hillary of her attempted stolen election.
The US had already had the Bidens under investigation before Trump was elected, proving again the democrats were lying about Trump and the Bidens in their effort to take vengeance on Trump for robbing Hillary of her attempted stolen election.
Sorry son. Not only did they find nothing, there was no official investigation. Get over it. It's pure hate and revenge not to mention lies.