What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

Follow the case and you will find there was clear fraud but no charges were filed because the case was given to the FBI and everyone knows the FBI lies about democrat fraud and corruption and will not bring charges against those who commit crimes to support the democrat party.
"everyone"? really?

this is the type of manure that comes out of trumps mouth day in day out.
OOOH, that must have been bad, as if polling data is top secret and can be used to undermine the entire election if it falls into the wrong hands. Thank God Hillary never did something so treasonous although foreign governments were reading her emails from her illegal server all the time she was sending them over the unsecured wires. And Biden's crime must not have been as bad in democrat's eyes for stashing stolen top secret documents in the office he shared with CCP spies.
i dont think polling data is top secret but it sure establishes collusion.
Follow the case and you will find there was clear fraud but no charges were filed because the case was given to the FBI and everyone knows the FBI lies about democrat fraud and corruption and will not bring charges against those who commit crimes to support the democrat party.
Here we go. The democrats always interfere when you make frivolous claims that you cannot prove.
mueller was a self described enemy of trump? no? lol.
god you are stupid.
Mueller was clearly trying to please the democrats or else he would have looked into the Seth Rich murder and would have examined the DNC computers, key elements of the Russian collusion conspiracy theory.
This was proprietary data, not public data, but yes it was collusion with a foreign national with ties to Russia
So Manafort shared polling data with someone in Russia. What does that have to do with Trump, and why is polling data so secret if it is broadcast all over America by all sorts of people?
Yes by trumps campaign
Which was the focus of the investigation duh
Mueller may have mentioned polling data, as silly as that sounds, but he never found any way to translate Manafort's leak of polling data to criminal charges against Trump. Mueller should hve looked inot the Seth Rich murder considering the fact that someone stole his computer at his house after he was shot down in the street. The FBI claimed they knoiw nothing about his computer and claimed they did not have it but two years later it was discovered the FBI was lying.
Mueller was clearly trying to please the democrats or else he would have looked into the Seth Rich murder and would have examined the DNC computers, key elements of the Russian collusion conspiracy theory.
Why investigate something with no connection lol
Your theories are stupid