You did not answer but that is ok. Thanks for being civil.Sorry about that. I read that incorrectly. Ty! Sure there is crime here. And there are good people coming here. But! You had gangs, drugs etc in the mix from over the border. People groom or brainwash etc and combine to make crime even worse. Intentions of some in America do not like America. The protestors at the colleges, kids groomed by the evil. Yes they are Americans mostly. They get paid. They sure as hell cannot buy all the signs, etc.
I guess I answered it lol.
I think even one unauthorized crossing is too many. I also think we should treat people humanely. If they have gotten established here, if we use their cheap labor, if they have kids that have mainly grown here, we cannot just wave our arms and deport them. There must be a path to citizenship, even if a long one.