
It is rather normal for the sound of gunfire to echo. There is no proof there were two gunmen.

If the CIA wanted Trump dead, he would be pushing up the daisies by now. There are plenty of talented snipers in the US military. But none of them was ordered to assassinate Trump.
Experts claim there is evidence of major differences between the groups of shots that day. Whether your opinion matters is a matter of opinion. Are you unwilling to consider the possibility of more than one person being involved in the conspiracy to murder Trump? Reliable investigators always consider the possibility that more than one person was involved in a major shooting.
Yes he lied and joe biden was a professor a truck driver and graduated on the top of his class and his uncle was ate by cannibals.

how many stories like that has Trump told ?
Biden does not repeat those mistakes and often admits they were mistakes. Trump never admits mistakes and often repeats them.
You will not get facts and irrefutable evidence from corrupt officials or the leftist media covering for corrupt officials.
i confess to you that I have some sympathy for conspiracy theorists, mainly because I am a scientist and am skeptical of EVERYTHING.

But here is your problem: the less evidence there is for some theory/claim, the more convinced you are that you are correct. That is just insane.

For example, the less evidence there is that the fbi/cia/dems were plotting to assassinante trump, the more convinced you are that the fib/cia and dems were plotting to assassinante trump.

That is just insanely inane and stupid and pure lunacy. But you gotta be you.
Biden does not repeat those mistakes and often admits they were mistakes. Trump never admits mistakes and often repeats them.

i confess to you that I have some sympathy for conspiracy theorists, mainly because I am a scientist and am skeptical of EVERYTHING.

But here is your problem: the less evidence there is for some theory/claim, the more convinced you are that you are correct. That is just insane.

For example, the less evidence there is that the fbi/cia/dems were plotting to assassinante trump, the more convinced you are that the fib/cia and dems were plotting to assassinante trump.

That is just insanely inane and stupid and pure lunacy. But you gotta be you.
Proper investigators collect all evidence before reaching conclusions. We know the FBI confiscated Seth Rich's computer, Hunter Biden's laptop, and other evidence that they lied about having and corrupted for crooked reasons. Since the FBI broke federal laws in an effort to dishonestly frame Trump for crimes he did not commit, they cannot be given the benefit of the doubt on this assassination attempt and should not be the ones heading up the investigation.
Proper investigators collect all evidence before reaching conclusions. We know the FBI confiscated Seth Rich's computer, Hunter Biden's laptop, and other evidence that they lied about having and corrupted for crooked reasons. Since the FBI broke federal laws in an effort to dishonestly frame Trump for crimes he did not commit, they cannot be given the benefit of the doubt on this assassination attempt and should not be the ones heading up the investigation.
No need to give benefits of the doubt. Just provide evidence for your claims. You rarely present evidence and your claims are outlandish.

Here is a test for you: present evidence that fbi lied about the evidence they had.

And then prove that it was not an honest mistake.

Trump has good lawyers. If fbi lied about evidence that they had, honest judges would throw out the case.

But you think the entire inverse is against Trump and you likely would claim they cannot be trusted. Fine be that way but then realize your position is not falsifiable. (A word seemingly not in your dictionary.) you just open your mouth and spew crap and expect people to take your word for it. How’s that working for you?
Proper investigators collect all evidence before reaching conclusions. We know the FBI confiscated Seth Rich's computer, Hunter Biden's laptop, and other evidence that they lied about having and corrupted for crooked reasons. Since the FBI broke federal laws in an effort to dishonestly frame Trump for crimes he did not commit, they cannot be given the benefit of the doubt on this assassination attempt and should not be the ones heading up the investigation.

No need to give benefits of the doubt. Just provide evidence for your claims. You rarely present evidence and your claims are outlandish.

Here is a test for you: present evidence that fbi lied about the evidence they had.

And then prove that it was not an honest mistake.

Trump has good lawyers. If fbi lied about evidence that they had, honest judges would throw out the case.

But you think the entire inverse is against Trump and you likely would claim they cannot be trusted. Fine be that way but then realize your position is not falsifiable. (A word seemingly not in your dictionary.) you just open your mouth and spew crap and expect people to take your word for it. How’s that working for you?
Mark is now suggesting the butler thing had two shooters and the secret service and FBI were all in on it.

He has conspiracy theories for breakfast. He's a complete nutter.

NYC Fraud Admitted

In the video, NYC Democratic Commissioner of the Board of Elections Alan Schulkin is caught on hidden camera at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party admitting that there is widespread voter fraud in New York City. “Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” said Schulkin, who elaborated on the types of voter fraud that are taking place in New York...“You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID…Like I say, people don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote,” said Schulman.
This is the type of voter fraud that can easily be proven. Giuliani kept claiming that thousands have voted illegally and claimed he had evidence for that claim. Then he was sued and appeared in court. In court he admitted he does not have a single name.

If somebody votes twice it will be revealed and they will and should answer for it.

From memory I heard a few isolated case of voter fraud and the majority of thh hi use were republicans.

Btw have you ever asked yourself that perhaps trump won the 2016 as a result of massive voter fraud? (Hehe).

NYC Fraud Admitted

In the video, NYC Democratic Commissioner of the Board of Elections Alan Schulkin is caught on hidden camera at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party admitting that there is widespread voter fraud in New York City. “Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” said Schulkin, who elaborated on the types of voter fraud that are taking place in New York...“You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID…Like I say, people don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote,” said Schulman.
So not proof lol
Some guy said something about some election at a party lol
God you are stupid lol
No need to give benefits of the doubt. Just provide evidence for your claims. You rarely present evidence and your claims are outlandish.

Here is a test for you: present evidence that fbi lied about the evidence they had.

And then prove that it was not an honest mistake.

Trump has good lawyers. If fbi lied about evidence that they had, honest judges would throw out the case.

But you think the entire inverse is against Trump and you likely would claim they cannot be trusted. Fine be that way but then realize your position is not falsifiable. (A word seemingly not in your dictionary.) you just open your mouth and spew crap and expect people to take your word for it. How’s that working for you?
We want testimony from every secret service member involved. Who was in the building with the window overlooking the roof where the shooter was? Why was Trump allowed on stagte aftewr so many reports of a sniper had been pouring in to secret service officials? We need to know how many spent cartrages were found on the roof with the shooter. We also need to know how many government snipers knew the shooter while they were together on the long range shooting range. And so forth.
This is the type of voter fraud that can easily be proven. Giuliani kept claiming that thousands have voted illegally and claimed he had evidence for that claim. Then he was sued and appeared in court. In court he admitted he does not have a single name.

If somebody votes twice it will be revealed and they will and should answer for it.

From memory I heard a few isolated case of voter fraud and the majority of thh hi use were republicans.

Btw have you ever asked yourself that perhaps trump won the 2016 as a result of massive voter fraud? (Hehe).
Thousands of suspect voting machines were blocked from investigators by democrats who were wiping the machines of evidence. That is just one problem among many implicating democrats in the suspicion of 2020 voting fraud.
We want testimony from every secret service member involved. Who was in the building with the window overlooking the roof where the shooter was? Why was Trump allowed on stagte aftewr so many reports of a sniper had been pouring in to secret service officials? We need to know how many spent cartrages were found on the roof with the shooter. We also need to know how many government snipers knew the shooter while they were together on the long range shooting range. And so forth.
You are full of err questions and devoid of any evidence. You have nothing. Zippo. Nada. forming (inane) questions is not the same as presenting evidence or even presenting an argument.

You failed the first test that I gave you. here is another test: present evidence that ss received inordinate number of reports of snipers.

Byw: did the skilled sniper intentionally grazed Trump in order to lock his victory? “We” want to know how many white supremacists are on the ss? ”we” also need access to all messages among these rightwing extreme snipers. And why Trump officials conspired with these white supremacists in order to help Trump campaign and candidacy?
Thousands of suspect voting machines were blocked from investigators by democrats who were wiping the machines of evidence. That is just one problem among many implicating democrats in the suspicion of 2020 voting fraud.
blah blah blah. Courts laughed at these stupid claims. And Fox paid nearly a billion for poisoning American minds propagating these crap claims. But you keep going….
Thousands of suspect voting machines were blocked from investigators by democrats who were wiping the machines of evidence. That is just one problem among many implicating democrats in the suspicion of 2020 voting fraud.
You never prove your stupidity
Because you are a lying ****** lol