First Woman and Woman of Color is Presidential nominee.

Joe Biden declared that he had no intention of dropping out and less than a week later he was forced out by the Democrat "Boss Tweed" machine. That would be called a coup by anyone other than members and supporters of the corrupt democrat mob machine.
Not by anyone but by gaslighters on Russia payroll.

He had no intention and then he changed his mind. dem primary is internal. What’s it to you? If you are not a dem just mind your own business.
Democrats do follow their own rules. Hillary, for example, bought the DNC with dirty money she had amassed through years of political corruption and then used her purchased power to remove Sanders as a formiddable opponent in the democrat presidential primary of 2016. When Sanders supporter Seth Rich saw what the Hillary mob was doing behind the scenes he was infuriated and that prompted him to send DNC email evidence of the crime to Assange, which resulted in the Rich assassination.
A figment of your imagination and gaslighting provided by I’m guessing your Russia handlers.
Wrong. Parties do not have the right to disenfranchise millions of voters in national elections by replacing their power of the vote with party power to choose candidates instead of voters. The American people have the right to chose their candidates by ballot, not be forced to give the selection of their candidates to the heads and outside influencers of the party.
Is Trump suing on that? Yer blowing smoke. You and your Russia handlers are furious.
Typical democrat denials of their own sin and the sins of their crooked party members: Clinton never had sex with that woman, Monica, and Kackles never had sex with Mr. Brown's Willy.
Get your supposedly Christian mind out of the gutter!
Wrong. Parties do not have the right to disenfranchise millions of voters in national elections by replacing their power of the vote with party power to choose candidates instead of voters. The American people have the right to chose their candidates by ballot, not be forced to give the selection of their candidates to the heads and outside influencers of the party.

well, the delegates chosen in primaries chose harris, so your whining is stupid.
you love looking stupid.
prove he was "forced" out, lying mooorn.
but you wont because you are a lying moooron. lol.

its not a coup by any definition of the word, at least intelligent people wouldn't call it that
but no one ever accused you of being intelligent.
Biden himself proved he did not want to abandon his presidential bid in the 2024 election, but we have clearly seen that he is being helped in ways that younger and more alert people do not need, being led to do the will of those 'helping' him.
Not by anyone but by gaslighters on Russia payroll.

He had no intention and then he changed his mind. dem primary is internal. What’s it to you? If you are not a dem just mind your own business.
Hillary may not be on the Russian payroll and Biden may not be on the Communist Chinese payroll but we do have undeniable evidence of cash transactions from crooks inside those countries suggesting a purchase of their influence or services. Neither Trump nor I have received payments from Russians for services rendered, as the total lack of supporting evidence seems to irrefutably prove.
well, the delegates chosen in primaries chose harris, so your whining is stupid.
you love looking stupid.
Of course. Democrat delegates chose the candidate the voters were not allowed to vote on. That is similar to how Putin and other dictators conduct elections.
Typical democrat denials of their own sin and the sins of their crooked party members: Clinton never had sex with that woman, Monica, and Kackles never had sex with Mr. Brown's Willy.

In case you've forgotten, she was in a relationship. With him. Is she rooting her current husband too? How shocking. Two partners in her life and she's a whore.
Trumps roots everything with a pulse and you ignore that.
Unlike the blind supporters of democrat crooks, I do not believe Kackles has proven herself capable of closing the US borders to criminals, thugs, gangsters, terrorists, freeloaders, drugs, child and sex traffickers, and more, in spite of all the lying leftist hype to the contrary.
It's not as if Trump did anything but who gives a shyt about what you believe. You would say that anyway. You're a loser.
If she cannot handle one of the most basic problems facing the US, what makes people believe she is capable of handling even worse problems at home and overseas?
Who said she can't handle it?
Now you're attempting to make one issue she didn't rectify in your list, a lifetime of justification for your rejection of her. How did I see that coming?
Democrats do follow their own rules. Hillary, for example, bought the DNC with dirty money she had amassed through years of political corruption

Really? I don't think so.
and then used her purchased power to remove Sanders as a formiddable opponent in the democrat presidential primary of 2016. When Sanders supporter Seth Rich saw what the Hillary mob was doing behind the scenes he was infuriated and that prompted him to send DNC email evidence of the crime to Assange, which resulted in the Rich assassination.
That rich thing has driven you mad. You have no evidence of anything. Just hate and lies. I'll pray for you.
Biden himself proved he did not want to abandon his presidential bid in the 2024 election, but we have clearly seen that he is being helped in ways that younger and more alert people do not need, being led to do the will of those 'helping' him.
So no proof
God you are such a pathetic liar lol