Public Schools - Indoctrination Centers

School Includes Muslim Poem but No Pledge of Allegiance on 9/11
A Boston school has come under some fire for marking the 12th anniversary of 9/11 with a controversial commemoration involving — or rather not involving — the Pledge of Allegiance. On Wednesday at Concord Carlisle High School students were treated to an Islamic poem over the intercom but didn’t recite the Pledge.

So... was this done in wvery school in America ?
Was it done in every school in Boston ?
And the ommission of the pledge was explained.
Not the best example to make your assertion.
So... was this done in wvery school in America ?
Was it done in every school in Boston ?
And the ommission of the pledge was explained.
Not the best example to make your assertion.
What difference does it make if it is not happening in every school in America or every school in Boston.

That is not my point. The point is it damn sure is happening in schools across America as evidenced by some twenty something pages in this thread posting examples.

And, I am not buying the schools excuse that this was an error .... if it wasn't happening in schools across America and this was an isolated example then yes .... but that's not the case is it?
At Concord-Carlisle High a Muslim poem is read for 9/11, the Pledge of Allegiance is not

Here's the same story posted by the liberal rag Boston Globe .....

Does that ease your little liberal mind any?

No, I can accept your anecdote. Here's another anecdote:

Diana Medley, Teacher Who Said Gays Have No Purpose, Won't Face Disciplinary Action

When asked if the same goes for gays, Medley answered: “No I honestly don't [think they have a purpose in life]. Sorry, but I don't. I don't understand it. A gay person isn't going to come up and make some change unless it's to realize that it was a choice and they're choosing God.”

Which also proves nothing. Neither incident is typical of what is happening in schools.
No, I can accept your anecdote. Here's another anecdote:

Diana Medley, Teacher Who Said Gays Have No Purpose, Won't Face Disciplinary Action

Which also proves nothing. Neither incident is typical of what is happening in schools.
How does this one woman, who happens to be a teacher and expresses her views on homosexuality at a Sunday community meeting at a local church have anything to do with school indoctrination?

This woman was not speaking for the school, she was not even on school grounds when this comment was made. She was at a church speaking with her local church congregation and her comments changed absolutely nothing about the schools up coming prom.

There is a reason she did not face any disciplinary action. It's called the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. You know, the one liberals hate almost as much as the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

Your reference here is pointless, irrelevant and out of context.
How does this one woman, who happens to be a teacher and expresses her views on homosexuality at a Sunday community meeting at a local church have anything to do with school indoctrination?

This woman was not speaking for the school, she was not even on school grounds when this comment was made. She was at a church speaking with her local church congregation and her comments changed absolutely nothing about the schools up coming prom.

There is a reason she did not face any disciplinary action. It's called the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. You know, the one liberals hate almost as much as the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

Your reference here is pointless, irrelevant and out of context.

This is how:

Medley created a firestorm of controversy when she argued in favor of a gay-free prom at Sullivan High School in Sullivan, Indiana, saying that being gay is a choice.

So, while the incident is pointless, it is not irrelevant nor out of context.
This is how:

So, while the incident is pointless, it is not irrelevant nor out of context.
Sorry PLC1 ....

There are controversy "firestorms" in the news daily. I don't see where this one had anything to do with anything that is happening in our schools today, beyond rhetoric.

It was one teacher's opinion, discussed among church members at her church. It didn't happen in the school, it didn't change anything at the school, the administration did not even agree with her comments.

How does this woman's comment made to her congregation at her church even begin to compare to a school in Boston not saying the Pledge on the anniversary of 9/11 (be it in error or not) and instead reciting a muslim poem when we were attacked by muslim's on 9/11?

Again, your reference here is pointless, irrelevant and out of context.
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Sorry PLC1 ....

There are controversy "firestorms" in the news daily. I don't see where this one had anything to do with anything that is happening in our schools today, beyond rhetoric.

It was one teacher's opinion, discussed among church members at her church. It didn't happen in the school, it didn't change anything at the school, the administration did not even agree with her comments.

How does this woman's comment made to her congregation at her church even begin to compare to a school in Boston not saying the Pledge on the anniversary of 9/11 (be it in error or not) and instead reciting a muslim poem when we were attacked by muslim's on 9/11?

Again, your reference here is pointless, irrelevant and out of context.

It was just an anecdote, just like the ones you cite, not at all representative of schools in general.

Here's another anecdote that proves nothing:

A history teacher at the local public high school [in Kearny, New Jersey] may have bitten off more than he cares to chew this fall. Self-described conservative Baptist David Paszkiewicz used his history class to proselytize biblical fundamentalism over the course of several days at the beginning of this school year.
Among his remarks in open class were statements that a being must have created the universe, that the Christian Bible is the word of God, and that dinosaurs were aboard Noah's ark. If you do not accept Jesus, he flatly proclaimed to his class, "you belong in hell." Referring to a Muslim student who had been mentioned by name, he lamented what he saw as her inevitable fate should she not convert. In an attempt to promote biblical creationism, he also dismissed evolution and the Big Bang as non-scientific, arguing by contrast that the Bible is supported by what he calls confirmed biblical prophecies.​

None of the above are representative or typical of what goes on in the public schools, not my anecdotes nor yours.​
It was just an anecdote, just like the ones you cite, not at all representative of schools in general.
Here's another anecdote that proves nothing:

None of the above are representative or typical of what goes on in the public schools, not my anecdotes nor yours.​
Lame attempt PLC1 to discredit 22 pages of this topic ....

Perhaps you should try some more wacko left-winged websites to push your delusion here ..... they did seem a bit more credible .... a bit maybe ....
Lame attempt PLC1 to discredit 22 pages of this topic ....

Perhaps you should try some more wacko left-winged websites to push your delusion here ..... they did seem a bit more credible .... a bit maybe ....
I'm not trying to discredit all 22 pages.

Just the ones that cite anecdotes that are not typical of the public schools.
What difference does it make if it is not happening in every school in America or every school in Boston.

That is not my point. The point is it damn sure is happening in schools across America as evidenced by some twenty something pages in this thread posting examples.

And, I am not buying the schools excuse that this was an error .... if it wasn't happening in schools across America and this was an isolated example then yes .... but that's not the case is it?
Tex, how many individual schools are there in America ? I don't know either but I did see that there were 15,500 public high schools reported by these guys
And since there are typically more than one middle school feeding each high school and m ultiple elem schools feeding each middle school thats maybe by rough extrapolation 100,000 others to go with it. Give or take. Are you going to find hundreds of examples of liberal mania in that population ? Oh yeah. And if you looked hard enough you might just find as many instances of things headed in the other direction.
My point is that you, my zealous friend, coined the topic of this thread with the supposition that liberal overreach is the norm. I'm just not seeing it.
That being said, diligence is necessary and always has been and if parents become too apathetic then they deserve what happens to their kids. Its sad to see the squandering of this portion of the generation but a free country also means free to f*ck up.
Freedom aint pretty sometimes.