
Those lies don't hurt America
Trumps lies attack our democratic institutions
You arevtoo stupid and too hateful to understand vthat simple concept
lol says you in the end the truth has come out joes mind is gone he was not a gpood president and shoud be removed from office now
This is the type of voter fraud that can easily be proven. Giuliani kept claiming that thousands have voted illegally and claimed he had evidence for that claim. Then he was sued and appeared in court. In court he admitted he does not have a single name.

If somebody votes twice it will be revealed and they will and should answer for it.

From memory I heard a few isolated case of voter fraud and the majority of thh hi use were republicans.

Btw have you ever asked yourself that perhaps trump won the 2016 as a result of massive voter fraud? (Hehe).
Mark is a 24 carat fruit cake.
We want testimony from every secret service member involved. Who was in the building with the window overlooking the roof where the shooter was? Why was Trump allowed on stagte aftewr so many reports of a sniper had been pouring in to secret service officials? We need to know how many spent cartrages were found on the roof with the shooter. We also need to know how many government snipers knew the shooter while they were together on the long range shooting range. And so forth.
What you need to know more urgently is why stupid people like you immediately jump to conclusions and conspiracy theories.

Who said they were on a shooters range together?
You are full of err questions and devoid of any evidence. You have nothing. Zippo. Nada. forming (inane) questions is not the same as presenting evidence or even presenting an argument.

You failed the first test that I gave you. here is another test: present evidence that ss received inordinate number of reports of snipers.

Byw: did the skilled sniper intentionally grazed Trump in order to lock his victory? “We” want to know how many white supremacists are on the ss? ”we” also need access to all messages among these rightwing extreme snipers. And why Trump officials conspired with these white supremacists in order to help Trump campaign and candidacy?

blah blah blah. Courts laughed at these stupid claims. And Fox paid nearly a billion for poisoning American minds propagating these crap claims. But you keep going….
The fact that democrats have been getting away with voting fraud for decades does not prove they have not been getting away with voting fraud for decades.
No it's clear claim8ng an election was stolen without proof is anti-American
Fighting against voter fraud investigations while claiming there must not have been any fraud because no significant evidence has been yet uncovered and proven in court is a sleazebag dishonest coverup of the fraud.
Fighting against voter fraud investigations while claiming there must not have been any fraud because no significant evidence has been yet uncovered and proven in court is a sleazebag dishonest coverup of the fraud.
You anti-American mor.ons claimed fraud without credible evidence
God you are stupid lol
Provevit ly8ng ******
All you do is repeat stupidity lol
Democrats cannot prove the evidence of 2020 voting fraud is invalid because they never supported or conducted investigations to determine if the evidence was valid or invalid.
Democrats cannot prove the evidence of 2020 voting fraud is invalid because they never supported or conducted investigations to determine if the evidence was valid or invalid.
You mor.ons claimed fraud with no credible evidence
You are pathetic anti American
Democrats cannot prove the evidence of 2020 voting fraud is invalid because they never supported or conducted investigations to determine if the evidence was valid or invalid.
Judges and courts do not need the support of democrats to process cases brought to them.
Brain dead Joe may be a better president than peanut brain Kamala totally sold out to promote wickedness.
What you really mean is trump was looking forward to fighting Biden. It'll be a different story now.

She was a prosecutor and has a law degree. She was a senator. She will tear Trump apart, if he has the guts to take her on.
Of course the same old conspiracies she is a whore will resurface but that's been proven wrong.

The game has changed now and your guys will now need to wrestle your fat arses out of the hammock and get over it.