How dictatorships are created

Of course truth can be proven
If it's really truth duh
God you are stupid lol
Of course truth can be proven, such as who killed Seth Rich in the street and then stole his laptop from his residence. Related to that the person or persons who gave the laptop to the FBI and those in the FBI who lied about having the laptop can also be exposed, unless there is strong opposition from crooks who don't want that info getting out.
Of course truth can be proven, such as who killed Seth Rich in the street and then stole his laptop from his residence. Related to that the person or persons who gave the laptop to the FBI and those in the FBI who lied about having the laptop can also be exposed, unless there is strong opposition from crooks who don't want that info getting out.
Yes truth can be proven hut lying mor.ons like you never do
How does one both fear AND love God?
I mean, he's a confessed to genocide, and says, "next time it'll be fire".

That was because Biblical God was unaware of the possibility of electrocution by boat battery.
Somehow, genocide of humans by shark presented too many logistical problems.