How dictatorships are created

House Jan. 6 Committee deleted more than 100 encrypted files days before GOP took majority: Sources | Fox News 1-22-24

House Jan. 6 Committee deleted more than 100 encrypted files days before GOP took majority: sources

Capitol police clear Rep. Loudermilk of wrongdoing in Jan. 5 tour

Fox News' congressional correspondent Chad Pergram provides details on video released by the Jan. 6 Committee showing GOP Rep. Barry Loudermilk giving a Capitol tour to a group that included a rioter. ...

EXCLUSIVE: The former House Select Committee on Jan. 6 deleted more than 100 encrypted files from its probe just days before Republicans took over the majority in the House of Representatives, Fox News Digital has learned.

The House Administration Committee's Oversight Subcommittee is leading an investigation into Jan. 6, 2021, led by Chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga. The panel is investigating the security failures on that day, as well as the "actions" of the former select committee investigating the Capitol riot.


Loudermilk, last week, told Fox News Digital his investigation has entered a "new phase" with renewed support from House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., who has committed additional resources to the panel’s investigation. ...

Sources familiar with Loudermilk’s investigation told Fox News Digital that, per House rules, the former select committee, which was chaired by Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., was required to turn over all documents from its investigation to the new, GOP-led panel, after Republicans secured the majority of the House of Representatives following the 2022 midterm elections.

Sources told Fox News Digital that Thompson had told Loudermilk that the select committee would turn over four terabytes of archived data, but that the new committee only received approximately two terabytes of data.

Fox News Digital has learned that Loudermilk’s committee hired a digital forensics team to scrape hard drives to determine what information they were not given.

The forensics team, according to sources familiar with their search, determined that 117 files were both deleted and encrypted. Sources said those files were deleted on Jan. 1, 2023 – just days before Thompson’s team was required to transfer the data to the new committee.
Doesn't say they were evidence
Stop lying
That is a lying looting leftist democrat lie designed to cover up the 2020 voting fraud theft of the election by crooked democrats and their lawless, immoral, corrupt, bootlick supporters.
Nope they tried to illegally keep Trump in power
You are a lying ******
Democrats didn't complain about democrat violence and seizures of government buildings this century but they saw an opportunity to turn the J-6 protest into some kind of evil armed rebellion which it was not.
Oh yes it was and all the ratbags got charged for crimes of that nature. Evil indeed. They wanted to hang pence.

The only person shot to death was an American woman former military hero who was trying to stop the violence of others when the cop shot her to death.
She's no more hero than you. She was there to do exactly the same as the others, she clearly told on the video to stop and she wouldn't. She got what she deserved and the rest of the fascist bastards should have got the same.
The J-6 committee was composed of lefties on a mission and when they were done they illegally destroyed evidence to keep the evidence out of the hands of republicans.

Liz Cheney, Jan. 6 Committee suppressed evidence of Trump pushing for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect Capitol | Blaze Media ( 3-10-24

Liz Cheney, Jan. 6 Committee suppressed key evidence of Trump pushing for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect Capitol: Report


MARCH 10, 2024

Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk – chairman of the Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Oversight – said in a statement on Friday, "The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative."

"Mr. Ornato's testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along, President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down," Loudermilk noted.

"This is just one example of important information the former Select Committee hid from the public because it contradicted what they wanted the American people to believe," he continued. "And, this is exactly why my investigation is committed to uncovering all the facts, no matter the outcome."
It uncovered the facts alright. They weren't the facts he wanted.
Nope they tried to illegally keep Trump in power
You are a lying ******
Democrats will burn the country to the ground before they will ever admit they created the J-6 seditious overthrow attempt as a lie designed to force acceptance of their fraudulent theft of the 2020 election without investigations or questions.
Oh yes it was and all the ratbags got charged for crimes of that nature. Evil indeed. They wanted to hang pence.
Christians in Russia, North Korea, China, and other ungodly nations were brutally persecutedby the wicked in positions of power just like innocent Americans are currently being brutally persecuted by wicked authorities in the US.
She's no more hero than you. She was there to do exactly the same as the others, she clearly told on the video to stop and she wouldn't. She got what she deserved and the rest of the fascist bastards should have got the same.
You are wrong about the American hero the left brutally murdered whose murder was widely celebrated by tribal barbarian baboons.
It uncovered the facts alright. They weren't the facts he wanted.
The committee combed through the thousands of videos and selected a small percentage of them to mold into propaganda to support their wicked accusation that Trump supporters were seeking to wickedly overthrou the covernment. The leftists "fought like hell" to keep the rest of the videos locked away from public view because the bulk of the evidence destroys the lying democrat sedition narratives.
The committee combed through the thousands of videos and selected a small percentage of them to mold into propaganda to support their wicked accusation that Trump supporters were seeking to wickedly overthrou the covernment. The leftists "fought like hell" to keep the rest of the videos locked away from public view because the bulk of the evidence destroys the lying democrat sedition narratives.
Piss off with your lies. You need therapy.
Christians in Russia, North Korea, China, and other ungodly nations were brutally persecutedby the wicked in positions of power just like innocent Americans are currently being brutally persecuted by wicked authorities in the US.

You are wrong about the American hero the left brutally murdered whose murder was widely celebrated by tribal barbarian baboons.
They should have shot the bloody lot of them. If they go off again Biden won't miss them.
They should have shot the bloody lot of them. If they go off again Biden won't miss them.
Burning Christians at the stake or hanging blacks on trees are both wicked atrocities practiced and celebrated by demented God-haters over history, just like fantasies involving the strange but wicked pleasure of murdering President Trump.
Burning Christians at the stake or hanging blacks on trees are both wicked atrocities practiced and celebrated by demented God-haters over history, just like fantasies involving the strange but wicked pleasure of murdering President Trump.
If they loved god, would they have not done it?
Let's not forget your very own god killed thousands of kids for no reason.
Is that wicked also?