Crime soars while the ungodly blame the victims, not the crooks

You must have a low opinion of the tens of millions of Americans who have supported Trump over the years.


Donald Trump’s History Of Corruption: A Comprehensive Review
October 31, 2016
"Whenever Trump has been in positions of power or authority, he has demonstrated a pattern of trying to enrich himself by abusing the trust others have placed in him — whether it’s creditors, contractors, charitable givers, Trump University students, regulators, or campaign donors.

Over the past several months — and, indeed,
the past few decades — reporters have unearthed many alarming stories that show this. They’ve reported on Trump’s many shady business practices. His shady charity. His shady fake university scam. His shady campaign spending. His many shady associates. And, last but by no means least, there is Trump’s refusal to release tax returns or other financial information that would shed further light on his business practices, associates, and philanthropic undertakings.

But, the common thread is that
Trump screws people over to benefit himself. And despite the plethora of excellent reporting on this topic, many voters seem to be unaware of his troubling history here, and may view him primarily as a successful businessman who says some offensive things."

You must have a low opinion of the tens of millions of Americans who have supported Trump over the years. I know Hillary had a very low opinion of conservative Christians in America.
Only political ignoramus's and godbotherering dickheads like you support the rapist.

Hilary was right when you are included.
Trump is a hero to ignorant and stupid people. White Christian nationalists are the vanguard of ignorance and the epitome of stupidity.
That is how ingrained hatred works. Take white Democrat KKK racists of a hundred years ago. You could not convince them a black human was a good human no matter how many facts you presented to them to get them to change their mind. Modern leftist Democrats hate Trump unreasonably and unjustly because he is an enemy of the corrupt Democrat party.
That is how ingrained hatred works. Take white Democrat KKK racists of a hundred years ago. You could not convince them a black human was a good human no matter how many facts you presented to them to get them to change their mind. Modern leftist Democrats hate Trump unreasonably and unjustly because he is an enemy of the corrupt Democrat party.
no, people hate trump because he is a disgusting human being.
no, not like that, since jews, blacks, and unborn babies aren't intrinsically disgusting humans.
unlike trump
You may not think Jews are disgusting but millions of the ungodly around the world do think that. You may think unborn babies are toi be loved and cared for but there are millions around the world who do not. You may respect blacks but there are millions around the worlfd who do not. You may love whites but there are millions around the world who do not. You may respoect cops and laws but there are millions around the world who do not.

I side with Jesus who teaches us who to love and who to hate.
You may not think Jews are disgusting but millions of the ungodly around the world do think that. You may think unborn babies are toi be loved and cared for but there are millions around the world who do not. You may respect blacks but there are millions around the worlfd who do not. You may love whites but there are millions around the world who do not. You may respoect cops and laws but there are millions around the world who do not.

I side with Jesus who teaches us who to love and who to hate.
yes, there are bigots. but hating jews, blacks, and unborn babies for no valid reason is not the same as hating trump because of his actions which make him a disgusting human being.

if trump didn't want to be hated, maybe he can choose to act in an ethical, mature way. but he prefers being a hateful person, apparently.
That is how ingrained hatred works. Take white Democrat KKK racists of a hundred years ago.
Oh gee that's really recent headlines.
You could not convince them a black human was a good human no matter how many facts you presented to them to get them to change their mind. Modern leftist Democrats hate Trump unreasonably and unjustly because he is an enemy of the corrupt Democrat party.
We hate him because he's a dickhead rapist and criminal.
He's the leader of a cult of prayer mumbling old farts like you. Full of hate and bitterness. Not even god would bless the idiot.
yes, there are bigots. but hating jews, blacks, and unborn babies for no valid reason is not the same as hating trump because of his actions which make him a disgusting human being.

if trump didn't want to be hated, maybe he can choose to act in an ethical, mature way. but he prefers being a hateful person, apparently.
The ungodly unjustly hate Christians and those who support Christian views that run contrary to corrupted leftist views and values.
Oh gee that's really recent headlines.

We hate him because he's a dickhead rapist and criminal.
He's the leader of a cult of prayer mumbling old farts like you. Full of hate and bitterness. Not even god would bless the idiot.
When Stalin's bent court officials found innocent Russians guilty and sentenced them to death the demented mobs cheered their approval in much the same way demented leftists in America love to see the Democrats unjustly destroy a political opponent for being a political opponent.
When Stalin's bent court officials found innocent Russians guilty and sentenced them to death the demented mobs cheered their approval in much the same way demented leftists in America love to see the Democrats unjustly destroy a political opponent for being a political opponent.
It was Trump who recently said he will jail his opponents if he gets elected. Now that's not weaponising the DOJ is it? Idiot.
The ungodly unjustly hate Christians and those who support Christian views that run contrary to corrupted leftist views and values.
Right wing blather
Nothing to do with the difference between hating groups versus a specific person
Because you can't deny trumps hateful actions
It was Trump who recently said he will jail his opponents if he gets elected. Now that's not weaponising the DOJ is it? Idiot.
Trump was suggesting he wopuld not allow politicians and supporters to break laws with impunity like Democrats do. There is something commendable about officials who 'weaponize' the justice department against criminals and crimes.
Trump was suggesting he wopuld not allow politicians and supporters to break laws with impunity like Democrats do.

Ok. Show the clip where he said before I show the clip where he said he would jail them. See how good you are now smart arse.
There is something commendable about officials who 'weaponize' the justice department against criminals and crimes.
Biden had nothing to do with it and you know it. Stop shifting the blame. Trump is a convicted rapist and criminal.