Kackles walzed with her boy-toy, police-defunding, radical VP pick while Minneapolis burned

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
You cannot make this stuff up:

https://nypost.com/2024/08/07/us-ne...efbeea60364e024100&utm_term=NYP - News Alerts 8-7-24

How Kamala Harris and Tim Walz fiddled as Minneapolis burned during destructive 2020 BLM riots

Jack Morphet,
Chris Nesi and
Caitlin McCormack

Published Aug. 7, 2024

Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s fingerprints are all over the deadly riots that consumed Minneapolis and St. Paul in the summer of 2020 — their cheerleading and inaction giving cover to criminals as neighborhoods burned and hundreds of businesses were ransacked and destroyed.
You don't want to be taken seriously
Yes, I do. Here is more of what Tim Walz did for America in 2020:


Happily, for violent leftists, no democrats were arrested in their homes by dozens of swat police officers and thrown into delapitated prison cells to await years for a hearing on their uncivilizedm violence and destruction like innocent, remarkably peaceful protesting Americans were by jack-booted democrat Stasi-style police.
You cannot make this stuff up:

https://nypost.com/2024/08/07/us-news/harris-and-walz-fiddled-as-minneapolis-burned-during-blm-riots/?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news_alert&utm_content=20240807?&utm_source=sailthru&lctg=6490d9efbeea60364e024100&utm_term=NYP - News Alerts 8-7-24

How Kamala Harris and Tim Walz fiddled as Minneapolis burned during destructive 2020 BLM riots

Jack Morphet,
Chris Nesi and
Caitlin McCormack

Published Aug. 7, 2024

Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s fingerprints are all over the deadly riots that consumed Minneapolis and St. Paul in the summer of 2020 — their cheerleading and inaction
There's no evidence they did that.

giving cover to criminals as neighborhoods burned and hundreds of businesses were ransacked and destroyed.

That is simply not true.
Yes, I do. Here is more of what Tim Walz did for America in 2020:

View attachment 15595

Happily, for violent leftists, no democrats were arrested in their homes by dozens of swat police officers and thrown into delapitated prison cells to await years for a hearing on their uncivilizedm violence and destruction like innocent, remarkably peaceful protesting Americans were by jack-booted democrat Stasi-style police.
Walz was responsible? How so?
Be specific lying moooron
But your posts are laughable
Walz was responsible? How so?
Be specific lying moooron
But your posts are laughable
If Trump was responsible for the violence on Jan 6 after calling for peaceful protests then surely Walz is guilty for the violence and destruction caused by leftist rioters in his state in 2020 that he refused to condemn.
If Trump was responsible for the violence on Jan 6 after calling for peaceful protests then surely Walz is guilty for the violence and destruction caused by leftist rioters in his state in 2020 that he refused to condemn.
Nope stupid post lol those events were totally dissimilar
God you are stupid
Nope stupid post lol those events were totally dissimilar
God you are stupid
At least the poor looters and arsonists had Kackles taking up collections to share with their bail bondsmen to bail their criminal azzes out when they got arrested for committing acts of extreme violence.
At least the poor looters and arsonists had Kackles taking up collections to share with their bail bondsmen to bail their criminal azzes out when they got arrested for committing acts of extreme violence.
So you can't prove it
Trump summoned a mob to come to Washington and carry out his attempted coup.
George Floyd summoned no one, he just refused to get into a cop car. He did not personally provoke anything. Walz had nothing to do with the riots that ensued.