Kamala admitted her fascist plan to raid the homes of American patriots by strong government force to seize their guns

Guns are guns and she said she would mandate a government gun buy-back initiative once elected. The problem with sucah a dummass plan is it is a total violation of the Constitution and will cost billions of dollars the US does not have in its empty coffers, especially at a time when lawmakers are struggling to find ways to avoid a shutdown.
Again, the link to where she said that. Prove it fuck off.
Again, the link to where she said that. Prove it fuck off.
https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/kamala-harris-says-cops-should-conduct-home-inspections-on-gun-owners 9-20-24

Kamala Harris: Cops should conduct home inspections on gun owners

At the time, Harris was district attorney, and Gavin Newsom, who is also answering reporters' questions, was mayor. According to Powell, the ordinance was passed two months later and did not authorize anyone to enter homes for inspections. And in response to a reporter's question, Newsom said, "We're not going to knock on everyone's door. We're not going to break in and inspect, if that's the question."

And yet, Harris summarizes the law in front of cameras, saying, "So, this is about just basically saying that we are going to require responsible behavior by everyone in the community. Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way that you conduct your affairs."