
He still hasn’t give up the claim to the office from the last time as of today.

More projections with a hint of gaslighting?
The fact that democrats stole the 2020 election by fraud will never change. Democrats claim the befuddled guy won the popular vote from jhis basement while Trump had massive followings from public supporters everywhere he went. Biden won after the election was over by massive dumps of fraudulent votes.
The NRA has such excellent classes in how to enjoy one's firearms. Pity there were none available in Butler. Trump so dearly craves to be a martyr. The poor man has been a victim all his wretched life.
Democrats with hatred in their hearts and murder on the brain are extremely disappointed that their shooter missed his shot.
The fact that democrats stole the 2020 election by fraud will never change. Democrats claim the befuddled guy won the popular vote from jhis basement while Trump had massive followings from public supporters everywhere he went. Biden won after the election was over by massive dumps of fraudulent votes.
The fact that you lie about that seems like it will never change

You are going to hell for lying
The fact that democrats stole the 2020 election by fraud will never change. Democrats claim the befuddled guy won the popular vote from jhis basement while Trump had massive followings from public supporters everywhere he went. Biden won after the election was over by massive dumps of fraudulent votes.
It is simply delusional to think that Trump won the popular vote. As delusional as claiming that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history. But not quite as delusional as claiming that he also won California. And you’ve got it all. You just be real special.
Yes someone laughing at marks obvious lies lol
Aww you care but never comment on Bidens lies why is that. Te4ll us all how true it is that Biden comes from a coal mining family were they worked 12 hours underground then played foot ball for 4 hours then went to bed and started all over the next day. What part of that was not a lie 5 lies in 1 story alone lol
Aww you care but never comment on Bidens lies why is that. Te4ll us all how true it is that Biden comes from a coal mining family were they worked 12 hours underground then played foot ball for 4 hours then went to bed and started all over the next day. What part of that was not a lie 5 lies in 1 story alone lol
Well if Biden posts lies here I will treat him the same as mark lying.
Deal? Lol
Aww you care but never comment on Bidens lies why is that. Te4ll us all how true it is that Biden comes from a coal mining family were they worked 12 hours underground then played foot ball for 4 hours then went to bed and started all over the next day. What part of that was not a lie 5 lies in 1 story alone lol
i agreed to play this stupid game with you. I answered every question that you asked. You kept pretending not having seen mine. Then started to play dumb and then crazy. You just dont have the honesty or the fortitude to face trumps extensive lying.
It is simply delusional to think that Trump won the popular vote. As delusional as claiming that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history. But not quite as delusional as claiming that he also won California. And you’ve got it all. You just be real special.
Voting fraud is the most massive in deep democrat strongholds, like certain cities in California, in New York, in Massachusetts, in Pennsylvania and the like.
LOL Your a idiot why are you lying
It is clear to everyone that Trump enjoys being a victim. Poor bastard, everyone mistreats him, boo-hoo, boo-hoo. Everyone is mean to Trump, all the jillions of people he appointed to serve in his administration, all but Carson and Betsy DeVos did not flee his White House. Most left saying they would never vote for him and they thought he was mean, crooked, ignorant, incompetent and stupid.