Kamala admitted her fascist plan to raid the homes of American patriots by strong government force to seize their guns

Kamala has said repeatedly that her views and values have not changed. Here is her admission from 2007:

https://www.theblaze.com/news/footage-surfaces-of-harris-threatening-to-storm-houses-of-law-abiding-americans-for-surprise-gun-checks?utm_source=theblaze-breaking&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The Blaze PM Trending 2024-09-19&utm_term=ACTIVE LIST - 7 Day Engagement&tpcc=email 9-19-24


'Openly totalitarian': Footage surfaces of Harris threatening to storm houses of law-abiding Americans for surprise gun checks
Where in that did she say they would confiscate all guns from innocent law abiding owners?
Kamala has said repeatedly that her views and values have not changed. Here is her admission from 2007:

https://www.theblaze.com/news/footage-surfaces-of-harris-threatening-to-storm-houses-of-law-abiding-americans-for-surprise-gun-checks?utm_source=theblaze-breaking&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The Blaze PM Trending 2024-09-19&utm_term=ACTIVE LIST - 7 Day Engagement&tpcc=email 9-19-24


'Openly totalitarian': Footage surfaces of Harris threatening to storm houses of law-abiding Americans for surprise gun checks
When you do not provide any direct quotes, likely you are lying through your teeth.
Where in that did she say they would confiscate all guns from innocent law abiding owners?

Reading disability?

"Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs."

That is one of the most totalitarian statements I have ever heard a person make. She wants to be president!

She said "legally". What is a greater violation of any American than to have the government forcibly enter your home when you have broken no laws?
I watch a lot of police interactions and have started threads to that effect.

One flaw in American law enforcement is this mentality that they can violate your rights first and then while illegally detaining you figure out if a crime has been committed. That is a gross violation of the 4th amendment and often the 1st and 5th amendment.

Unless you have committed a crime police cannot force you to provide an ID and they cannot search you. This woman is talking about breaching people's homes to unlawfully detain and search people without a warrant to later determine if they might have committed some crime.

This is a modern day liberal folks. Civil liberties be damned!
Reading disability?

That is one of the most totalitarian statements I have ever heard a person make. She wants to be president!

She said "legally". What is a greater violation of any American than to have the government forcibly enter your home when you have broken no laws?

For example, God forbid we make sure irresponsible parents would not provide assault rifles to their spoiled disturbed kids just before they slaughter buncha children in their schools.

For example, God forbid we make sure irresponsible parents would not provide assault rifles to their spolier distende kids just before they slaughter buncha children in their schools.

How do you know they are being responsible or not? Where is the probable cause?

What country are you from? You ignorant ass!

So you believe the government can just enter a home with no warrant just to search for some violation?
How do you know they are being responsible or not? Where is the probable cause?

What country are you from? You ignorant ass!

So you believe the government can just enter a home with no warrant just to search for some violation?
How do you know she was talking about cases without warrants?

How do we know about being responsible? Past social media messages. Neighbors reports. School counselor reports. Classmate observations. Even one parent messaging the school about their child.

At least you did not dispute the foundation of my scenario.
How do you know she was talking about cases without warrants?

How do we know about being responsible? Past social media messages. Neighbors reports. School counselor reports. Classmate observations. Even one parent messaging the school about their child.

At least you did not dispute the foundation of my scenario.

She said nothing about all that. She said nothing to indicate probable cause or a warrant.

"Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs."

I took her words verbatim which says they will violate your constitutional rights and then "check to see" if a crime is being committed. I know you will defend her to the death and you do not give a rat's ass about civil liberties. Keep proving that.
She said nothing about all that. She said nothing to indicate probable cause or a warrant.
Some stuff are implied by the context.
I took her words verbatim which says they will violate your constitutional rights and then "check to see" if a crime is being committed. I know you will defend her to the death and you do not give a rat's ass about civil liberties. Keep proving that.
Taking words verbatim and taking the same words as complete are two different things.

Also you added your own “then” in there. IMO that changed the meaning.

Your last sentence is an ad hominem comment. I am sure if you try you can make an argument about my comments and not about me.

I understand we all have our passions in politics. I would like to let my arguments and my ethics to take me to a logical conclusion and try to avoid trying to find logic and ethics that would lead to my preconceived conclusions.
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Some stuff are implied by the context.

Taking words verbatim and taking the same words as complete are two different things.

Also you added your own “then” in there. IMO that changed the meaning.

Your last sentence is an ad hominem comment. I am sure if you try you can make an argument about my comments and about me.

I understand we all have our passions in politics. I would like to let my arguments and my ethics to take me to a logical conclusion and try to avoid trying to find logic and ethics that would lead to my preconceived conclusions.

Shut up.

She said she would support entering a home of a law abiding gun owner to "check and see" if a crime is being committed. I was very clear what I think is wrong with that I do not give a damn who says it. Not ad hominem at all.

Then there is the side issue. She wants to do this because of who these people are. White republicans!

WTF are you defending? Violating our most basic liberties for political reasons?

You have to slander these people to justify what she said.
Shut up.

She said she would support entering a home of a law abiding gun owner to "check and see" if a crime is being committed. I was very clear what I think is wrong with that I do not give a damn who says it. Not ad hominem at all.

Then there is the side issue. She wants to do this because of who these people are. White republicans!

WTF are you defending? Violating our most basic liberties for political reasons?

You have to slander these people to justify what she said.
As hominem is when you a comment about a poster rather than the post. You clearly made an ad hominem comment.

I am not a lawyer but it seems to me probable cause is exactly that: to go check if a crime indeed has been or being committed.
As hominem is when you a comment about a poster rather than the post. You clearly made an ad hominem comment.

I am not a lawyer but it seems to me probable cause is exactly that: to go check if a crime indeed has been or being committed.

Learn your fucking law. Probable cause means that a crime has been committed.

Nothing in her words indicates that. She said they will enter a home to determine if people were irresponsible. In what country is that ok with you?

You are so pathetic you will justify this woman calling to violate people's rights just because of who she is. She is Kamala! She is black! STFU!
Learn your fucking law. Probable cause means that a crime has been committed.

Nothing in her words indicates that. She said they will enter a home to determine if people were irresponsible. In what country is that ok with you?

You are so pathetic you will justify this woman calling to violate people's rights just because of who she is. She is Kamala! She is black! STFU!
MAY have been committed, afaik.

And you made another ad hominem comment. Why the need?
Learn your fucking law. Probable cause means that a crime has been committed.

More: “Probable cause requires that facts and evidence presented in a case are of the type that would lead any reasonable person to believe that the suspect had committed a crime.

That is a far cry from “crime has been committed.”