More liberal stupidity dealing with illegals giving them freebees

Yes indeed more liberal common sense . Invite millions of illegals in then decide to pay for their housing etc. medical care and complain about it costing them to much money so they hand out pre paid debit cards . Really a fine display of common sense by liberals,
talking to yourself since no one else takes you and your whining seriously? lol
You did and the reason people are not responding is because democrats now see their mistakes with illegals and can not deny the stupidity it took to create this situation .
Now either respond with a reasonable answer or stfu AND GO TO YOUR ROOM PINHEAD
You did and the reason people are not responding is because democrats now see their mistakes with illegals and can not deny the stupidity it took to create this situation .
Now either respond with a reasonable answer or stfu AND GO TO YOUR ROOM PINHEAD
making fun of you isn't taking you seriously. duh.
god you're stupid. lol