This is the way I see Common Core. It is the brainchild of DC, it will be controlled by DC and funded by DC. Yes it has the cover and blessings of some Governor's organization, with the carrot of funding, and it's "for the kids". Mainly because it's against federal law for DC to dictate what and how schools can teach, so it has to have the Governor's blessings. It is another Federal Trojan horse, just like Obamacare.
It doesn't go into effect until 2014, although some schools have already started to implement it. So far, the only elements are math and english. Schools can only add/change no more than 15% to it. I think that is in the suggested reading part.
They also have to use the materials that will be coming out of DC. There is a CC contract on line to this effect, which states that have to take it 100% and can't change any of it. I'm also wondering, if down the road, a state decides it no longer wants CC standards, if they can even get out of it.
As far as the argument about "better" standards, that is not true. If anything, the CC standards will be lower than what some schools are already teaching, but they will be higher in other schools. The schools that are already struggling with poor results, will fall even lower, and the schools that are higher, will go lower. We don't know at this point how it's going to turn out. But it will be a federal curriculum. So far, it only has the two elements. Per my understanding, they still have to add the social studies and history programs to it. Those will be telling.
It's also my understanding, that the man who authored CC is not a teacher, nor has he ever taught kids before. He has also put out videos, telling teachers "how" to teach, which even some California teachers are now complaining about.
We have only just begun to hear about common core. But for me, it is the feds bypassing of federal laws to take control of another aspect of society, and to dictate what they learn, including the texts and how they learn it. Private schools, and homeschoolers are not exempted from this either.
The SAT tests are being changed to the CC curriculum. There will also be a lot of personal information required on each student, that has nothing to do with their education. All of this will be cataloged in some government computer