
See there that's all young had to do was tell me what its about . AS I asked. Yes trump lies all the time that's a fact and pretty well about every president we have had in my life time . And much like joe some are not lies but stretching the truth. However trump has yet to claim some of the event that joe claims happened in his life and it seem liberals hate it and deny the truth there's a a few loose screws there.
So we have established that trump lies more then Biden but Bidens mind is going .
You want to compare how agile they are ?
You mean for example Trump never claimed to be on the cover of time magazine? Or that he won California? Or that many of his friends died on 9/11?

Still the problem with your position is not that there is no equivalence between Biden (and other presidents) and Trump in this regard. The problem is two distinct and unique atttibutes to Trump and you keep pretending I have never mentioned them.

Here I repeat them again hoping to deter you from pretending you did not notice them. I did this before too and you played dumb re them too before. Here:

Biden usually does not double down and repeat the mistake and often owns up to the mistake. Trump rarely does. In fact Trump has rarely admitted mistakes and often keeps repeating the outrageous lies.
You mean for example Trump never claimed to be on the cover of time magazine? Or that he won California? Or that many of his friends died on 9/11?

Still the problem with your position is not that there is no equivalence between Biden (and other presidents) and Trump in this regard. The problem is two distinct and unique atttibutes to Trump and you keep pretending I have never mentioned them.

Here I repeat them again hoping to deter you from pretending you did not notice them. I did this before too and you played dumb re them too before. Here:

Biden usually does not double down and repeat the mistake and often owns up to the mistake. Trump rarely does. In fact Trump has rarely admitted mistakes and often keeps repeating the outrageous lies.
Yes he lied and joe biden was a professor a truck driver and graduated on the top of his class and his uncle was ate by cannibals.

how many stories like that has Trump told ?
You mean for example Trump never claimed to be on the cover of time magazine? Or that he won California? Or that many of his friends died on 9/11?

Still the problem with your position is not that there is no equivalence between Biden (and other presidents) and Trump in this regard. The problem is two distinct and unique atttibutes to Trump and you keep pretending I have never mentioned them.

Here I repeat them again hoping to deter you from pretending you did not notice them. I did this before too and you played dumb re them too before. Here:

Biden usually does not double down and repeat the mistake and often owns up to the mistake. Trump rarely does. In fact Trump has rarely admitted mistakes and often keeps repeating the outrageous lies.
Trump does not care about the truth one whit. He makes up shit and lies about it. Then someone corrects him and he runs away. The next chance he gets he tells the exact same lie that he told the first time.
Biden occasionally exaggerates. Trump just LIES. God made it stop raining for his inauguration. The crime rate has risen drastically. A 10% tariff on imports will not cause the retail prices to rise. He never had sex with Storm Daniels. He never met E Jean Carroll. He had a great healthcare plan that was cheaper and better then Obamacare. Mexico would pay for the Wall.
Trump does not care about the truth one whit. He makes up shit and lies about it. Then someone corrects him and he runs away. The next chance he gets he tells the exact same lie that he told the first time.
Biden occasionally exaggerates. Trump just LIES. God made it stop raining for his inauguration. The crime rate has risen drastically. A 10% tariff on imports will not cause the retail prices to rise. He never had sex with Storm Daniels. He never met E Jean Carroll. He had a great healthcare plan that was cheaper and better then Obamacare. Mexico would pay for the Wall.
You mean shit like he graduated top in his class and was a professor and his uncle was ate by cannibals or how he was arrested in south Arica and 2 times marching for civil rights and 1 time on the senate floor , and that he was the first black woman to serve under a black president. Or how he was sent by Obama to fight covid in 2019 when joe was his or how . Or how he pinned a medal on the chest of a family member himself in person of course the guy was dead at the time so were not sure how he did that one.

Yes Trump lies a lot and joe is well known as lying Biden far and wide only now you can add in mental midget.
I love it
Yes he lied and joe biden was a professor a truck driver and graduated on the top of his class and his uncle was ate by cannibals.

how many stories like that has Trump told ?
Those lies don't hurt America
Trumps lies attack our democratic institutions
You arevtoo stupid and too hateful to understand vthat simple concept
That is exactly what I believe motivated the misguided maroon. Evidence seems to indicate that there were at least two shooters and the boy is not the one whose bullet grazed Trump's head. The shot was not angled right to have been made by the boy on the roof but came from the direction of an open 2nd floor window in the building that was supposed to have been occupied by a secret service sniper team allegedly positioned there to look for snipers.
Two shooters?
So now you have information no one else has and you've studied the projectory of the bullet and concluded it was another Democrat plot.

Jesus, please save this demented old dickhead. He's a complete Maga ratbag. You made him in your image, please take him home with you before he does irreparable damage. Give him some blessings and grace and some intelligence if there's any left. He needs some serious intervention.
Two shooters?
So now you have information no one else has and you've studied the projectory of the bullet and concluded it was another Democrat plot.

Jesus, please save this demented old dickhead. He's a complete Maga ratbag. You made him in your image, please take him home with you before he does irreparable damage. Give him some blessings and grace and some intelligence if there's any left. He needs some serious intervention.
The audio from that day clearly indicates that two separate rifles were used in the rapid firing of the initial shots. Americans should demand a full accountability and release of evidence, including how many shell casings were gathered on the roof of the shooter, why the secret service agent in charge told the secret service sniper not to fire a shot at the gunman just seconds before the gunman opened fire.

We need the identities of the officers in the building and need to know how they missed a shooter crawling up on the roof right above them. We need to know why the secret service agent in charge did not remove Trump from the platform at the first of many reports spanning more than aqn hour of a threatening individual casing the platform and then being spotted on the roof and reported to the police many minutes before he fired the first shot.

We need to know who was standing inside the other building with the 2nd floor window open with a clear shot at the podium. And so much more. Mistakes and incompoetence does not adequately dliminate the clear possibility that this was an inside job. With Trump-hating officers in the DOJ, in the CIA, in the FBI and even in police departments we need Congress to conduct an investigation outside the mob of Trump-hating justice officials.
The audio from that day clearly indicates that two separate rifles were used in the rapid firing of the initial shots. Americans should demand a full accountability and release of evidence, including how many shell casings were gathered on the roof of the shooter, why the secret service agent in charge told the secret service sniper not to fire a shot at the gunman just seconds before the gunman opened fire.

We need the identities of the officers in the building and need to know how they missed a shooter crawling up on the roof right above them. We need to know why the secret service agent in charge did not remove Trump from the platform at the first of many reports spanning more than aqn hour of a threatening individual casing the platform and then being spotted on the roof and reported to the police many minutes before he fired the first shot.

We need to know who was standing inside the other building with the 2nd floor window open with a clear shot at the podium. And so much more. Mistakes and incompoetence does not adequately dliminate the clear possibility that this was an inside job. With Trump-hating officers in the DOJ, in the CIA, in the FBI and even in police departments we need Congress to conduct an investigation outside the mob of Trump-hating justice officials.
You're the only one saying it and with no evidence.

You will now continue your conspiracy until you die. Like the election fraud.
The audio from that day clearly indicates that two separate rifles were used in the rapid firing of the initial shots. Americans should demand a full accountability and release of evidence, including how many shell casings were gathered on the roof of the shooter, why the secret service agent in charge told the secret service sniper not to fire a shot at the gunman just seconds before the gunman opened fire.

We need the identities of the officers in the building and need to know how they missed a shooter crawling up on the roof right above them. We need to know why the secret service agent in charge did not remove Trump from the platform at the first of many reports spanning more than aqn hour of a threatening individual casing the platform and then being spotted on the roof and reported to the police many minutes before he fired the first shot.

We need to know who was standing inside the other building with the 2nd floor window open with a clear shot at the podium. And so much more. Mistakes and incompoetence does not adequately dliminate the clear possibility that this was an inside job. With Trump-hating officers in the DOJ, in the CIA, in the FBI and even in police departments we need Congress to conduct an investigation outside the mob of Trump-hating justice officials.
Need a credible link lol
It is rather normal for the sound of gunfire to echo. There is no proof there were two gunmen.

If the CIA wanted Trump dead, he would be pushing up the daisies by now. There are plenty of talented snipers in the US military. But none of them was ordered to assassinate Trump.
You're the only one saying it and with no evidence.

You will now continue your conspiracy until you die. Like the election fraud.
You will not get facts and irrefutable evidence from corrupt officials or the leftist media covering for corrupt officials.
Prove it was lying ****** lol


NYC Fraud Admitted

In the video, NYC Democratic Commissioner of the Board of Elections Alan Schulkin is caught on hidden camera at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party admitting that there is widespread voter fraud in New York City. “Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” said Schulkin, who elaborated on the types of voter fraud that are taking place in New York...“You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID…Like I say, people don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote,” said Schulman.