Democrats calling for Trump execution by promoting wildly false narratives and inflaming unreasonable fears of death if Trump wins

its the usual stupid right wing attempt to deflect from the authoritarianism of trump.
democrats warn of that, and this is the usual attempt to say "hey dems are stupid for saying we are a democracy, we are really a constitutional republic", splitting semantic hairs.
I challenge lying leftists to produce one alleged example of Trump authoritarianism from his first term. I can produce several from democrats dating back to Obama. For example: If you like your doctor that is too bad, because you will be forced to buy my crappy expensive tax-hiking Obamacare plan.
Democrats rule under the banner: "It does not matter who votes that counts but who counts the votes that matters." This has been true for hundreds of years in the US dating back to before the days of Tammany Hall and other crooked political pits of democrat election corruption.

Fact check: Did Biden, Stalin say the same thing about counting votes?​

Ciara O'Rourke

Viral Facebook post: Quotes show Joseph Stalin and Joe Biden expressed similar views about counting votes.

PolitiFact's ruling: False

Here's why: Though divided by countries, decades and ideologies, former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and President Joe Biden are being compared in a recent Facebook post that looks at the purported words of both men.

"It’s not who votes that counts," Stalin supposedly said. "It’s who counts the votes."

Biden, meanwhile, is quoted as saying: "The struggle’s no longer just who gets to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote."
How is that connected to what that silly woman said? You've lost it.
I challenge lying leftists to produce one alleged example of Trump authoritarianism from his first term. I can produce several from democrats dating back to Obama. For example: If you like your doctor that is too bad, because you will be forced to buy my crappy expensive tax-hiking Obamacare plan.

I challenge lying leftists to produce one alleged example of Trump authoritarianism from his first term. I can produce several from democrats dating back to Obama. For example: If you like your doctor that is too bad, because you will be forced to buy my crappy expensive tax-hiking Obamacare plan.
That is not even a quote or accurate. It is a lie.

Here is one: “anyone wanting a test can have one.” He must have meant “any dictator.”
Let's fact check this leftist crap.


Donald Trump was the most anti-democratic president in American history. Democrat fascist hateful baloney.

During his 2016 campaign, he encouraged violence at his rallies. Untrue. There is no evidence of Trump encouraging violence at his rallies but mountains of evidence of democrats promoting violence against Trump and American conservatives.
10 Times Democrats Urged Violence Against Trump And His Supporters ( 1-8-21

Many of these same Democrats blaming Trump for the Capitol riot have for years called for violence against those who believe differently than they do.

He also levied harsh attacks against his opponents and even called one a “devil.” Hypocrites! Democrats called Trump a racist, a fascist, a crook, a liar, a murderer, a traitor, and more, yet claim they never attacked Trump or called him dirty names.

When he assumed office as president, he demanded complete loyalty and levied attacks against the press that conjured up memories of notorious autocrats. More lies. Whatever may have looked like Trump demanding obedience was never worse than the obedience democrats demand of their own servants and bootlick aides. Trump did demand subjection from his foreign ambassadors and their staffs but never got it from Ambassador Yovanovitch or the creepy wannabe ambassador ***** Lt. Col. Vindman.

And when he lost a free and fair election in 2020, he discontinued a 200-year-old tradition and a hallmark of American democracy: the peaceful transfer of power. Democrats never even attempted to prove evidence of 2020 voting fraud was untrue, they simply declared that their tainted election was the most honest in US history and then set about actively destroying anyone who refused to blindly take them at their word.

He also incited an insurrection when he unsuccessfully overturned the election’s results. Americans by the tens of millions demanded that investigations into believable reports of voting fraud be conducted so the desperate democrats framed Jan 6 to look like a rebellion against democracy. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The GOP has continued to swear their loyalty to him, and those who challenge him, like Liz Cheney, are harshly rebuked by the party. Cheney conspired with democrat crooks and liars to hide the truth about jan 6 and tyo jasil hundreds of innocent Americans for crimes they did not commit. The democrats and their dummass supporters are wicked, hateful, and evil.

If Trump runs for president in 2024 and wins, he will continue his authoritarian tendencies from day one and have the experience to better accomplish his authoritarian goals. That is what the lying and looting violent democrats falsely claim about Trump because the liars and looters are wicked and make very poor soothsaying prognosticators of the future.


Even if he does not run, GOP candidates who act like him will have success –– an overwhelming majority of Republicans still support Trump. Trump has thrown a wrench in American democracy, yet his influence in American politics is still enormous.

Democrats despise Americans who support traditional American, Christian, conservative views and values.