The central tenet of Trumpism

The guy lied, and he lost his job because he lied, way back when Juniorbush was president. So why is this of any importance to anyone now?
This is not fake news or a cartoon. This is real.

NBC’s Brian Williams Admits He Told False Story About Iraq Expedition​

He also admits to screwing up. Read it.
Why should I care whether he was in a helicopter crash or not? Did someone make money from this?

With regard to media, I, like anyone who reads or watches the media, knows that no report is likely to be 100% accurate 100% of the time. But the idiot MAGA nuts claim that because the NYT to the WAPO made an error in 2019, then everything they publish is a lie, well, that is just stupid.
The consumer simply has to learn whom to believe and when.
Fox, NewsMax, and Faling Gong Epoch Times are deliberately biased and much of what they report is just propaganda.
Dummies don't care if leftists lie to them.
You really are desperate to dig up old irrelevant things when I laugh at you about the stupid post you make LOL
Leftists lie all the time and their dummass bootlick supporters support their lies with more lies and stupidity.
The guy lied, and he lost his job because he lied, way back when Juniorbush was president. So why is this of any importance to anyone now?
Good point. He only lied to boost his own selfish interests but more modern journalists by the dung cart load have been lying to boost the atheist Marxist movement to replace American morals and values with demonic perversions of the damned.
He also admits to screwing up. Read it.
Sadly, very few democrat politicians and news anchors have ever admitting screwing up by lying about the fake Russian collusion conspiracy theory, the Biden family corruption, or the unjust persecution of President Trump.
Leftists lie all the time and their dummass bootlick supporters support their lies with more lies and stupidity.

right wing blather having nothing to do with your desperate and pathetic posts about irrelevant old things. lol.

i am glad you enjoy looking stupid
Sadly, very few democrat politicians and news anchors have ever admitting screwing up by lying about the fake Russian collusion conspiracy theory, the Biden family corruption, or the unjust persecution of President Trump.
Trump is a criminal that belongs in prison. He has DESERVED prosecution for decades. And Mueller revealed that his campaign was affiliated with the Russians. Russians helped Trump get elected.
Trump is a criminal that belongs in prison. He has DESERVED prosecution for decades. And Mueller revealed that his campaign was affiliated with the Russians. Russians helped Trump get elected.
Dummies still falsely claim Mueller found evidence of Trump collusion with Russia. Dummies are stupid.


Mueller sad that he found PLENTY, but he was not given any power to prosecute the obviously guilty Trumpists for collaborating with the Russians. You are an ILLITERATE IMBECILE to claim otherwise!
Good point. He only lied to boost his own selfish interests but more modern journalists by the dung cart load have been lying to boost the atheist Marxist movement to replace American morals and values with demonic perversions of the damned.
What a load of paranoid crap. You are mentally ill.
Mueller sad that he found PLENTY, but he was not given any power to prosecute the obviously guilty Trumpists for collaborating with the Russians. You are an ILLITERATE IMBECILE to claim otherwise!
After spending millions of dollars in efforts to prove the democrats right about Russian collusion Mueller did not produce a single piece of evidence of Trump collusion but he did do his best to dishonestly paint his failure as some sort of discovery of Trump corruption.
After spending millions of dollars in efforts to prove the democrats right about Russian collusion Mueller did not produce a single piece of evidence of Trump collusion but he did do his best to dishonestly paint his failure as some sort of discovery of Trump corruption.

you know he worked for...republicans, right, *****.
prove he tried to prove the democrats were correct, *****.
but you wont, as always lol