Public Schools - Indoctrination Centers

to protect paychecks, of course.

and to make sure that the unions and other entities can't collect money for political purposes with which the donors don't agree.

and to see to it that the yammering about how unions exploit workers to support the DNC remains just yammering with no substance to it.
How is it "yammering" if they have actually passed legislation to protect workers from this "yammering"?

And, as you are aware some states still do not have paycheck protection leaving these workers still at the mercy of being robbed by the DNC.
How is it "yammering" if they have actually passed legislation to protect workers from this "yammering"?

And, as you are aware some states still do not have paycheck protection leaving these workers still at the mercy of being robbed by the DNC.
It's like yammering about how people get away with fraud and holding up laws against fraud as proof. A problem was identified, laws were passed, now workers in most states are protected from being exploited. So, now let's work on the rest of the states. From your link, it appears that there are fewer and fewer of them all the time.
It's like yammering about how people get away with fraud and holding up laws against fraud as proof. A problem was identified, laws were passed, now workers in most states are protected from being exploited. So, now let's work on the rest of the states. From your link, it appears that there are fewer and fewer of them all the time.
It doesn't change the fact that the Democrats use the Unions to exploit workers fot their financial benefits and the teachers unions are by far not the only unions doing this.

That was my point!

Unions=legal shake downs for unwilling workers. But, we really wouldn't expect anything less from the dems now would we.
These ka2s are brought up presumably as a solution to lack of control of how unions spend dues and then you say they dont.

need to make up your.mind.

not so many more unions anymore. Seiu being the main one.

id say right to work is a better solution. Michigan would be a great target state to hit.
Historic fail? Greatest Americans missing from proposed curriculum

"What you’re going to find is our nation’s founders portrayed as bigots who developed a belief in white superiority that was, in turn, derived from a strong belief in British racial and cultural superiority."
- Larry Krieger, retired teacher and test preparation expert

From Education Week, New Social Studies Framework Aims to Guide Standards

The C3 framework focuses on inquiry skills and key concepts, and guides—not prescribes—the choice of curricular content necessary for a rigorous social studies program,” the document says. “Content is critically important to the disciplines within social studies and individual state leadership will be required to select appropriate and relevant content.”

Leaders of the initiative emphasized that the framework is not a set of standards or a curriculum. Those are better left to states and districts, which vary in what content they want to emphasize in the classroom, they said. Montana, for instance, requires instruction about the culture and history of Native Americans, while North Carolina teachers might spend more time discussing the Civil War, since key events unfolded there, said Susan Griffin, the executive director of the NCSS.

“It’s a framework for states to use when they are revising their social studies standards,” Ms. Griffin said. “It was designed at the conceptual level, so we didn’t get into curricular details. That’s up to states and districts.”

Details left up to states and districts. Sounds reasonable to me.
It might depend on the area. Where I live, in Tennessee, there are a lot of public schools, but parents would never allow a Communist half time show. :ROFLMAO:

If you were in another area, say a poor black part of New York City, then parents might be open to the idea. The parents might not be particularly fond of right wing politics, and also live in poverty. Therefore, putting two and two together, it wouldn't be hard to understand why they wouldn't care.