How dictatorships are created

He is being accused of wanting to be a dictator and would try to do his best to become one

We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one.

God you are so stupid
Trump admitted he was going to be a dictator in democrat's eyes on day 1 by overturning all of Biden's dictatorial edicts in which he overturned Trump's policies on his firs few days of office.
Trump admitted he was going to be a dictator in democrat's eyes on day 1 by overturning all of Biden's dictatorial edicts in which he overturned Trump's policies on his firs few days of office.
He didn't say in Democrats eyes lying ******
He said dictator period it's right 8n his own quote duh
God you are stupid lol
He didn't say in Democrats eyes lying ******
He said dictator period it's right 8n his own quote duh
God you are stupid lol
When Trump says he will issue presidential edicts on the first day of office the democrats claim he acts like a dictator. Never miond that Biden did the same thing the first few weeks in office, only more of it.
When Trump says he will issue presidential edicts on the first day of office the democrats claim he acts like a dictator. Never miond that Biden did the same thing the first few weeks in office, only more of it.
It's his own words
You are totally stupid lol
Exactly. Democrats are infamous for misinterpreting, misrepresenting, and misrepresenting the meanings of words spoken by their political opponents.
He said dictator
Always protecting right wingvthugs
God you are stupid lol
Trump has no real meaning. He wants to be president because he craves atttention and fears being imprisoned. Hd could give a shit about any of the issues. He is ignorant, incompetent, stupid and he craps and pees his trousers daily.
Trump has no real meaning. He wants to be president because he craves atttention and fears being imprisoned. Hd could give a shit about any of the issues. He is ignorant, incompetent, stupid and he craps and pees his trousers daily.
You don't any more know what Trump wants than anyone knows what the hell Biden must be thinking so much of the time.
You don't any more know what Trump wants than anyone knows what the hell Biden must be thinking so much of the time.
Trump is a simpleton, and we all know what he wants. He wants adulation and loyalty and he is aggressively ignorant. He says what he wants all the time.

Any subtlety in Trump's delivery was put there by ideologues like Bannon, Steve Miller and the repunsive fascist Heritage Foundation.

Trump wants to be a dictator, He wants revenge against all who have called him out for the incompetent bungling ignoramus that he is. He is very worried about being sent off to rot in prison.

Which is where he belongs. He is a goddamned criminal.
Trump is a simpleton, and we all know what he wants. He wants adulation and loyalty and he is aggressively ignorant. He says what he wants all the time.

Any subtlety in Trump's delivery was put there by ideologues like Bannon, Steve Miller and the repunsive fascist Heritage Foundation.

Trump wants to be a dictator, He wants revenge against all who have called him out for the incompetent bungling ignoramus that he is. He is very worried about being sent off to rot in prison.

Which is where he belongs. He is a goddamned criminal.
Maybe it's the White House that turns people like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Jill Biden desperate to get back in or stay in.
Trump admitted he was going to be a dictator in democrat's eyes
Bullshyt. In that statement he never mentioned democrats you lying old POS.
on day 1 by overturning all of Biden's dictatorial edicts in which he overturned Trump's policies on his firs few days of office.
He did not say that but history shows Trump tried to eradicate everything Obama introduced.
Which one of Biden's policies was dictatorial?

Like a dog pissing on another dogs piss. That how childish the idiot is.
Bullshyt. In that statement he never mentioned democrats you lying old POS.

He did not say that but history shows Trump tried to eradicate everything Obama introduced.
Which one of Biden's policies was dictatorial?

Like a dog pissing on another dogs piss. That how childish the idiot is.
Democrats are not democratic, they are tyrants but don't seem to know it.
