The central tenet of Trumpism


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. The Trump supporter shot dead by Capitol Hill police as she attempted to climb through a broken window into the Capitol is being hailed a martyr by online extremists who have described the bullet that killed her as, 'the first shot in a revolution,' can reveal.

Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, 35, was killed as Trump loyalists stormed Congress Wednesday, halting President-elect Joe Biden's confirmation with violence and destruction that left four of the mob dead and sent shockwaves around the world.

Now a murder hunt is under way for the pro-Trump rioters who killed Capitol Hill officer Brian Sicknick, who died late Thursday after apparently being hit over the head with a fire extinguisher....

Jared Holt, Visiting Research Fellow with the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab and an expert in online disinformation and extremism told 'Since Wednesday's events, we've seen extremist communities really focused on trying to keep the energy up.

'They have portrayed the woman who was shot and killed as a martyr for the cause, talking about the shot that killed her as, ''the first shot fired in a revolution,'' and there are developing plans for a Second Amendment rally in DC on Saturday though the details have not been hashed out yet.'....

In one message shared with a veteran tells fellow Trump loyalists that, before leaving for DC he told his children, 'daddy might not come home.' And added that he has sworn to defend his country, 'against all enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.'

Violent rhetoric was directed against perceived adversaries in the form of Black Live Matters and anti-fascist groups.

Holt said, 'There was a lot of chatter and excitement about going into the streets and spilling the blood of people they believe are communist or sympathetic to those causes.'...


2. The following unbelievable feats of the "Me First" president show the awesome power of Trumpism.

(a) Most people would expect men, not women, to be passionate supporters of the outgoing "grab the pu**y” president. Hence it came as a shock that the first person who was killed in the Capitol Hill Fiasco was a 35-year-old woman.

"Trump’s long history of not just sexual abuse but assaults and outright rapes is something rare, a matter unique in American or even world politics. Not since the days of slaves raped by presidential plantation owners has there ever been a serious credible accusation of multiple rapes against an American president before Trump, or even an elected world leader, president, or prime minister."

(b) Despite his sexual scandals, epic corruption, conflicts of interest, etc, the lawless president still managed to obtain over 74 million votes in the election. Although Biden won the election with a record-shattering 81 million votes, it was not the landslide victory as expected and required urgently by him to shut Trump's big potty mouth. Biden's thin margin of victory gave the outgoing "con artist" president enough room to continue leveling the baseless claims of widespread voter fraud that fanned the flames of violence at Capitol Hill.

(c) Trump had tweeted more than 56,000 times since creating the account in 2009, and had over 88 million followers before it is permanently suspended by the social media company.

(d) President Donald Trump and his party raised $207.5 million in a less than three-week stretch after the U.S. election, fueled by outrage-filled solicitations to donors as he waged an unsuccessful challenge of the results.

Money flooded into Trump’s coffers at a much higher rate after he began to seek contributions to fight widespread voter fraud and election rigging, despite no evidence of either, after his loss to President-elect Joe Biden, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission.

The bulk of the cash -- $121.7 million -- came to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee via WinRed, the Republican platform for gathering smaller donations online. In the 20 days leading up to and including Election Day, those donors gave $44.8 million.....


(e) Why Republican voters say there’s ‘no way in hell’ Trump lost

...Fryar didn’t much like Donald Trump at first, during the U.S. president’s 2016 campaign. He voted for Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the Republican primaries.

Now, Fryar says he would go to war for Trump. He has joined the newly formed South Plains Patriots, a group of a few hundred members that includes a “reactionary” force of about three dozen - including Fryar and his son, Caleb - who conduct firearms training.

Nothing will convince Fryar and many others here in Sundown - including the town’s mayor, another Patriots member - that Democrat Joe Biden won the Nov. 3 presidential election fairly. They believe Trump’s stream of election-fraud allegations and say they’re preparing for the possibility of a “civil war” with the American political left.....

In Sundown, Texas, Mayor Jonathan Strickland said there’s “no way in hell” Biden won fairly. The only way he’ll believe it, he said, is if Trump himself says so.

“Trump is the only one we’ve been able to trust for the last four years,” said Strickland, an oilfield production engineer. “As far as the civil war goes, I don’t think it’s off the table.”

If it comes to a fight, Caleb Fryar is ready. But the 26-year-old son of Brett Fryar, the chiropractor, said he hoped Trump’s fraud allegations would instead spark a massive mobilization of Republican voters in future elections.

Asked whether Trump might be duping his followers, he said it’s hard to fathom.

“If I’m being manipulated by Trump ... then he is the greatest con man that ever lived in America,” Caleb Fryar said. “I think he’s the greatest patriot that ever lived.” :ROFLMAO:

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3. Impeachment would bar the outgoing lawless president from ever running for president again. Even without impeachment, his corruption, numerous crimes and abuse of power could send him spending the rest of his life in jail.

The awesome power of Trumpism had inspired Dennis Hof, the Nevada brothel owner to run for the Nevada state legislature in 2018. The author of "The Art of the Pimp," his autobiography, Hof called himself the "Trump of Pahrump" after the Nevada city where he owned another two brothels.

Fortunately for America, the 72-year-old pimp died in his sleep otherwise he could run for president in 2024. Then America would be the first country to have a pimp as president.

Under Nevada law, Hof's name remained on the ballot for the November 6 election in the conservative district where he was favoured against his Democratic opponent. In the end, Hof achieved the unbelievable by beating the Democrat woman candidate from the Great Beyond.

If Trump-inspired presidential aspirants such as Mike Pompeo, Peter Navarro, Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley think that the elements of Trump's winning formula are the "America First" policy, tariffs, China bashing, Taiwan card, sanctions, white supremacy, Islamophobia, anti-globalisation, anti-immigration, lots of lies, etc, they would be disappointed in the 2024 election. What has mesmerised Trump's hardcore followers and holds them spellbound is none of those stuff but his claim of divinity or the Second Coming of God. The greatest of his countless lies had won him 74 million votes in the 2020 election despite his epic corruption, numerous sexual scandals and abuse of power.

In view of his Messianic claim and disregard for the law and Constitution, the outgoing lawless president seems to try replacing the US democratic system with his cult of divinity.

Hence it is not enough for such presidential aspirants as Mike Pompeo, Marco Rubio and Peter Navarro to emulate or copy all or some of Trump's policies. In order to hold their supporters spellbound and win the presidential election regardless of how corrupt they are, they must also claim to be Messiahs or American brothers of Jesus Christ or American sons of God. :)

The central tenet of Trumpism is not democracy, liberty or any so-called American value, but the claim of divinity or the cult of demigod or emperor worship.
So money just "flooded" into Trump's campaign. Reedak, what you conveniently forgot to mention was the $400,000,000 of Dark money that Biden received. Reedak, it is called Dark Money because the source of the money is unkown. $400 million that we don't know where it came from.
Organized crime?
Drug cartels?
Bill Gates?
Social media?
George Soros?
And what did Biden promise them in exchange for the $400 big ones?
Biden is a crook, reedak, even though your liberal eyes and mind are unable to see it.
So money just "flooded" into Trump's campaign. Reedak, what you conveniently forgot to mention was the $400,000,000 of Dark money that Biden received. Reedak, it is called Dark Money because the source of the money is unkown. $400 million that we don't know where it came from.
Organized crime?
Drug cartels?
Bill Gates?
Social media?
George Soros?
And what did Biden promise them in exchange for the $400 big ones?
Biden is a crook, reedak, even though your liberal eyes and mind are unable to see it.

Please cite the link or website to support your allegation of $400,000,000 of Dark money that Biden received.

Like Scott Bennett, you surely make a good "general" to help Trump win back his "kingdom" in 2024. :)
Dark Money helped Biden win the White House.
Biden recieved $145M directly and about $250M indirectly.
Trump recieved $28M.
And the Dems have been ranting and raving for years about how evil Dark Money is.
I guess if they get the money it is OK and not if it winds up on the right side of the fence.
Trump was elected because a large number of Americans were and are struggling economically. People rejected the Bush and Clinton royal families and feel the ruling class elite in this country do not care about them. They are right.

What has changed? Electing Biden is the same as electing a Bush or Clinton. We give more power the super rich oligarchy who seem to hate much of this country.

Shouldn't have somebody brought up our unfair economic relationship with China? Address stagnant wages?

That is what Trump is to me.

He attacked that idiotic war in Iraq. Some republican needed to do that.

Why shouldn't the American president ask our NATO allies to contribute their fair share in common defense? Of course he should!

Our corporate tax rates were lowered to the levels they pay in Scandinavia. Why would we have higher corporate taxes than everybody else?

So while people obsess with hating the man personally he addressed issues that needed to be addressed. The richest people in the world worked to destroy Trump and used lies to defeat him which tells me he was doing the right things.
I was working out at Planet fitness this morning at 2AM like usual. Of course CNN is on one of the big TVs they have to watch but you cannot hear them. It was a replay of the Don Lemon show. You know what they talked about for an extensive period of time? How top generals were worried Trump would start a coup!

Here we are in the middle of July. Trump has been out office for half a year. There was no coup he left like all presidents do. But bashing him for something he did not do but some other people feared he might do was the order of the day on CNN. :confused:

These are sick people. Their ratings have gone down the toilet because hating on Trump was all they were about and now he is not in office any longer.
1. The Trump supporter shot dead by Capitol Hill police as she attempted to climb through a broken window into the Capitol is being hailed a martyr by online extremists who have described the bullet that killed her as, 'the first shot in a revolution,' can reveal.

Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, 35, was killed as Trump loyalists stormed Congress Wednesday, halting President-elect Joe Biden's confirmation with violence and destruction that left four of the mob dead and sent shockwaves around the world.

Now a murder hunt is under way for the pro-Trump rioters who killed Capitol Hill officer Brian Sicknick, who died late Thursday after apparently being hit over the head with a fire extinguisher....

Jared Holt, Visiting Research Fellow with the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab and an expert in online disinformation and extremism told 'Since Wednesday's events, we've seen extremist communities really focused on trying to keep the energy up.

'They have portrayed the woman who was shot and killed as a martyr for the cause, talking about the shot that killed her as, ''the first shot fired in a revolution,'' and there are developing plans for a Second Amendment rally in DC on Saturday though the details have not been hashed out yet.'....

In one message shared with a veteran tells fellow Trump loyalists that, before leaving for DC he told his children, 'daddy might not come home.' And added that he has sworn to defend his country, 'against all enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.'

Violent rhetoric was directed against perceived adversaries in the form of Black Live Matters and anti-fascist groups.

Holt said, 'There was a lot of chatter and excitement about going into the streets and spilling the blood of people they believe are communist or sympathetic to those causes.'...


2. The following unbelievable feats of the "Me First" president show the awesome power of Trumpism.

(a) Most people would expect men, not women, to be passionate supporters of the outgoing "grab the pu**y” president. Hence it came as a shock that the first person who was killed in the Capitol Hill Fiasco was a 35-year-old woman.

"Trump’s long history of not just sexual abuse but assaults and outright rapes is something rare, a matter unique in American or even world politics. Not since the days of slaves raped by presidential plantation owners has there ever been a serious credible accusation of multiple rapes against an American president before Trump, or even an elected world leader, president, or prime minister."

(b) Despite his sexual scandals, epic corruption, conflicts of interest, etc, the lawless president still managed to obtain over 74 million votes in the election. Although Biden won the election with a record-shattering 81 million votes, it was not the landslide victory as expected and required urgently by him to shut Trump's big potty mouth. Biden's thin margin of victory gave the outgoing "con artist" president enough room to continue leveling the baseless claims of widespread voter fraud that fanned the flames of violence at Capitol Hill.

(c) Trump had tweeted more than 56,000 times since creating the account in 2009, and had over 88 million followers before it is permanently suspended by the social media company.

(d) President Donald Trump and his party raised $207.5 million in a less than three-week stretch after the U.S. election, fueled by outrage-filled solicitations to donors as he waged an unsuccessful challenge of the results.

Money flooded into Trump’s coffers at a much higher rate after he began to seek contributions to fight widespread voter fraud and election rigging, despite no evidence of either, after his loss to President-elect Joe Biden, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission.

The bulk of the cash -- $121.7 million -- came to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee via WinRed, the Republican platform for gathering smaller donations online. In the 20 days leading up to and including Election Day, those donors gave $44.8 million.....


(e) Why Republican voters say there’s ‘no way in hell’ Trump lost

...Fryar didn’t much like Donald Trump at first, during the U.S. president’s 2016 campaign. He voted for Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the Republican primaries.

Now, Fryar says he would go to war for Trump. He has joined the newly formed South Plains Patriots, a group of a few hundred members that includes a “reactionary” force of about three dozen - including Fryar and his son, Caleb - who conduct firearms training.

Nothing will convince Fryar and many others here in Sundown - including the town’s mayor, another Patriots member - that Democrat Joe Biden won the Nov. 3 presidential election fairly. They believe Trump’s stream of election-fraud allegations and say they’re preparing for the possibility of a “civil war” with the American political left.....

In Sundown, Texas, Mayor Jonathan Strickland said there’s “no way in hell” Biden won fairly. The only way he’ll believe it, he said, is if Trump himself says so.

“Trump is the only one we’ve been able to trust for the last four years,” said Strickland, an oilfield production engineer. “As far as the civil war goes, I don’t think it’s off the table.”

If it comes to a fight, Caleb Fryar is ready. But the 26-year-old son of Brett Fryar, the chiropractor, said he hoped Trump’s fraud allegations would instead spark a massive mobilization of Republican voters in future elections.

Asked whether Trump might be duping his followers, he said it’s hard to fathom.

“If I’m being manipulated by Trump ... then he is the greatest con man that ever lived in America,” Caleb Fryar said. “I think he’s the greatest patriot that ever lived.” :ROFLMAO:

Donald Trump is the only one who saw the corruption monster and sprang into action to protect U.S. from it and the Deep State, one and the same.

But Democrats stabbed our rescuer in the back.
Dear Readers,

Imagine people who want to do harm to America and they are only able to assail America by depriving U.S. the leadership of our greatest champion.
This is a simple question.
Let's imagine there are such people and let's guess you think it's democrats.
Where's you evidence of that?

Incase it slipped your tiny memory, Trump was voted out. Only a small detail but worth remembering nonetheless.

Perhaps you think it is depriving the country of another j6 type riot.
How about stealing docos for no reason? Bugger it, lets have two impeachment as well.

Oh yes. I can see how USA is having withdrawal symptoms after democracy starved them of that idiot.