First Woman and Woman of Color is Presidential nominee.

Ford did run for president and won the primary but lost the general election. kamala has never received a single vote before 'winning' the primary election. That is not all that different from Biden 'winning' the presidential election on the strength of millions of legitimately unverified votes.
Ford did not win the primary of the term he was president. Right?
Securing positions and advantages by immoral means does not miraculously bestow on the immoral candidate abilities and qual;ifications she simply does not possess. Kamala can cackle, but does she know how to advocate for government policies that can recover the American economy already suffering from years of damaging leftist policies? No.
You cannot provide any evidence of immorality.
You still believe the lie she slept her way to the top. Typical Maga bullshyt.

You said she was qualified and clearly she is. The lies flow out of you like water when your hate for democrats is more important.
Trump is a dickhead and so are you.
You cannot provide any evidence of immorality.
You still believe the lie she slept her way to the top. Typical Maga bullshyt.

You said she was qualified and clearly she is. The lies flow out of you like water when your hate for democrats is more important.
Trump is a dickhead and so are you.
Mark lacks logical reasoning skills. He thinks that if he can prove evolution to be incorrect, that proves the whole Adam, Eve and conversational snake tale, the Exodus of millions from Egypt, the Great Flood and Jesus coming to visit soon, perhaps next Tuesday.
Mark lacks logical reasoning skills. He thinks that if he can prove evolution to be incorrect, that proves the whole Adam, Eve and conversational snake tale, the Exodus of millions from Egypt, the Great Flood and Jesus coming to visit soon, perhaps next Tuesday.
I genuinely feel sorry for a guy to teach his age and still believe there's a god etc. It's an indictment on the human race to still see it. But USA is full of those ratbags godbotherers. It must be lack of education because not one of the idiots have ever experienced some silly god.
So what? Has the leader ever dropped out at this point? What should they have done? Too late for primaries duh
Joe Biden declared that he had no intention of dropping out and less than a week later he was forced out by the Democrat "Boss Tweed" machine. That would be called a coup by anyone other than members and supporters of the corrupt democrat mob machine.
And…? So what? Primaries are an internal affair of parties. You seemingly are not a member of that party. F off.

Dems followed their own rules. Case closed.
Democrats do follow their own rules. Hillary, for example, bought the DNC with dirty money she had amassed through years of political corruption and then used her purchased power to remove Sanders as a formiddable opponent in the democrat presidential primary of 2016. When Sanders supporter Seth Rich saw what the Hillary mob was doing behind the scenes he was infuriated and that prompted him to send DNC email evidence of the crime to Assange, which resulted in the Rich assassination.
Ford did not win the primary of the term he was president. Right?
The fact is that Ford did run for president and lost in 1976. Nine vice presidents, including Ford, became president as a result of the deaths or resignation of the president. Ford is the only one who became president as a result of the resignation of the president. If Biden resigns the presidency then Kamala becomes the president. Strangely, Biden has not resigned and Kamala cannot become the president as long as Biden continues to hold onto power.

Ford did not replace anyone in a primary election by decree. That has never before happened in the history of the nation. Not only is Kackles making history be declaring herself the first DEI black woman candidate for president, she is the firsat candidate in history to have been given the candidacy for president without a single American primary vote.
Primaries are internal to parties. None of your business.
Wrong. Parties do not have the right to disenfranchise millions of voters in national elections by replacing their power of the vote with party power to choose candidates instead of voters. The American people have the right to chose their candidates by ballot, not be forced to give the selection of their candidates to the heads and outside influencers of the party.
The term issued by Russia propaganda machine today is “bypassing”. Right? lol.
Did the democrat machine not bypass the primary process of elections to audaciously appoint Kackles? Kackles lost the only democrat primary for president she ever took part in, coming in last in a full field of contenders. Democrats are becoming bolder in their obvious flauting of their power to elect the worst of candidates by fraud, knowing by experience that they will get away with such wickedness as demonstrated by their brazen theft of the 2020 election.
You cannot provide any evidence of immorality.
Typical democrat denials of their own sin and the sins of their crooked party members: Clinton never had sex with that woman, Monica, and Kackles never had sex with Mr. Brown's Willy.

You still believe the lie she slept her way to the top. Typical Maga bullshyt.
You said she was qualified and clearly she is. The lies flow out of you like water when your hate for democrats is more important.
Trump is a dickhead and so are you.
Unlike the blind supporters of democrat crooks, I do not believe Kackles has proven herself capable of closing the US borders to criminals, thugs, gangsters, terrorists, freeloaders, drugs, child and sex traffickers, and more, in spite of all the lying leftist hype to the contrary.

If she cannot handle one of the most basic problems facing the US, what makes people believe she is capable of handling even worse problems at home and overseas?
Joe Biden declared that he had no intention of dropping out and less than a week later he was forced out by the Democrat "Boss Tweed" machine. That would be called a coup by anyone other than members and supporters of the corrupt democrat mob machine.
prove he was "forced" out, lying mooorn.
but you wont because you are a lying moooron. lol.

its not a coup by any definition of the word, at least intelligent people wouldn't call it that
but no one ever accused you of being intelligent.