What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

Mueller may have mentioned polling data, as silly as that sounds, but he never found any way to translate Manafort's leak of polling data to criminal charges against Trump. Mueller should hve looked inot the Seth Rich murder considering the fact that someone stole his computer at his house after he was shot down in the street. The FBI claimed they knoiw nothing about his computer and claimed they did not have it but two years later it was discovered the FBI was lying.
Again we are talking the Trump campaign not just trump
Nothing silly about giving private election data to russia
Mueller was clearly trying to please the democrats or else he would have looked into the Seth Rich murder and would have examined the DNC computers, key elements of the Russian collusion conspiracy theory.
Rich's family denounced the conspiracy theorists and said that those individuals were exploiting their son's death for political gain, and their spokesperson called the conspiracy theorists "disgusting sociopaths".[14][15][16] They requested a retraction and apology from Fox News after the network promoted the conspiracy theory,[17] and sent a cease and desist letter to the investigator Fox News used.[6][16][17] The investigator stated that he had no evidence to back up the claims which Fox News attributed to him.[5][6][18] Fox News issued a retraction, but did not apologize or publicly explain what went wrong.[19] In response, the Rich family sued Fox News in March 2018 for having engaged in "extreme and outrageous conduct" by fabricating the story defaming their son and thereby intentionally inflicting emotional distress on them.[20][21] Fox News reached a seven-figure settlement with the Rich family in October 2020.[22][23]

Lol right wing idiots pay money for being stupid
Rich's family denounced the conspiracy theorists and said that those individuals were exploiting their son's death for political gain, and their spokesperson called the conspiracy theorists "disgusting sociopaths".[14][15][16] They requested a retraction and apology from Fox News after the network promoted the conspiracy theory,[17] and sent a cease and desist letter to the investigator Fox News used.[6][16][17] The investigator stated that he had no evidence to back up the claims which Fox News attributed to him.[5][6][18] Fox News issued a retraction, but did not apologize or publicly explain what went wrong.[19] In response, the Rich family sued Fox News in March 2018 for having engaged in "extreme and outrageous conduct" by fabricating the story defaming their son and thereby intentionally inflicting emotional distress on them.[20][21] Fox News reached a seven-figure settlement with the Rich family in October 2020.[22][23]

Lol right wing idiots pay money for being stupid
Rich's family had no just right to shut down a murder investigation and democrats showed themselves corrupt by refusing to investigate the murder.
Of course they did. They are evil people. Get god to deal with them.
As soon as the corrupted FBI took over the case the investigation was shut down and Rich's laptop was taken and hidden from public for years while the FBI said they did not have it. What is wrong with these people? What is wrong with those people who see no problem or corruption in such perversions of justice?

Rich was likely murdered by gangsters employed by the DNC to deal with him for leaking the DNC emails to Assange. Now that the FBI is in charge of the investigation we can be assured the investigation is essentially dead and will never be solved. Mueller never even got close to examining the Seth Rich link to the DNC email transfer that democrats blamed on Trump and Russia but Crowdstrike did testify before Congress that the emails were not stolen through hacks but were exfiltrated from inside DNC offices by someone with direct access to DNC computers.
Rich's family had no just right to shut down a murder investigation and democrats showed themselves corrupt by refusing to investigate the murder.

why didn't they have the right to do what they did? what law did they break, legal ******?

and the murder was investigated.
god you are so stupid. lol

you right wing mor.ons are so stupid, and its costing you big bucks.
why didn't they have the right to do what they did? what law did they break, legal ******?

and the murder was investigated.
god you are so stupid. lol

you right wing mor.ons are so stupid, and its costing you big bucks.
The US spent tens of millions of dollars attempting to find out how DNC emails got into Assange's hands, and Seth Rich has always been the number 1 suspect. Since Mueller did not look in to the Rich connection and since the FBI took control of the investigation and hid evidence while wimpily claiming they could not find out anything about the murder gives support to the contention that the democrats murdered Seth Rich and covered up the crime by creating the fake Trump'Russian collusion conspiracy.
The US spent tens of millions of dollars attempting to find out how DNC emails got into Assange's hands, and Seth Rich has always been the number 1 suspect. Since Mueller did not look in to the Rich connection and since the FBI took control of the investigation and hid evidence while wimpily claiming they could not find out anything about the murder gives support to the contention that the democrats murdered Seth Rich and covered up the crime by creating the fake Trump'Russian collusion conspiracy.

seth has been the number 1 suspect? prove it.

you spend a lot of time whining about democrats when it was republicans who started the investigation of the connection of the trump campaign to russia.
seth has been the number 1 suspect? prove it.

you spend a lot of time whining about democrats when it was republicans who started the investigation of the connection of the trump campaign to russia.
Forensics investigators testified before Congress that the emails weree not stolen by a hack but were downloaded from inside the DNC on the east coast of the US. Podesta had said if he ever found who had leaked secret DNC emails to outsiders that leaker would be dead.
Forensics investigators testified before Congress that the emails weree not stolen by a hack but were downloaded from inside the DNC on the east coast of the US. Podesta had said if he ever found who had leaked secret DNC emails to outsiders that leaker would be dead.

so nothing there proving rich is the number one suspect.
so you lied..again. lol
Forensics investigators testified before Congress that the emails weree not stolen by a hack but were downloaded from inside the DNC on the east coast of the US. Podesta had said if he ever found who had leaked secret DNC emails to outsiders that leaker would be dead.

The 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak is a collection of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails stolen by one or more hackers operating under the pseudonym "Guccifer 2.0" who are alleged to be Russian intelligence agency hackers, according to indictments carried out by the Mueller investigation
The 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak is a collection of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails stolen by one or more hackers operating under the pseudonym "Guccifer 2.0" who are alleged to be Russian intelligence agency hackers, according to indictments carried out by the Mueller investigation
There was no Guccifer 2, but there was a Guccifer 1 and he was arrested and jailed because law enforcement experts know how to find real hackers like that. Guccifer was invented by democrats one day after Assange released the devastating batch given him by Rich. There was never any Guccifer 2.0 before that and the only Guccifer 2.0 after that was a fake who had nothing to do with the exfiltration of the DNC data. Mueller testified that he never found out how the DNC emails were exfiltrated and delivered to Assange. Assange suggested someone like Seth Rich gave him the emails. CrowdStrike said the emails were downloaded from a DNC comupter on the US east coast.
There was no Guccifer 2, but there was a Guccifer 1 and he was arrested and jailed because law enforcement experts know how to find real hackers like that. Guccifer was invented by democrats one day after Assange released the devastating batch given him by Rich. There was never any Guccifer 2.0 before that and the only Guccifer 2.0 after that was a fake who had nothing to do with the exfiltration of the DNC data. Mueller testified that he never found out how the DNC emails were exfiltrated and delivered to Assange. Assange suggested someone like Seth Rich gave him the emails. CrowdStrike said the emails were downloaded from a DNC comupter on the US east coast.
feel free to prove any of your right wing blather. lol
yes, the emails would have been downloaded. duh.

Did CrowdStrike have proof that Russia hacked the DNC?

Yes, and this is also supported by the U.S. Intelligence community and independent Congressional reports.

from crowdstrike themselves. duh.

god you are beyond stupid lol
feel free to prove any of your right wing blather. lol
yes, the emails would have been downloaded. duh.
The emails given to Assange were downloaded from a DNC computer in the US. Another words, it was an inside job.
Did CrowdStrike have proof that Russia hacked the DNC?

Yes, and this is also supported by the U.S. Intelligence community and independent Congressional reports.

from crowdstrike themselves. duh.

god you are beyond stupid lol
No. The Crowdstrike official testified before Congress that the emails had been downloaded from inside a DNC office from DNC computers. Too bad the FBI and Mueller never examined the democrat machines like they would have done if they had really wanted to find out who downloaded the emails.
The emails given to Assange were downloaded from a DNC computer in the US. Another words, it was an inside job.

No. The Crowdstrike official testified before Congress that the emails had been downloaded from inside a DNC office from DNC computers. Too bad the FBI and Mueller never examined the democrat machines like they would have done if they had really wanted to find out who downloaded the emails.
Post your proof from congress and show the date is after what I posted
And no, anyone can download from a computer if they have gotten access not just 8nsiders
That's exactly what hacking is
God you are totally stupid